I have a bunch of spring laying around ,I will send them to you if it will help,they probably won't fit and won't work but for $10.00 + shipping I can send you the correct parts
I had some ipd variable rate springs on my Volvo wagon beater in Hawaii, could I use those?
Variable rate spring = force required to compress spring changes with distance compressed.
Constant rate spring = force required to compress spring is constant, regardless of distance compressed.
spring != spring
Nah send the $5.00 to Pete :bad3:If all you have ever bought is a Jetworks Flow Control Valve and you lost the parts that makes it work, well, that is your fault. That is not the same as a screw falling out. Your fault again. Preventive maintenance.
If you were a customer like Crammit, NJFL, MattE or other regular customers who have spent $1000's then yeah, they may have said, "Hey, dont worry, it coming in the mail no charge." But, I dont think your that kind of customer. If you bitching over $10.00 for parts, I will send you $5.00 to lessen the hit to your wallet.
Nah send the $5.00 to Pete :bad3:
So who's this "Jetflow", anyhow?