Super Jet Hull shortening questions


This Is The Way
Staff member
I cut my RN hull 4", dug the rear rideplate inserts out of the gobs of green glue. Then bolted a SN plate on with the remaining holes, marked and drilled and used epoxy resin and milled fibers to glue them back in.


My home away from home.
I would use whatever hull you have. RN or SN will be just fine. I shortened my lower deck -5 and loved it. Used a sn plate, cut it flush with the back edge and relocated the inserts to line up with the middle mounting holes on the sn plate. Here's a link to my build thread if anybody would like to see some build pics for reference.
Peoria, AZ
You could save yourself the hassle of digging out the inserts and re gluing them back in by cutting 4" out between the inserts. Just move the existing rear bolts back to where the middle bolts would go with a sn ride plate. Make a cut just in front of the rear inserts then make another cut 4" in front of that and re use the existing back pieces. I just did this to mine, ill try to get some pictures if needed.
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