I Got My Skis!!!! Yay!!!! Help Me Please!!!!!!!


I Got My Skis!!!!!! Help Me Please!!!!!!!

GUYS I GOT 2 STANDUPS!!!! YAY!!!!!!:trink26: Got a crazy deal on a 1991 650sx and a 1995 750sxi on a double trailer!:bandit: They both run perfect BUT in the 750sxi the housing was taken off and the prop is frozen in it. The guy said the saltwater got behind the bearing and it expanded and got frozen. How can I get this prop out without damaging the housing? Also if I get it lose do I need a new prop or can I use this one? On both skis there is a little (oil?) fill on the front of the motor.... What is that for and how much oil should be in there? looks dry in there, how can I change it? THANKS GUYS!!!! YAY IM SOOO HAPPY!!!!

P.S. If anyone has a owners manual that they can download to the computer for either of these skis please do so. My e-mail is Yamaha850@yahoo.com if you need to send it. Also what should I do to these skis besides fresh gas, injector oil (pump out old and put new), new plugs, batteries, and a nice cleaning (these skis look to be neglected and left outside no cover) I will get pics up when im done cleaning them tomorrow. THANKS!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)!!!!!!
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GUYS I GOT 2 STANDUPS!!!! YAY!!!!!!:trink26: Got a crazy deal on a 1991 650sx and a 1995 750sxi on a double trailer!:bandit: They both run perfect BUT in the 750sxi the housing was taken off and the prop is frozen in it. The guy said the saltwater got behind the bearing and it expanded and got frozen. How can I get this prop out without damaging the housing? Also if I get it lose do I need a new prop or can I use the stock one? On both skis there is a little oil? fill on the front of the motor.... What is that for and how much oil should be in there? looks dry in there, how can I change it? THANKS GUYS!!!! YAY IM SOOO HAPPY!!!!



gainesville, fl
While I wouldn't want either of those for myself, thats a hell of a deal. I say you should sell the 650sx to basically get the 750/trailer for free, maybe even make a profit on them


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
the thing on the front that you think is an "oil fill" is NOT.

its a hole to check the timing, DO NOT put oil in there.

the corroded impeller in the pump, is probably junk too.
search for a used pump assembly, that one likely is not cost effective to repair.

750 sxi had dual carbs. 750sx had single carb, later model sxis had green cased engines too with some different port timing I think.

good luck, and I hope they really were a good deal for you!


can anyone help me out with the questions? especially the prob thing because i'd like to get out on it ASAP! Also why not keep both? Not good skis?


ok thanks man, also does anyone know how to install footholds and where to get them? I may need to re-turf one of them so I want to put holds on it.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have a 650SX and I think it's great fun. They say the 650SX is the crapness of stand ups and the difference b/t a 650SX and a SJ are night and day.

it's not that the 650 or the 750 are bad, as much as it is that the SJ's are so much better.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Surf Jet Louie has a good deal on holds. I think $90 shipped. RNR 2 stroke also has some holds for $75 shipped I think. I haven't tired either, but louies looks nice.


k sounds good, I will just learn on these maybe. If I fall in love then so be it but maybe I will upgrade to a superjet. Anyone have a jet housing and impeller? Or know how to get this one lose? let me know thanks!
whats the difference and how are they installed? You just screw them in?

Research research research. This is a thoroughly discussed topic that will give you all the answers you need if you will search and read. People have already taken the time to type out a ton of info on the subject. Now, it's your job to read what is already written. Read as much as you can. It's a subject with many varying opinions and methods of installation. Read and read some more and figure out what might be best for YOU. Asking what footholds are the best and what's the best way to install them would not only be repetitive, but very subjective and opinionated. Congrats on the new skis. Good luck. :beerchug:


yea I was but each one has sooooo many pages, i'd like to have just a few options infront of me. All I want to know is a link to a pair of footholds (straps) and how to install...

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
use the search function, I am using waterdawg REVs and they are awesome if you have big feet

for a inexperienced person, REV footholds are the wrong holds to buy...... the installation of them is by far the most difficult......

stick with some Wamiltons (Ricktors or Cyclones), Watercraft Factory or Blowsion Kickers.
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