How To: CATS Trim

Haha. Gotta roll this SOB first! I'm gonna have to tape my balls around my knee for this one so I don't lose them. I think I left them back in Pennsylvania on our last trip!
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The raider nozzle also needs to be modded for some more steering throw. I'm not going to be able to move the cable attachemnt any closer in due to the cooling boss unless maybe I add a couple washers to clear it?? Don't want to kink it so we'll see. I plan on grinding out some more of the area where the trim ring fits in though.
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The raider nozzle also needs to be modded for some more steering throw. I'm not going to be able to move the cable attachemnt any closer in due to the cooling boss unless maybe I add a couple washers to clear it??

Take the stator section off your pump and flip it over, thus putting your cooling line on the left top side of your pump."looking in from the rear" You will need to make new holes for the alignment pins, but you will have plenty of clearance for you steering cable at full trim and turned. This way you can also move your steering attachment in as well.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
are you going to cut the rear flange? If so, instead of cuting a "D" cut out of your hull, just shave the flange. Looks like it would work just doing that instead of cutting into the upper and lower hull assembly (when you cut into the tray)
are you going to cut the rear flange? If so, instead of cuting a "D" cut out of your hull, just shave the flange. Looks like it would work just doing that instead of cutting into the upper and lower hull assembly (when you cut into the tray)

That's what I plan on doing first. Just gonna file a little off that. Then once I see how much more throw I can get out of it I'll base my cut on that if need be.
Do I need to hook any of the hoses up? On my stock superjet pump one came from a through hull fitting to an outlet on the reduction nozzle. That hose dosen't reach now with the raider nozzle so I was just going to leave it unhooked. Will this matter at all? I don't see why it would. It's just an outlet, correct?
That is the suction hose for the factory Bilge. The little plastic box thingy below your mid shaft behind the coupler. Shouldn't matter as long as your blocked off on the inside, or still have the factory hosing that loops up high to keep water from flowing back in to the hull.
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Rode with the trim today. I'm definately still getting used to timing it right but all in all I like it alot. We had a guy throw some wakes for us for a good 45 minutes so I really got to test it out. Don't think it helped so much as far as height but definately helps shoot the nose up. Should help with ball breakers and stuff.

Filed the back of the trim ring down a little when I got back from the lake today. Probably only got 2 or 3 degrees out of that. How do I get the lever to return quicker? It comes back with a little bit of a snap but I'd like it to come back like my throttle. ???

Also drilled a hole a centimeter or so in on the steering nozzle for the cable connection. Ski turned like absolute crap today so something is neccesary. Actually had to try to make it slide wheras it usually just takes a blip of the throttle. Gotta figure a way around that cooling boss. Probably going to file it down a little if nothing else. Maybe get a longer bolt for the cable to connect to and lower the cablbe a little?

Note to self: Hooking up the stock bilge hose is a good idea and make sure your cooling is hooked up!
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Take the stator section off your pump and flip it over, thus putting your cooling line on the left top side of your pump."looking in from the rear" You will need to make new holes for the alignment pins, but you will have plenty of clearance for you steering cable at full trim and turned. This way you can also move your steering attachment in as well.

May try this. Thanks!
A couple people PM'd me with questions so I figure'd I'd post here.

You need parts off of a 701 or a 760 raider with the 144mm pumps.

I'm currently getting 24 degrees of throw after a good amount of grinding on the reduction nozzle. Next step is offset bushings. I'd like to get 29 or 30 out of it.


Be healthy Eat your Honey
Vancouver Island
For your return question. What about installing a spring in between your Cable bracket and the custom bracket you made on your nozzle. Might be hard ti find one with enough strength and length but it would make your BMX lever snap back. Just a thought. And great thread I have some ideas for the next time I have some extra cash. Thanks
For your return question. What about installing a spring in between your Cable bracket and the custom bracket you made on your nozzle. Might be hard ti find one with enough strength and length but it would make your BMX lever snap back. Just a thought. And great thread I have some ideas for the next time I have some extra cash. Thanks

After riding with it I don't think it needs a spring. Out of the water it returns fine, not like a throttle cable but it does go back on its own. While riding, the water passing through the nozzle causes it to snap right back into place when you let off.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
When I had CATS installed on my 750, I had to use a spring. I thought the jet thrust would keep it straight but when the back of the ski sank in a turn or after a jump, it was almost impossible to get the ski to go forward until I added the spring. So adding a spring DOES make a difference. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who loves riding a SJ with -3" whacked off the back of the hull and I don't have any problems with that.
Took kawyjuni's advice and flipped the stator while I had the pump out today. Steering throw problem solved! Drilled the cable mount in as far as I could on the nozzle.


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Getting Vertical=Freedom
Chandler, az
So im bringing this thread back because i havent seen an answer to my question.. so it says in the first post that i need a raider reduction nozzle, trim ring, and steering nozzle.. i have a 99 GP 760 sitting in the garage which has a trim system from the factory. that should work right? if so.. can i also put the stuff i took off my superjet back on the GP and it still work just without trim?
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