I'm down :(

F$*#ing arm's broken again. From riding, I think.

Gonna go to B'ham sometime next week and get it fixed right.

Getting old sucks.

Edit: It wasn't broken... popped one of my thumb tendons, it's unrepairable... so going to steal one from another finger and put it there so I can bend my thumb again... think it snapped rubbing on one of these screws:


So I get worked on in two weeks (replace tendon, take all the metal out of there), about a month downtime after that if all goes well. I'm releived.
Last edited:
Probably from falling fast and holding on... not sure...

This week thought I had tendonitis bad, kept getting worse... gave it a good look last night, moving it around... Radius is broken, probably in a couple places, got a metal plate in there with screws, they probably caused more damage...

Looking at some downtime.


Shootin' The Crap
jmeadlock said:
Probably from falling fast and holding on... not sure...

This week thought I had tendonitis bad, kept getting worse... gave it a good look last night, moving it around... Radius is broken, probably in a couple places, got a metal plate in there with screws, they probably caused more damage...

Looking at some downtime.

Dude---that sucks. And I was wanting to get with you soon to get together for a ride. Oh well---guess me and Fez will ride while you pop pain pills.


jmeadlock said:
Probably from falling fast and holding on... not sure...

This week thought I had tendonitis bad, kept getting worse... gave it a good look last night, moving it around... Radius is broken, probably in a couple places, got a metal plate in there with screws, they probably caused more damage...

Looking at some downtime.

Freekin eh Dude. Its just now getting time to ride.


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
jmeadlock said:
Probably from falling fast and holding on... not sure...

This week thought I had tendonitis bad, kept getting worse... gave it a good look last night, moving it around... Radius is broken, probably in a couple places, got a metal plate in there with screws, they probably caused more damage...

Looking at some downtime.
Jesus! That sounds like it hurts like a biotch! I read that and its like you were just moving it around and were like "ehhh no big deal, feel the bones arn't really together right now, better set up a time next week to get it checked out" where as I would be more like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh F'ING AHHHHHHHHHHHH"


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
Man am I sorry to hear that. Down time really sucks-just be smart and get it fixed right and listen to what the doc says, you'll be glad u did later.
Royal Flush said:
Dude---that sucks. And I was wanting to get with you soon to get together for a ride. Oh well---guess me and Fez will ride while you pop pain pills.

Sounds like fun :) I'll take pictures.

tricky1 said:
Freekin eh Dude. Its just now getting time to ride.
Yea I've got bad timing.

YAMA CAT said:
Sorry James......That's some tough luck. So are they make your arm Bionic?

Hopefully! Got appt in B'ham tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for the well wishing.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Wow, I had not seen this thread before. Makes my knee thread look like a scratched knuckle.

I hope things work out properly.

All Stock

Keyboard Freestyler
Man! I thought I had a messed up wrist. I have only broken mine 3 time and had half a bone bone die in there. Had to have a bone marrow(sp?) transplant(most painful part), 3 screws, a plate and a vascular graft to get things right agian. It scares me every time that I jam my wrist while riding. Good luck on the recovery. A good doctor should have you back better than new.

Oh yeah, smoking slows recovery times. Or at least that is what my Doc told me. Got me to quit anyway.

Good luck!
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