It's Trivia Time!!!!!!!!

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Well give it up for the man that rides the short bus ladies and gentlemen! LOL! (why do I think Nathan Moore hooked you up with the correct answer on that? LOL!)

PM. me your info.....joker boy ;) question:

What are my son's names?...and spelling counts here
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Freelance Smartass
No, I didn't get any help from anybody on that . . . . . .

In fact as you could tell, my brain wasn't even being much help there at first ! . . . . . . .

BTW . . . . that's Mr. jokerboy to you !

Thanks Lisa PM being sent . . . .
Hey - give it up for NorCal Ex!!!!!!!!

THAT'S what ya get fer paying attenshun pal!

Shipping address for the limited edition HydroTurf Freestyle Surf Slam t-shirt autographed by THE man himself - Joe Kenney AND a All My Crazy Friends Three, Live Fast, Die Fat" DVD gift certificate Please?
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Анархия - мать порядка!
I'm filing a protest . . . Vitaly was running an illegal ski that was bolted to his sponsons upside down . . . . . . . . . :nana:
It's supposed to be like that! It's a 2008 4-STROKE YAMASPACE WAVERUINER UBBERJET! Just homologized in Mobile, AL three days ago..

Edit: ask Momar, he knows all about that ski!
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