I am about to freak out.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Generall speaking, I don't buy games.

I usually just rent, via Gamefly. I sign up for a month or two for 15 bucks/month and play as much as I want.
Build something! Or, you could make posters with cheery sayings like "IMAGINE" with like, an iceberg or something in the background or some other random picture.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
What kind of water clothes do you have. With the suits we have a seven mth. season. If your comming over to stl. on the weekends, Your going to get alot of riding in, learn a bunch and brake a lot of parts.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
dutch oven cooking...

toss up some recipes Matt_E

photos too.

Ive got a few of those old cast iron thingys, im not sure im using them right.

and 1 sojurner...

I ride the kids dirtbikes in the winter, its fun for me.

but yeah, I have the itch too, its 78 here today, I pulled my trailer into the driveway and cranked my black beast for the first time since december or so.
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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I hope.

I plan to ride tomorow, sat and sunday, we shall see.

I know the lake is flooded, but I hope it isnt Chocolate milk colored still.

pack your junk and drive down.

its ONLY 5.5 hours


I use a thumb throttle.
springfield, mo
I am going on sunday here. At least that is the plan. its looks like it is going to be at least in the 60s but rainy on sunday. whats the weather down there going to be?


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
I"m going crazy too.. its been way cold, but more then cold its been raining/snowing non stop... I cant even go out and ride my quads.. ready for nice weather..


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
DRY SUIT....will stop the maddness! I'm riding Sunday and air's going to be in the 40's and the water is 42F. I am selling my DUI and picking up a Watcon drysuit for next season.


Do it twice?That's DooDoo
we would have similar conditions here.... I have a 7/5/4 wetsuit... warm enough... but from what I understand the temp wouldnt be good for tuning, so Im gonna wait...
Look on the bright side, our water is still hiding under over 2ft of snow, and there is easily 2.5ft of snow in the bush, but its melting.
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