It's Trivia Time!!!!!!!!

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Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
Any chance on getting Glory's copy of AMCF3? I didn't even get to see the movie there b/c I was busy helping nuns save babies. Well not really, but I was helping Jerry with his busted leg.


RMBC Freeride

Site Supporter
Pueblo, CO
:arms: :arms: :Banane01: :Banane01: :woot: :woot: :woot: :cheer: :cheer:

Thanks Glory!

With my freshly broken leg from pismo, Iv been sitting at home and watching every single jet ski video i own like 10 times! Itll be nice to watch something new.

Glory Posting from RMBC's House: No problem bro. After the second broken leg in a row, you deserve some good karma. :biggthumpup: :biggthumpup:
Hey man, it was the weekend, and not just any weekend - but The Zone Erotic Exotic Halloween Ball.

I'm still hung over. I'm getting too old for this stuff.

Photos, and possibly a couple more prizes to follow.........stay tuned ;)

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Hey J - THAT sounded really bad after my last post...LOL!

Gang - for the record, I purchased breakfast for Jerrod and his two buddies Saturday morning when they came to pick up their raffle winnings. That's ALL.



Freelance Smartass
"came to pick up their raffle winnings"

. . . . . . soooooooo . . . . that's what they're calling it these days. :cool2:

** Calls to wife in backround . . . . " Hey honey ! . . . wanna buy some "raffle tickets" ? . . . . . . . . .wink . .wink . .nudge . .nudge . . . .


Freelance Smartass
LisaLisa said:
Hey man, it was the weekend, and not just any weekend - but The Zone Erotic Exotic Halloween Ball

"Come on in and sit down like a couple of good little boys . . . . . . . while I go find your "Raffle tickets"

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
Hey J - THAT sounded really bad after my last post...LOL!

Gang - for the record, I purchased breakfast for Jerrod and his two buddies Saturday morning when they came to pick up their raffle winnings. That's ALL.


thats not what i remeber!

:haha: I am just kidding!! :biggrin:
How about a nice HydroTurf backpack to hold you over until next year's cookie distribution?

PM me the mailing address you boob.......I'll see if i can ship it minus the bomb you really deserve...LOL!
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