How to stop night food cravings?!


Trying to get upside down
I feel your pain. My solution? Got to bed and sleep! I tend to do the same as you do, but if I drink some water and actually get to bed at a decent time (I get up at 05:10 so..) it helps. Eating 6-7 times a day also helps, try to eat nuts and even try dark chocolate bars (70+% cocoa) for the cravings.
You are missing an essential ingrediant if your a binge eating at night. ( Body is needing loads of sugar to compensate )....starving yourself during the day is the worst you can do, attempt to eat 6-7 little meals , like every 2-3 hours a snack best stuff with nuts, fruit etc

If you cant control it then go to the gym and put in a night shift every second day

Your weight is actulay really good I am 6'2 and currently at 212 down from 227 and working towards 200....
I go to the gym at least 5 days a week! As far as the small meals go, I totally agree. Thats thats the way to go. Right now Im doing 3-31/2. Ive been taking my meals to work as well. Went shopping today and bought cantaloup, blue berries, oatmeal, bananas, etc..
I feel your pain. My solution? Got to bed and sleep! I tend to do the same as you do, but if I drink some water and actually get to bed at a decent time (I get up at 05:10 so..) it helps. Eating 6-7 times a day also helps, try to eat nuts and even try dark chocolate bars (70+% cocoa) for the cravings.
Yeah your right. Sleep works. So did that mouth rinse that shonuff suggested. Didnt feel like eating again. Lets see if i can go for more than 2 days without havin another snack attack
take up smoking cigarettes.. today's my 4th day without smoking and i can't get my damn hands out the fridge.


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Motivation: The fact that I only live once. So I'd like to be in the best shape possible while I am alive.

Anybody can eat. Not everyone can take pride in their physical strengths. You have to make that choice.
The brushing/rinsing teeth is working so far..
Been working out daily, bringing food to work, etc. My strength is good. I can rep 275 on flat x10 and im 185 right now.
Its good Friday so only fish today. Omega 3's are essential anyways


to help with late night cravings you want to have a snack about 2hrs before bed from a protien source only. as protien foods will not store as bodyfat like any carb food source will if its not burned off before sleep...

undigested cabs and sleep = fat storage - thats just how the body work naturally

undigested protien has a much much higher chance to be stored in the muscle as compaired to stored as bodyfat..

the body does not like to convert Protien to fat (stored energy) can do it...but naturally it does not like to..

examples for protien snacks
All nuts - nuts are unsaturated fat - easy energy
Eggs - prolly ur best choice

u know....these typs of things

i normally do all natural peanut butter, or peanuts or a few scrambled eggs

Hope this helps...
Ive been working out for years but lately have the hardest time not snacking at night. I literally will binge eat anything from chocolate to ice cream. When I get home from work I like to sit down and watch tv and enjoy some snacking food. I just go way over board. I cant have just 1 piece of anything without it triggering a snowball effect. I do really good all day. In the morning I'll have 9 egg whites 1 whole plus oatmeal, then brown rice, chicken, broccoli throughout the rest of the day. Its just the night that I cant handle. I make it sound like Im a fat kid but Im actually 6'1" 190lbs, lean all over except I lost my abs and now have some love handles. Need some help!!

I snack on kashi cereals. They're organic wheat cereal from canada. They have a nice selection too, some of them like the cinnamon mini wheats use organic cinnamon and they taste great. My sister picks them up for almost free using coupons so we're just about always stacked up on the stuff. You don't have to stop snacking, just eat healthier stuff and stay active. Works for me, im 5'8" 140lbs muscular.

I saw someone recommend replacing with protein shakes! I advise against that, im pretty sure protein will become fat if it's not burnt off afterwards eating it!
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Dont start, if you do its like a flood gate.
If you do have to snack, dont have the bag of chips @ your desk. Leave it in the kitchen and take what you can have in your hand and a big drink in the other. That way you limit yourself and you have to get up to get more.


FIshing for Stand ups
Seminole, Fl
Bill you read my mind! Exactly what I was thinking...Haha

But seriously...For a while I wanted to stop drinking as much soda. However it is my addiction..I have never been a cigarette smoker(never even tried one) but have always been a big soda drinker. The way I did it was to only allow myself one soda a day...then any time after that one soda I would drink lemonade, orange juice, milk or water. I wouldn't even give myself the chance to get a soda. It worked out good but its all in your head.
If you are able to quit soda for a little bit, lets say a month or two and you try it again its the grossest tasting thing you have ever put in your mouth. tastes like pure chemicals
I crave pepsi and taco bell like crazy sometimes. Only thing that will help me is the women, other than that I will get a bad case of the Fu*k its and drink a liter of pepsi and a number 2 with steak...
Ive been working out for years but lately have the hardest time not snacking at night. I literally will binge eat anything from chocolate to ice cream. When I get home from work I like to sit down and watch tv and enjoy some snacking food. I just go way over board. I cant have just 1 piece of anything without it triggering a snowball effect. I do really good all day. In the morning I'll have 9 egg whites 1 whole plus oatmeal, then brown rice, chicken, broccoli throughout the rest of the day. Its just the night that I cant handle. I make it sound like Im a fat kid but Im actually 6'1" 190lbs, lean all over except I lost my abs and now have some love handles. Need some help!!

Eat 3 apples. You won't want to eat anything else and you've just consumed about 240 calories of nutrient dense awesomeness.


'03 SJ
^^ x2. I like cutting up an apple and spreading peanut butter on it for a snack.
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