Other Injuries Due to Riding a Stand Up..

this past June (fathers day), it was just a bad weekend, we put the boat in and it immediately starts to overheat, get towed to the marina, go home decide to go out on the ski, its super rough and windy, get out in the bay decided to turn around and head home, spray is blowing in my face and I am trying to get a good speed to bounce over the chop, blinded by spray and moving at a good clip I hit a wave, my weight gets thrown back, I cant see, I slip off the back of the ski and……….. decide to throw it away, did not realize we were still in the air….needless to say the ski hits the water first I am right behind it, my body glances off the side my lower leg catches the ski……broken and displaced tibia plateau and severed patellar tendon….I was all alone, had to get back home to the dock about 2 miles. It killed the summer with my two daughters (4 and 2), I was out of work for about 4 months, burden to my family, the pain after surgery was blinding, I found out I am allergic to most pain meds, I have been in PT for almost 3 months and have another 3 ahead of me and I am just able to walk again without a cane. I will put up a pic of the X-Ray post op if I can find it. The biggest fear about getting back on the water is letting my family down again if I get hurt again, it made me sick to my stomach that I could not spend time on the beach and boat with my family. I am keeping the ski, and getting knee shin guards, but there is a couch in my future.
Last summer I slammed my left shin on the corner railing of a Superjet. Went to do a 1 hander, 1 footer, other foot came out of the hold mid air, not enough time to toss the ski, tried to get my foot back, luckily i landed in the tray with my right knee, but my left leg slammed the living $%$#^#$^# out of it. Had a nice contusion. Still numb where it was slammed and its been about 10 months. Apparently I have nerve, bone, tissue damage with the possibility of a tiny tiny fracture deep in the bone that the Xray can't pull up. Good times! Before I came back in, I had to throw the trick I got hurt on haha. Even though I couldn't even weight it.

Been knocked out as well. This is all flat water. If your not hurtin, your not tryin! Oh and wear a helmet (sometimes) LOL

Found a pic of it. This was about a week after.
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is wearing a helmet the only way ppl have prevent rupturing ear drums? I normally dont wear one but have not ridden as hard as many of the posts on here. my flat water action is limited to boat waves really.


If im jumping at all i dont ride without one. Bars hurt teeth, which is my main reason for wearing it. And hitting the water a 60mph, im sure its saved my face/ears more than once. Really there no reason why not to, unless your just booting around and tuning.
I was tuning my wetpipe on shore when a boat went by. Rocky shore, lots of waves, and barefeet. Ski went up on wave, down on foot. Foot was under ski, but on top of rock.

Lot's of Ooooowwwwwweeeeeeeeee!
I lost three toenails, broke two toes, and had some (meaning more than a little) skin removed from the top and bottom of my foot.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about the compound fracture that left some white bone sticking out the side of my ankle. Sorry, no pictures cuz I don't want to remember.

Lesson to be learned? Shoot all boaters who ride 25 feet from shore, trim up, full throttle.


Buy a Superjet
Damn that is brutal! Do you ride @Buzzard style with logging boots on now?
I was tuning my wetpipe on shore when a boat went by. Rocky shore, lots of waves, and barefeet. Ski went up on wave, down on foot. Foot was under ski, but on top of rock.

Lot's of Ooooowwwwwweeeeeeeeee!
I lost three toenails, broke two toes, and had some (meaning more than a little) skin removed from the top and bottom of my foot.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about the compound fracture that left some white bone sticking out the side of my ankle. Sorry, no pictures cuz I don't want to remember.

Lesson to be learned? Shoot all boaters who ride 25 feet from shore, trim up, full throttle.
this exact same thing happened to my wife the day before she left for a trekking trip in Thailand.... Luckily i didnt have my gun on me that day or I probably would have shot him. I don't remember the last time I was that angry.
Nothing like some JHP to to the face. :D

Been riding everyday this week and ankles are hurting. Using the usual wrestling/boxing boots. Probably time to add some padding to the holds.
This injury was in 2009 and the story is famous now among our riding friends. It happened in western MI. I was carving hard on my X2 and my shin hit the side rail hard as I was taking a turn. I fell off thinking boy that's gonna leave a mark. Look at my leg and just see a mass of blood, so I hold it closed. Friend comes over on his zxi and wants to see it and says "wow cool I can see your bone!!" Not what you want to hear in the skanky lake we were in. I couldn't get up on his ski so I held my leg closed with one hand and grabbed onto his while riding the zxi with the other, he dragged me back to shore.

My brother drove me to the local hospital and there was a bunch of pointless looking injuries so I just took the towel which was bandaging it up for a bit off and I had a solid triangle of blood down my leg. Got some immediate attention then. Went in and had it stitched up by some physicians assistant dude and he wanted to know the story. So I told him I was from Chicago and I got hurt jet skiing.

Next week we were out and one of our friends was on the same X2 for the first time and loved the thing, we couldn't get him off it. He was about to go back out when someone saw he had blood on the back side of his leg/ knee area. He had a puncture wound which was about 1" X 1" and so deep the fat from his leg was coming out. Went to the hospital and had it stitched up by some guy, he asked how it happened. Said he's from Chicago and it was from jet skiing. The guy was like, wow isn't that a coincidence there was someone in here past weekend from Chicago who also was injured on a jet ski. My friend said yea, that's my friend, and it was the same jet ski.

Because of his injury we were able to find the problem and prevent others from getting hurt. One of the rear rubber bumpers had started to peel away, exposing a sharp metal edge and corner. It was only when water pressure was on it would the rubber peel away. So I just grabbed another bumper off one of my other hulls and it was fixed.

Thankfully those are the only two trips to the hospital we've had. The injury never really hurt much, and it left a really cool scar. Still being able to see a bone in the middle of a lake is something I don't have to repeat.

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No pics for my first stand up related injury but I'm barely walking after my last ride 7 days ago. Fell going full speed, which I have done a million times, but must have bailed in a weird way or something. I felt my ski tipping and stepped my left leg out into the water (as if that would help...). The water took my left leg back, my right foot got caught on the front of my foothold so the ski took that leg the opposite direction. I did the worst split I've ever done, and at that speed your muscles just don't stretch fast enough. I felt a tear and instantly heard myself screaming underwater. Its weird when you catch yourself screaming without meaning to... I had a ton of bruising below the belt in some very unattractive places lol. Anyways, I thought it was just a strained muscle and would get better but here I am 7 days later and I'm still hobbling around as if it just happened. I have to pick up my leg just to get into my truck or into bed. Went to the doctor and all she did was look at my bruising and suggest taking advil. I kinda hoped she would suggest some imaging. Not sure what could be wrong or what could be seen with that but I hate going to the doctor just for them to not do anything....Oh well. Hope I can walk by next weekend. I have a hockey game and was hoping to ride again...


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
No pics for my first stand up related injury but I'm barely walking after my last ride 7 days ago. Fell going full speed, which I have done a million times, but must have bailed in a weird way or something. I felt my ski tipping and stepped my left leg out into the water (as if that would help...). The water took my left leg back, my right foot got caught on the front of my foothold so the ski took that leg the opposite direction. I did the worst split I've ever done, and at that speed your muscles just don't stretch fast enough. I felt a tear and instantly heard myself screaming underwater. Its weird when you catch yourself screaming without meaning to... I had a ton of bruising below the belt in some very unattractive places lol. Anyways, I thought it was just a strained muscle and would get better but here I am 7 days later and I'm still hobbling around as if it just happened. I have to pick up my leg just to get into my truck or into bed. Went to the doctor and all she did was look at my bruising and suggest taking advil. I kinda hoped she would suggest some imaging. Not sure what could be wrong or what could be seen with that but I hate going to the doctor just for them to not do anything....Oh well. Hope I can walk by next weekend. I have a hockey game and was hoping to ride again...

After 7 days and little improvement I'd go for a second opinion.

I fell off my ski after a hard fall a few years ago. First doc told me the same thing, just rest it and take some ibuprofen. I went to a specialist a few days later after no improvement and it turned out I fractured my shoulder. Ended up in a sling for a month and a few months of physical therapy.

Feel better good sir!
After 7 days and little improvement I'd go for a second opinion.

I fell off my ski after a hard fall a few years ago. First doc told me the same thing, just rest it and take some ibuprofen. I went to a specialist a few days later after no improvement and it turned out I fractured my shoulder. Ended up in a sling for a month and a few months of physical therapy.

Feel better good sir!
Thanks man. I called two specialists but my stupid health care plan requires a referral from my physician so none of them will allow me to schedule an appointment. I'm getting super pissed off about it. If I go back to my doctor she is gonna be pissed if I tell her I don't trust her judgement. I guess my only other option is find a new doctor and go in right away telling them I just need a referral to see a specialist lol. Thanks Obama for effing up the entire health care system. I used to have a great plan with this same company......
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