How was your ski year? 2008 ski resolutions?



Started the year off very good w/ a successful freeride then the joe kenney flip off fund raiser... raised about 20k total for Volusia County and about 4k for Joe. Thanks to all the participated and the companies who donated their time and efforts. Rode a lot this year... Probably 75-100 times... Went to Mexico and met Travis Pastrana, Rode in Cali. and Georgia too.... Just got to a point where my body gave up from the continous beatings... At this point I am in limbo and don't know my future... It is very difficult to not know what I will be able to do... I am feeling stonger and stronger every day, but that means nothing, what really amtters is what the Neuro Surgeon says... the worst part is I'm throwing the biggest freeride in the country and can't even ride w/ my friends... this is a tough pill to swallow and has really been hard to deal w/..

I will keep my spirits up, cause I really do feel my back will be ok again in 6 months or so... I just need to get on the right program...
Started the year off very good w/ a successful freeride then the joe kenney flip off fund raiser... raised about 20k total for Volusia County and about 4k for Joe. Thanks to all the participated and the companies who donated their time and efforts. Rode a lot this year... Probably 75-100 times... Went to Mexico and met Travis Pastrana, Rode in Cali. and Georgia too.... Just got to a point where my body gave up from the continous beatings... At this point I am in limbo and don't know my future... It is very difficult to not know what I will be able to do... I am feeling stonger and stronger every day, but that means nothing, what really amtters is what the Neuro Surgeon says... the worst part is I'm throwing the biggest freeride in the country and can't even ride w/ my friends... this is a tough pill to swallow and has really been hard to deal w/..

I will keep my spirits up, cause I really do feel my back will be ok again in 6 months or so... I just need to get on the right program...

you killed it this year my friend!

no one and i mean NO ONE has done as much for the freeride community as an individual as you have...

Mike W

North Florida
Started the year off very good w/ a successful freeride then the joe kenney flip off fund raiser... raised about 20k total for Volusia County and about 4k for Joe. Thanks to all the participated and the companies who donated their time and efforts. Rode a lot this year... Probably 75-100 times... Went to Mexico and met Travis Pastrana, Rode in Cali. and Georgia too.... Just got to a point where my body gave up from the continous beatings... At this point I am in limbo and don't know my future... It is very difficult to not know what I will be able to do... I am feeling stonger and stronger every day, but that means nothing, what really amtters is what the Neuro Surgeon says... the worst part is I'm throwing the biggest freeride in the country and can't even ride w/ my friends... this is a tough pill to swallow and has really been hard to deal w/..

I will keep my spirits up, cause I really do feel my back will be ok again in 6 months or so... I just need to get on the right program...

I wish you the best. I have been jumping out of airplains and slamming into the ground for a long time so I know all about back problems. Good luck with your recovery.
Lets see ..I sold more bought/sold more skis than times I rode this year. Got a new SN and put holds in it first time riding with them and loved it! Finally decided on my dream ski and oddly enough bought it as well. Therefore "HO^$ SH*%" 08 will be a real eye opener for me riding wise as I have a whole new animal to play with ( in paint now) Twice the power in one jump yeah 08 better be good!


Started the year off very good w/ a successful freeride then the joe kenney flip off fund raiser... raised about 20k total for Volusia County and about 4k for Joe. Thanks to all the participated and the companies who donated their time and efforts. Rode a lot this year... Probably 75-100 times... Went to Mexico and met Travis Pastrana, Rode in Cali. and Georgia too.... Just got to a point where my body gave up from the continous beatings... At this point I am in limbo and don't know my future... It is very difficult to not know what I will be able to do... I am feeling stonger and stronger every day, but that means nothing, what really amtters is what the Neuro Surgeon says... the worst part is I'm throwing the biggest freeride in the country and can't even ride w/ my friends... this is a tough pill to swallow and has really been hard to deal w/..

I will keep my spirits up, cause I really do feel my back will be ok again in 6 months or so... I just need to get on the right program...

I pray for your Back ! I look forward all year to coming down and hangin with you and some beers ! IT WILL GET BETTER ! :woot:

Like Idok said... NO ONE does what you do for the sport !

Thank you and see you soon.


High on jetskis.
o7 was a very good year for me. i got into jetskis! found a 99rn with help from all the local pros and now i ride more than all of them! started off thinking i would never be able to do any of the amazing tricks that the pros do but somehow i was able to land my first roll within 8 months. i never could have imagined i could have gone from this...

to this...

08 should be off the handle! cant beleive it but backflips are only a step away.


Surf Junkie
Just got my first ski in Sept, got about 2 months riding in, now im sanding to re-paint, Im absolutley hooked on this.

Right now I am attending brapaholics anonymous meetings
to get me through the withdrawal and this tough time (winter) :17:

Happy New Year :fest30:

I wonder if they have any of these in NC???? :) I could use it.


Mesquite, Texas
07 i started getting parts for my sn. so the winter is project time. adding a pipe and footholds.

busted my head open at the end of july (pics in my gallery), but was back on the water 12 days later. thank goodness i landed on my head. if i would have landed any other way i might have gotten hurt.

need to get a helmet for 08 so i can start trying backies and rolls.


07 was my second year back on skis, loved every glad i talked my buddy five-o into comin riding with me in jan on my old 650 square, and hes hooked now and obviously talented.

in 08 i need to learn how to ride on the waves like TC and Andrew, and my boat could use more power, and continue my baby steps toward aerial anything.


07 was good to was my first full year riding..put my square to rest..went to mex a few times..built up my alot better..scored some insane surf..08s gonna be good..starting off right too got some good trips planned starting with daytona


High on jetskis.
07 was good to was my first full year riding..put my square to rest..went to mex a few times..built up my alot better..scored some insane surf..08s gonna be good..starting off right too got some good trips planned starting with daytona
Wtf! petes back and now andrew?! :Banane35::Banane35:
:wiggle: im talented :chairfall:


The Good Old Days
07 started awesome in Daytona.
Did my first semi-decent nose stab on Monday in Daytona and thought I was on top of the world with my 650 powered SN. After that my progress stalled big time which is extremely frustrating even though I made the trip up to Sebastian several times. No matter how hard I tried just couldn't get any rhythm going and this flat water riding is getting on my nerves.
Recently my ski got a big shot of power compared to the 650 so maybe now I will be able to wait for the wave to come to me instead of charging for it like an idiot.

Goals for next year,
barrel roll, back flip, learn how to carve and ride the surf as often as possible with great people. Build a boat that I won't get so much crap for and get my wife back on the water with maybe an X2 of her own.

I will brake me or the ski but I will be upside down.
:arms::arms:2007 was good to me having my ski up every saturday and sunday to teach me some new stuff with some wayy cool men
Met a few more X members at the lake anna race and had a blast with them
got a ton of help with tricks from the region 8 freestyle crew
learned so many new things which kept me coming back and back
worked like crazy to have the mods ive always wanted

it was wayyy goood
08 should be just as good

cambo au

07 was good to me got my one handed stabs in the bag i am 3/4 of the way round on my rolls and my ski is running the best it ever had
08 should be promising i have promissed myself that i will not buy any more parts for my ski till i get my rolls down and have a good go at my backys i thinki might have to build a new boat buy next winter the learning has been hard on the old girl
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