Internal or external fuel fill..


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There is no reason to do this mod on a surf boat. This mod is from the hood riding days where you would hang up on the fuel cap spinning around on the nose..... It was a functional mod only. Yes, the ski looks cleaner without it, but that is it really.

This sums it up in a nutshell IMHO. For surf I would have a external fill just for the simplicity to just slide on the beach and fill up.

I ride flat 95% of the time and you may all think i'm crazy, but for the past 7 years I havent had a fuel filler at all. I just have a big flathead screwdriver and pop off the filler tube and dump it in. I dont even have a hose clamp on the rubber filler neck anymore, its plenty tight. I've been meaning to do the filler mod someday.
But just think of the weight I am saving!!:naughty: lol :woot::ugh2:


you may all think i'm crazy, but for the past 7 years I havent had a fuel filler at all. I just have a big flathead screwdriver and pop off the filler tube and dump it in. I dont even have a hose clamp on the rubber filler neck anymore, its plenty tight. I've been meaning to do the filler mod someday.
But just think of the weight I am saving!!:naughty: lol :woot::ugh2:

haha actually i use the same method but i do use a hose clamp

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
saying its WAYYYYY easier to remove the tank dosnt make sense..its one hose clamp your eliminating...

also sometimes when the surf is decent size and im in a hurry to get back out there..i dont feel like dragging my ski onto a tote or pulling the tote up the beach its a pain to remove all that stuff and balance your hood in the tray while you fill up in a few feet of water while its on the tote ..its much easier to just open a cap and pour your fuel in....i could care less what you guys run to be honest with just saying that the majority of the time i wish i had an external fill

Just beach the Pucker....... Fill up, slide back into the water. That is a no brainer.


Just beach the Pucker....... Fill up, slide back into the water. That is a no brainer.

well if you knew where we ride most of the time you would realize the beach is nearly flat..if you beach it in between sets the water level on the beach can change like 50ft between a big set and in between especially if the tide is draining if your going right back out you dont want to have to drag your ski a long least i dont when im riding for 3hrs and my back is already about broken..when im going to take a break for a minute ill beach the thing full throttle but when im going back out and everyone is riding still i hate wrestling it back onto the tote by myself if i dont have too or be hunched over dragging it with my already broken ski is very heavy.believe it or not, i know what im doing
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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
well if you knew where we ride most of the time you would realize the beach is nearly flat..if you beach it in between sets the water level on the beach can change like 50ft between a big set and in between especially if the tide is draining if your going right back out you dont want to have to drag your ski a long least i dont when im riding for 3hrs and my back is already about broken..when im going to take a break for a minute ill beach the thing full throttle but when im going back out and everyone is riding still i hate wrestling it back onto the tote by myself if i dont have too or be hunched over dragging it with my already broken ski is very heavy.believe it or not, i know what im doing

I was being sarcastic.
No way man...this mod will work for absolutely everyone in every single situation!!! It is even great on 3 seaters. I am going to do it to my car next. Just open the trunk and remove the spare and bam!



Thanks for you opinion guys, moonie and yamacat.. oh and you too BK.

This means Im going for the Nascar quick fill mounted on the side of my ski to my tank.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
what is your opinion on the internal fuel fill?? is it a PITA???

Im going to make a aluminum tank but dont know if the internal is worth it.

For what its worth

I did the internal on my RN last winter and used the Blowsion filler plate on the nose of my hull

1-I have yet to drag my nut across the gas cap now that it's under the hood,
2-I run a 5mil Lamey so it's not a bad idea to look at crap under the hood every now and then to see what has vibrated loose
3-spilling gas in the hull w/no scupper sucks azz. Big fire in Pensacola-yeah-that was me. LOL
4-taking hood straps off and pole rope to gas up sucks.
5-tank removal is sooooo easy now-1 minute!!!
6-would I do it again? probaly not. There are some a/m low profile gas caps for around 50 bucks that would solve all my problems. LOL

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
For what its worth

I did the internal on my RN last winter and used the Blowsion filler plate on the nose of my hull

1-I have yet to drag my nut across the gas cap now that it's under the hood,
2-I run a 5mil Lamey so it's not a bad idea to look at crap under the hood every now and then to see what has vibrated loose
3-spilling gas in the hull w/no scupper sucks azz. Big fire in Pensacola-yeah-that was me. LOL
4-taking hood straps off and pole rope to gas up sucks.
5-tank removal is sooooo easy now-1 minute!!!
6-would I do it again? probaly not. There are some a/m low profile gas caps for around 50 bucks that would solve all my problems. LOL

everything except that last statement.:swordfight:

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
This mod is neutral in my book. I did it to my SN simply to get away from the flimsy front cover but I won't be doing it to my RN. I also like to fill the tank being able to see the level but that's about the only benefit.

I would actually recommend it for an SXR though. The stock filler is too low and it chugs and backs up unless you fill real slow.

After every ride I bring my skis into my shop, remove the hoods and refuel. I leave the hoods off and poles elevated for storage. It also gives the foam hoodseal on my SN a chance to return to it's intended shape and maintain it's tension for later.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
This mod is neutral in my book. I did it to my SN simply to get away from the flimsy front cover but I won't be doing it to my RN. I also like to fill the tank being able to see the level but that's about the only benefit.

I would actually recommend it for an SXR though. The stock filler is too low and it chugs and backs up unless you fill real slow.

After every ride I bring my skis into my shop, remove the hoods and refuel. I leave the hoods off and poles elevated for storage. It also gives the foam hoodseal on my SN a chance to return to it's intended shape and maintain it's tension for later.

I ride both ,I am pretty happy usually.:nana:
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