i like cheese

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please let me know if you guys have them. i have plenty of 650 reeds and cages for the original engine (650), but now that SBT donated a 701, the box of 650 reeds and cages i have is useless for this build.

i have some 61x reeds and cages but i loaned them to a member for last years daytona ride
i dont know him but was helping a brotha out
i will donate them if he will ship them to ya!
jeepmark4x4 is member
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Fro Diesel

creative control
gonna go take pics of 61x reeds and cages right meow, then you can have them on their way tomory
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actually, I am not sure if it was ever used........... Just liked the rainbow colors of the new style better!!!!!!!!!:Banane57::nutkick:

are we talking about a banhammer? or a mancrammer?

sorry, its early..... i shouldve waiting for coffee before posting such nonsense.... :dunno:

Fro Diesel

creative control
want these? pm me your address

sorry if the pics suck, got water in the camera this summer. sooner i get your address the sooner your get reeds and cages.
if theyre clean and usable, hell yeah! hard to tell by the pics though.

also, im not sure if anybody already sent a set yet:dunno:

The Watercraft Factory
5925 Ravenswood Rd d2
Dania, FL 33312

(attn charlie)



i installed the bracket, pole, steering, cables, hood hardware, waterbox and intermediate housing and shaft today (saturday)..... woohoo!

btw, harrison..... i have a cable from a raider that works perfect, so hopefully you didnt send yours because we wont be needing it. thanks though.
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I have 1 that I can ship

(thats 1 strap, not a 1 set lol) Not sure why I only have 1 but lemme know if you need it.
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