How was your ski year? 2008 ski resolutions?

Well 07 started great new ski with a new stroker motor then about the 3rd ride crank bearing went out sent the motor to full throttle and the rest of my summer was spent bumming rides from other people and on the phone trying to get mys stuff back.. You can be read about in the negative feedback forum.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
My 2008 resolution is not not break down EVERY ride. Maybe every other ride. in 2009, I'll set for a 1 out of 3 record.


Squarenose for the _____
Myrtle Beach, SC
2007 was my first year in the sport and i freakin loved it! July was my first month. :D

For 2008 I resolve to not ride the SJ I am rebuilding until it is 100% done and not half way rigged to ride for a few minutes. All top quality parts, no exceptions. The summer should be REALLY fun. :)
Bay Area
07 sucked for me!! blew my race sxr before summer an 2 weeks before my first race!! still apart! sold the surf superjet! need to get the ski going an it will be a better year!


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
This is going to be the year of the slash and re entry for me. This will be my first year riding with tubbies. I am going to have a full blown surf boat this year, before my ski was still lacking a couple of essential surf parts. I will literally have everything done to my boat except for breaking into the engine. My engine will probably be pretty tired by next winter, so I rebuild will probably be needed before next season.

I'm hoping that my back will hold up this year also.

I know this is a Ski thread, but you are getting married this year also!

I have to get up there and ride with you guys. Been busy building this RN.:arms:


RN Surgery... soon
07 was good for riding, but still not early enough.

08' will be the best year so far. New boat, new parts, new garage, new truck.


I forgot!
the 2007 season i lost a msd, front crank bearing and seal, bent a rod, pitched out a Rad flywheel. I managed to attend several events, entered a freestyle show and an amature race. 2008 i got a RN hull to ride. i've been riding for like 8 years now and finally have an almost nice setup. christmas is over, new years is upon us, this winter is going by fast. can wait for spring.
07 sucked for me cause i didnt have a motor for most of the summer there was a slight
delay from my builder not mentionaning any names but when i did get it i rode almost every day then it blew up a mounth later was a costly year i am currently giving my 06 a makeover for daytona i got a new hood replaced foot holds new paint scheme and i am
purchasing the watercraft factory hull from steve that was on here so ill have another project when i get home for the upcoming year hopefully next year is better still had fun thoe


Chaos on a SJ
ya thanks to you guys..(i.e. sfls " just get a SJ) .2007 i finally grew some ballz and bought a SJ.. now i really regret not getting one sooner...

sucked at the end of sept i fractured my foot and ended my riding but at least i got most of the summer in.


Wannabe Freerider
Let's see 2007 was a rough year, for personal reasons, and I'm still on the fence with that going into 2008, but aside from that, I purchased another ski, a 94 FX1, which I think is more to my liking and size. With that said, I did a ton of work on it during the summer with a ton of help from Tom21. The ski is getting another makeover as we speak by Tom, so it should be a kick a$$ season when I get back. My resolution is just to get out there and ride a lot more this year, and actually hit some waves! I'd like to learn some tricks as well, so I need to build up my confidence and go for it. I'm definitely addicted, I keep buying parts for my ski's. Also forgot to mention, my other ski is running again (big thanks to TOM21 again), so I now have two. Time to convert the single trailer.



Carajo,gringos apestosos
07=just got better and better.
My first Daytona Freeride and i still wasn't used to a Superjet. Did i mention it had an awful bog and would stall sometimes, not fun in surf. I was like Bambi on ice. By March it was dialed in fine.

Met more and more jetskiers this year witch is always great. Learned alot from my new friends. I only get to ride like once a month cause i'm always out of town. I savor the moments in good surf.

Got nose stabs down, been tryin a one hander. Can't do a barrell roll. Only made it 3/4 the way around once and that wasn't even at Sebatian. It was with Tut and Cracker off that double boat wake at a lake. Good times.

Come on 2008, now that the ski is perfect it's time to hone the skills.(even with a torn ACL)


South Jersey
07 was a decent year for me. 07 was the year of flatwater as I didn't make it to the ocean once. WTF? Anyway, half way through the summer my motor snagged an exhaust port so I had to rebuild everything. I was back up and running within one week, so no real downtime. I was finally able to dial in my ski by borrowing my buddies pump/prop/nozzle combo. It turns out that my original prop/pump/nozzle combo was mimicking a misadjusted carb. My porting is slightly raised which doesn't help either. I didn't get my buddies pump in until the every end of the season, so I'm looking forward to some more ride time with this new combo.


Fro Diesel

creative control
Diagnosed with cancer in Feb. Beat cancer completely by June. Bought my first ski in July and haven't looked back. Since i have sold the kaw and put a new motor in the sn. Damn this sport is expensive. I look forward to having a solid year of riding come april. Did i learn anything this year?

Life is way too short, try to enjoy what you're doing everyday, and somehow laugh more. there are no guarantees of tomorrow.


makin' power
2007 has been great for me i have been riding for about 7 years now but finally have gotten serious and sold my 800 for a new rn and have been working on it ever since (its my first really moded boat) 08 will bring a new stroker motor and hopefully improved riding skills and new tricks


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
2007 was a great year for me- sold my Kawi surf boat went straight SJ for the surf (Still ride my SXR on the flat). Finally got that d-ham barrel roll down, landing about 90% plate to plate! Attempted the BF a few times and did OK, with most of them getting more than ¾ around, but I’m far from having it down. That’s the goal for 2008!
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