Insult x-h2o staff = infraction


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
of course not. your subscribing to read whatever crap they print..this is a forum. user-generated content..

If that's the case, why bring up money at all? Just because you pay to use something doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with it without any type repercussion.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Can someone post what went down?
I mean the actual deleted thread or even the PM.
What was the insult?
There are insults....and there are insults.
Not acceptable IMO, any of them, but some peeps seem to think it was a "joke"....


No one single incident, just the total lack of respect by some members.

Yeah, sometimes we do make the wrong calls sometimes. We are human. Regardless of the case there is no reason any of the mods should have to put up with verbal abuse. Personally, I ignore most of it. Your words to me really do not mean much, I may know your pissed off and venting. But I am just one person. If I see you cussing out Matt or Penguin then I am going to be hacked off.

(Just using "you" as an example).


If that's the case, why bring up money at all? Just because you pay to use something doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with it without any type repercussion.

well, i guess bringin up the deniro wasnt necessary, or even applicable at all because i wasnt actually buying anything, i dint buy my "right" to say whatever i want. But I still feel i have something invested in this forum, and i am goin to voice my opinion when i disagree...whether anyone likes it or not, consequences be damned! haha. its all in fun for me anyway


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
well, i guess bringin up the deniro wasnt necessary, or even applicable at all because i wasnt actually buying anything, i dint buy my "right" to say whatever i want. But I still feel i have something invested in this forum, and i am goin to voice my opinion when i disagree...whether anyone likes it or not, consequences be damned! haha. its all in fun for me anyway


I've never thought of $10 as an investment.


I'm just busting chops, but it really gets me that the general public has an entitlement complex.


Houston, TX
back to the Stalin pics :Banane37:

His serious side:


His X-H20 side:



Freedom aint free no more
Just so were perfectly clear here...The owners are SuperJett/Kahuna and the mods are MattE/Penquin am I missing anyone? There seems to be a couple wanna be mods trying to tell people how to think and whats right and wrong.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
well, i guess bringin up the deniro wasnt necessary, or even applicable at all because i wasnt actually buying anything, i dint buy my "right" to say whatever i want. But I still feel i have something invested in this forum, and i am goin to voice my opinion when i disagree...whether anyone likes it or not, consequences be damned! haha. its all in fun for me anyway

That can go both ways. Yes, we want you to voice your opinion, it is yours. But you can do so without insulting someone, flaming, cussing, etc. If you feel you need to do that, take it to PM, Email or Outside, but dont take it to the open forums.

Or, you can do as you please and you can recieve infractions until you hit enough points to get a 1 day ban, then a 2 week ban, then a month, 3 month, etc etc etc..........

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Just so were perfectly clear here...The owners are SuperJett/Kahuna and the mods are MattE/Penquin am I missing anyone? There seems to be a couple wanna be mods trying to tell people how to think and whats right and wrong.

some of those "wanna be mods" are mods, not in the sense of banning you or locking post, but people that volunteered to help out when we needed to get a more open view. After a while after dealing with the same trouble makers you do automatically put blinders on, you expect the worse out of them. They cry foul at every chance, but after constant trouble, you cannot help but notice them more. So, many times we do ask "Hey, what do you think about Pete, is he out of line......" or "what about Gil and his comments towards Bob". These Mods also when they see things do the same thing you do, and hit "report post" so we can see it. Discuss it, decide what if anything needs to be done. More times than not, nothing is done. Some people will say we hand out infractions like candy. You take somebody who hardly ever makes a peep who jumps out of line, we may just send them a PM. You take someone who is constantly causing trouble, it is a no brainer, just hit them with an infraction. Each case is different.



I've never thought of $10 as an investment.


I'm just busting chops, but it really gets me that the general public has an entitlement complex.

im with ya 100 percent on that..and if i get an infraction then i probably deserve it,probably knew id get one beforehand, and accepted the consequence..

BTW its was 10 dollars AND an ugly t-shirt haha
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Matakana Menace
i think dirtyj should get an infraction for that...... just because

I think Harrison should get an infraction for not answering the question...

Simple answer, are those the Mods that DirtyJ pointed to, or are there others...

We don't care about the thin-skinned tattle-tails on here...



So long and thanks for all the fish
There are people that volunteered to help out on the 'steering committee' or whatever you want to call it. That way it's not just 4 people making decisions, it's like 15-20. Not all of them participate at the same level which is good and they are spread out across the country.

Anyone else want to help out?

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yeah Jett I would love to be part of your (steering committee) where do I sign up?
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