How old before refoaming??


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
You could do ping pong balls and some drains. Then you know it won't sink if you get a leak, and you can still drain any water out that gets in.

Best of both worlds.

(Disclaimer:I have not tried this, I'm just speculating.)
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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I am redoing son's waterlogged boat over the winter, I think I will ad drains, and go limited foam up high ( in the gunwales)

and leave airspace below running into the drain holes.

Isnt that similar to what you did Mark 44?

Ill go check the price of ping pong balls real quick, although im quite certain they cost more than air.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
I left some voids in the foam going from right to left and back to the drains mine and Katie’s are both done like this my exhaust pipe is also removable I wrapped it in plastic wrap before I refoamed then removed the pipe pulled the wrap off and reinstalled.



Washington DC
Why not just put in the styro, like is used in the the sitdown, that way it would not get water logged?

Any $5 cooler could provide the raw materials for the stryofoam.


Katie's Boss
100% one place

Two part foam provides structural integrity. I think if I didn’t have foam through out the hull I would have some major cracking. I have had some pretty major pancakes and my marriotts or killers on the hull.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
yeah, I planned to re-inforce the hull back there, as part of the process.

Two part foam provides structural integrity. I think if I didn’t have foam through out the hull I would have some major cracking. I have had some pretty major pancakes and my marriotts or killers on the hull.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I bet the ping pong balls would move around and sound funny.

You could paint your ski like a fishing lure and call it "Rattle Trap"


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I was thinking about that too, I think that would drive me nuts!


I think some of that owings corning, rigid foam blocks, and air space will fill my need.

I bet the ping pong balls would move around and sound funny.

You could paint your ski like a fishing lure and call it "Rattle Trap"
I am digging my foam out right now. I hate the thought of re-foaming only to have it get waterlogged again some day. I was also currious if the air in the rear would be sufficient to keep the ski afloat???
I still don't know if I like the idea of no foam, but it is tempting.

That is what I have been trying to say for months now :smashfreakB: When My ski goes under, it floats just as good, if not better then boats with foam! :nutkick:

Everyone just plays a big game of follow the leader around here, and bashes on new ideas without trying them first.

I continue to try new things, and make shiot happen....

Just be sure to reinforce the sides, mostly of the upper hull portion.

LIVE2RIDE Powersports

Live & Die 2 Ride
i just bought over 200 pong balls at a garage sale for $2.50. lets see what happens. do u think to many would make it to bouyant? after all on myth busters they floated a boat from the bottom of a lake..


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
of course, no foam would float BETTER than foam!

its the saftey factor there that stops most folks from going totally foamless.

I have this recurring though of mine or my sons sinking in the lake, in swimming distance from our dock but in 80+ feet of stump, and tree top laden water.

it basically would be GONE.

That is what I have been trying to say for months now :smashfreakB: When My ski goes under, it floats just as good, if not better then boats with foam! :nutkick:

Everyone just plays a big game of follow the leader around here, and bashes on new ideas without trying them first.

I continue to try new things, and make shiot happen....

Just be sure to reinforce the sides, mostly of the upper hull portion.
i just bought over 200 pong balls at a garage sale for $2.50. lets see what happens. do u think to many would make it to bouyant? after all on myth busters they floated a boat from the bottom of a lake..

Ping pong balls shouldn't make it any more bouyant than a sealed air cavity. The only advantage might be that if you put a serious crack in the rear of your hull, the balls are all sealed and would still give you bouyancy.
The might sound kind of cool bouncing around in there too!

I have actually wondered about and air bladder like a inner tube. That way if you do get a crack, you still have a sealed air pocket.


thanks darin...noswad!
Think I will try ridgid foam in the lower 1/3 or the polyethelene sill sealer you can get at lumber yards, then expanding as ususall for strength and to lock in the footholds. Also, a removable screw at the very bottom, so you can periodically check for water and drain it. Thats how I found I was wet earlier this season. This should prevent any wicking up into the expanding foam.
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