jetski magazine


havin fun
clearwater FL
I know this has been done before but I am taking a whack at it. I have help, but I need more.

I want to make a magazine for standups. it will have to include all watercraft because the people who pay for advertising mostly won't be standup specific businesses. but I can still have extensive coverage of standup riding of all styles including racing.

I have an outline already but other ideas are welcome if you think you have a good one.

I am looking for help in covering some of this material. there is no money only the glory.

some ideas are doing a writeup on a pro- rider. a complete writeup, what ski he rides which will include pics, builder, parts, sponsors, favorites places to ride, ride style, basically I want to know everything there is to know about everything there is to know. I know who Ross Champion is but aside from meeting him for two seconds and how cool he is I basically don't know anything about him. I am in this arena- what would I know if I picked up watercraft world and saw he won some thing in France? I wouldn't! how is the world supposed to know anything about our sport if we don't show em and tell em?

I also want to feature a local rider. we all start somewhere - I think this would be good for other riders to see other people of there same ride skills and for the newbs it lets em know that it isn't as tough as it seems to ride.

here are some things I think should be in the mag, if you see something you want or can help with, including pics or if you are personal friends with someone who you think should be in here or are a pwc related business and want to advertise let me know.

1) Pros you should know- self explanatory
2) Competitions- freestyle, racing
3) Under the Hood- technical articles- performance, maintenance etc.
4) How to's- parts installs and tricks/riding
5) Cool tools- tools and products pwc related
6) Custom buildups- self explanatory
7) Company Spotlight- showcasing different pwc companies that make cool, unique, must have, everyday things we all need
8) Safety- gear, riding, places
9) Old School
10) Local Riders
11) Ride Groups- lets see who is out there
12) Ride Events- every year there are more and more of these. now they can be all in one place for people to see.
13) 2 Stroke perf and reviews
14) 4 Stroke perf and reviews
15) Down the line- future skis, things we would like to see, rumors, etc
16) Readers respond

I also have been kicking around a few names, but I am not in love with any yet. its not easy to come up with a catchy name that covers standups and sitdowns, freestyle, freeride, racing etc.



havin fun
clearwater FL
right- I would change the old school label to that- but basically that is what that section would cover. whats going on now with them and some history, anything related to the older skis.

thats all you have for me boris? I mean I have car mags that have tons of info and pics and I don't have anything that is like that for skis. Do YOU want to see something like that? got any help for me??? hook a brother up!


toronto canada
great idea i used to go downtown once a month to a magazine shop that carried all the good jet ski magazines but stopped in the mid 90s when everything was sitdown stuff, which is no interest to me. their is a lot of talented people on this site how about xh20 magazine?, a magazine for standups and sport skis


ISJWTA member #5
Holts Summit, MO
Great idea Tom. I have often wondered if there was ever going to be another great jet ski related magazine again. Especially more oriented to stand ups. Some sit downs would be OK like XP's, Blaster's, or X2's. If it holds more than one person let the soccer moms keep them. Let me know if I can help out. I wanted to do the same thing but have no way to get one started.


M.D. in the works...
Troy, MI
This sounds great! I've actually thought of an "x-h2o" magazine before. this kinda thing would be great for a non-mechanic stand-up enthusiast like myself. maybe include a standup specific "Professor PWC" article like they do in PWI. I wonder how many people you would need to subscribe to sustain a magazine like that.

I'd be in!


couchez r 4 living rooms
i love the could send free copeys to all the dealerships to give out to people who buy new ski's...that would be a big +++ for the aftermarket companys that will buy ads.....evan if they are buyiing a couch they will still have the name's of place to look for parts to make them faster....and there kids can look at all the noncouch stuff and beg mom and dad to get a stand up..........or a blaster


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
This is a great idea Tom. IMO keep it all standups or next to none sitdowns- every other mag covers those. Why don't you call it FREERIDE MAGAZINE? Is there already a Mag called that?????


havin fun
clearwater FL
i love the could send free copeys to all the dealerships to give out to people who buy new ski's...that would be a big +++ for the aftermarket companys that will buy ads.....evan if they are buyiing a couch they will still have the name's of place to look for parts to make them faster....and there kids can look at all the noncouch stuff and beg mom and dad to get a stand up..........or a blaster

I have a partner who is handling all the mechanics of making, acquiring ad-money, and distributing. So my part is to write it, some or all but I have to build one. spug told me about a mag that was part catalog also this sounds alot like what this will be. its not really subscription based it is more like at a rack in autozone. but I don't see why we couldn't do it that way as well.

This is a great idea Tom. IMO keep it all standups or next to none sitdowns- every other mag covers those. Why don't you call it FREERIDE MAGAZINE? Is there already a Mag called that?????

because the parts vendors want to sell parts and the sad fact is we are the minority. so if we want them to advertise meaning support the mag we have to have some content that works for their product. it has to support all pwc's but trust me it will have all of the stuff you will want to know about and very little of the stuff you don't.

So, would most of the content be submitted by riders/enthusiasts?

not necessarily- but look at my outline. how good will this be if I write every word? I need some other contributors for different voices, writing styles, perspectives etc. I know jack squat about racing so I will not do very well to get the best story or even write of what is most important as I do not know what that is.

You forgot a 'reader's rides' section:fing02:

duh, you're right, I was thinking more about putting in a complete writeup about one instead of lightly glossing over many. but I think if there is room I will squeeze it in somehow.


havin fun
clearwater FL
Great idea Tom. I have often wondered if there was ever going to be another great jet ski related magazine again. Especially more oriented to stand ups. Some sit downs would be OK like XP's, Blaster's, or X2's. If it holds more than one person let the soccer moms keep them. Let me know if I can help out. I wanted to do the same thing but have no way to get one started.

sure- which topic do you wanna write?

Please, just dont name it XMI

many of us still remember that one.

thanks BK- XMI it is...joking. seriously its hard to find a name without ride or water something or other which are current mags, at least the two I have heard of. anyone like "GET WET" or "RideTimes" (take off of high times- its just too funny not to have it pop in my head.) of course the subtitle will be "standup and sitdown pwc magazine"

Get Wet is my best one that actually fits the topic but I was informed it was a little suggestive. Can I help it people are all strung out on porn? is everything about sex, alright- dumb question.

again- it has to be all pwc but will favor non-sitdowns.
How about section where we submit pics of drunk teen lesbians frolicking at beach?
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