How To: CATS Trim

So im bringing this thread back because i havent seen an answer to my question.. so it says in the first post that i need a raider reduction nozzle, trim ring, and steering nozzle.. i have a 99 GP 760 sitting in the garage which has a trim system from the factory. that should work right? if so.. can i also put the stuff i took off my superjet back on the GP and it still work just without trim?

i thought the same thing i put a 144 pump in my fx-1, and have a gp760 in the 144 now has the trim off the GP, and from what i can tell from pictures the gp760 trims setup is exactly the same as the raider and bolts right up the gp800 and bigger use larger pumps but the 760 is a 144...i also took the normal reduction nozzle and steering nozzle from the 144 and bolted it right into the gp.. the fx1 is still being built so hasn't been ridden but the CATS appears to be the same as raider
im ready to do this on my SJ but the whole drilling through the hull and bulkhead makes me nervous. I have the X Metal trim system.

once i put a hole through pvc pipe and 5200 the trim cable goes through that. will that cable gripper go on both sides of the PVC pipe? will water still get through? if i remove my stock bilge can i use that hole with a cable gripper?
has any one esle issue with the cables with terry cable? i set it up earlier this year and second time i pulled the lever (ski moving in the water but not under throttle) and the ball on the lever end broke off, i ahd trim for all of 20 min on my fx-1.

anyone else run into any issues with their stuff?


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Lake orion, MI
Another idea for trim ring attatchment: Thrust cable has threaded end, use a steering ball and and steering cable end, then it can pivot slightly as the ring is pulled up and not as much stress on the cable when clamping down with a bolt.Picture 175.jpgPicture 174.jpg


really like this setup been working for a cats for a while. How did you trim the housing on the pro tec trim cable? like yours in the picture it has the metal connector in the middle and extra housing after
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