Surfriding JetManiac Annual Daytona CORE Parts Drive


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JetManiac wants your jet ski parts and garbage!!
We will doing our third annual daytona core drive again this year. We are looking for core parts for rebuild, etc.

Bring your core parts to JetManiac booth and turn them into JetManiac credit for any new or used parts.
Choose JetManiac parts credit or donation to the freeride charity.

Core Parts needed:

Core Cranks for yamaha 650/701/760 (rod and bearing condition not important) 20.-35.
and kawi 750/800

Couch driveshafts (WR3, waveraider, waveventure, xl700, etc.) 20.-30.

Ignition coils for yami 650/701/760 (with ebox grommets preferred, but wire/boot condition not important) 15. With grommets

61x cylinders (needing bore ok, needing sleeves ok, but casting must not be damaged) 50.-110.

Reduction /exit and steering nozzles

Stators / flywheels

Dead oem Starters

Seized sunk motors

Crusty ebox crap

(Rhass isnt taking core mounts so not buying them anymore.)

Core parts are reconditioned, rebuilt, or remachined for you to keep you riding.

Thank you for your support!!
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Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Sweet prices, pays for gas money to get down there. I was planing on taking some of those parts to scrap


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So rods can literally be snapped in half on the core cranks? If so I have a nice paperweight I will send your way with someone.

Yes, only webs and ends are reused, so bearing and rods can be seized, missing, or cut!

Hey Chris, do you have a rough idea of dollar amounts that will be offered?

Added some pricing.

chris - I have a 750 SP crank you can have for cost of shipping.
PM me if interested

Received crank, thanks for the trade!
Would you need clean 62t cases, dead oem starter, stock pump stator for jetmaniac credit?

Im not going to daytona, but ill ship to you for credit towards fresh ported 61x top end kit. Pm me of your interested.
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Coresfordrinkingmoneycoresforridinggascoresfornewp arts​

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