Joy...... (knee injury)

Well, got the MRI results back. Prior to the MRI the doc thought I had a torn meniscus, but lucky me, I managed to tear my Patellar Tendon (the big one connecting your knee cap to your shin). I go in for a surgical consult next week. Anyone had this? Any tips? Looks like my riding season may be cut short this year.... might as well start saving for an AM hull for next year if that's the case lol.
Really depends on if its a partial or complete tear, the procedure, and your doc's rehab protocol. But unfortunately you will be out for a lil while... How'd you tear it?
It's definitely a partial tear, as a full tear is debilitating from my understanding. I am still up walking and riding for now, just with pain.

Honestly I can't pinpoint an "ouch" moment so to speak. My guess is I did it during exercise at some point. Beginning of the year I hit the gym really hard for a few months an probably got over my head. That, combined with very frequent riding and hiking has probably not helped.
well thats good... id recommend that you wear some kind of supportive brace when you're riding or any other extra curricular activity. Stick to exercises at the gym that strengthen and support the knee ( i dont mean go out and do weighted lunges and heavy squats). For the moment try to avoid isolated leg extension/flexion on that leg till the doc get back to ya. id say ice it but ive seen some docs ask for heat really depends on what research they've read. The more ya do now the better off later.
I just saw your username :p
I have your pole on my 750SX. LOVE IT man!
Peoria, AZ
I tore my meniscus and ACL a few years ago. The surgeon used my Patellar tendon to replace my ACL, so I think your main problem is the torn meniscus. After a week or two I wasn't in any pain but my knee would give out on me if I twisted it wrong. I waited till the end of winter (6-8 months after the injury) to go in for surgery so I could finish school and didn't interfere with summer. I would say wait on surgery if you're not in pain and enjoy your summer.
haha, glad you like it! the white on white looks nice.

But if you have questions along the way just give me a shout, just keep it easy on the knee till you decide on what you plan to do.
Yea, rode for a few hours yesterday. Paid for it last night. The pain ends up waking me up about 4-5 times a night. Starts dull then builds to a stabbing sensation right at the base of me knee. It passes, and I go back to sleep, an hour later it's back lol. If I've spent the day being more active, I can definitely tell that night and the next day.


Buy a Superjet
You need to be spending any pain free time you have strengthening the muscles around your knees. (Unless it hurts then you shouldn't be doing that either). I have gone through a few knee issues and better to take care of it now before it gets worse.
Get off your feet and let it heal right! I played college football for 4 years and have seen and experienced more knee injuries than I would've liked to see. Many of my friends basically didn't listen to the doc and were WAY too active when told not to be. Most of them either re tore the ligament or ended up healing wrong in the end and had to have another surgery. Be smart and stay off your feet, do your rehab and stay off the skis!
So saw the Orthopedic Surgeon yesterday. I have a 5mm (ish) tear in the upper portion of my patellar tendon. They gave me a 6 day pack of steroids to take to aid in the reduction of the inflammation. I have 5 weeks of Physical Therapy then a decision on surgery on the 19th next month depending on how the therapy goes. My qualm with doing therapy though, is according to the Ortho, the tear will not heal itself. So even after PT if I feel great, it's extremely likely I will aggravate the same injury by continuing riding jet skis. As much as I don't want to, I am pushing for surgery due to the complete repair option. We'll see!
I feel your pain. I fell snow skiing this winter and tore my knee up real good. Torn ACL,PCL,MCL, Miniscus, and dislocated my kneecap. Somehow even managed to bruise my bones. (Didn't even know you could do that lol) Well, I have had one surgery and will have another in the fall. My stand-up riding season was done before it started. I am starting to ride my couch a little bit. Biggest advise, follow the doctors orders and DONT push it. Knee injuries are no joke and take a while to heal.
I've thought about riding the yamaha (couch) for the rest of the season, but I know I couldn't just take it easy on it... that was the whole reason for not solely owning a couch lol. I've come to the conclusion that my season is done. I've debated unloading everything to fund an AM hull, but I won't know what I want until after World Finals in October. I will be back on the water hard next season, at least that's the plan. lol. Hope you're doing well now @Borderguy and I hope all the surgery helps!
I can't stay away from the water long enough not to ride at all. I can't ride the couch like normal, but I am still able to play a little bit. (better than nothing) I am planning on being ready for the water in the spring. :)
Thanks, I hope the second surgery fixes everything.
I'd be scared of unloading everything before you have your next ski, too easy to let life get in the way and then you don't have the money and next thing you know, your out of the sport. Most of the guys I rode with all the time still have skis, just don't seem to ever ride anymore.
I hope it all works out for ya. :)
So here is an update on my progress. I got sent to Physical Therapy a few weeks back, and the guy turned me away. He stated he couldn't do anything to help me until the torn tendon is repaired. So, I wait just over a month to see my surgeon. Nice enough guy, but he says that he refuses to consider surgery as an option, until I complete 6 weeks of Physical Therapy regardless. So I got referred back to another therapist. Joy. My next apt. with the surgeon is in October, so surgery probably won't be until November if I had to guess.

Really feel like this whole season has been a waste, and I made NO progress on healing. It sucks.
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