Just A Little Mid March Riding In Huntsville, AL At The River


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
We started the day out driving all over town looking for a wet suit for Steve aka YZ250FPilot since he only has a shorty. Then a stop by the Gander Mountain store was necessary to get a pair of neoprene socks. I already got a pair of socks and a pair of gloves earlier in the week. Now you would think at least one store in a town in the deep south would have a wet suit but no dice.

So YZ was about to say F it and not ride. Then it hits me I have this old school retro Kawasaki wet suit made by Body Glove. I tried it one once and it didn't really fit back then let alone on me now a +50 pounds. So he was hell yeah I will wear it. It is a men's medium. Way too small!


Speaking of Gil he didn't want to come play with us and stayed in Cullman... He is scared I guess...

Water was cold, a little brisk. I wore my Slipper John full wetsuit with a outer jacket. Then I had on the neoprene socks and gloves. I also put on a nylon wind breaker and pants. I figured it would keep the air off me. It kind of got in the way some but helped.

The skull cap I bought and my cheesy goggles fell vistim to the river gods. One sub and the skull cap was MIA. An attemp at riding on the hood lost the goggles, There went 25 bucks total down the drain. YZ was right, I was stupid for buying them.

The X2 ran ok. Ok for being 99% mostly stock. I can't wait to put my 800 SXR into it!!! YZ's White Supremecy ski was rocking again minus the bolder in the prop. I see why everyone says to get an SJ. I wish my X2 had some low end brap like that. I am working on it... All in all it was a good day.

Next year DRY SUIT!


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Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I'm glad to hear White Supremacy ran good! That is one bitchin motor that I wish I still had!!!

BTW-was the submarine intentional???LOL


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Um yeah but it was a weak half ass sub. I realized how fat and out of shape I am.

The White Power Ski started missing. New plugs didn't fix the problem so we both called it quits. Plus Numb Nutz forgot to put the pump nose cover on his ski yesterday... Might need to hit it with the wire wheel to clean it up, then install it...

What happened to you? You ride? Man I wish it was warmer. Riding in cold water sucks. Plus i am too fat for my fwet suit and life jacket. I am going to order a new life jacket soon or try to eBay one.
There's no academy in Huntsville. The pink gay suit worked great. I concealed all the pink under my o'neal shorty that had a much less gay purple on it.

The riding was kick azz. After 3 or 4 cold soaks in the water, it was all good. I did get an inconsistent electrical miss after 45 minutes or so of riding that I need to hunt down. Not bad though for a 1st ride on a complete ski disassembly/assembly. I expected something else to go wrong.

And just for the record, it's the "white power ski," not the white supremacy ski. :stooges:

Oh, also...in those pics, the water looks dirty as heck. It was only that way in the creek where the boat ramp was. The river was nice and clean!
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There's no academy in Huntsville. The pink gay suit worked great. I concealed all the pink under my o'neal shorty that had a much less gay purple on it.

The riding was kick azz. After 3 or 4 cold soaks in the water, it was all good. I did get an inconsistent electrical miss after 45 minutes or so of riding that I need to hunt down. Not bad though for a 1st ride on a complete ski disassembly/assembly. I expected something else to go wrong.

And just for the record, it's the "white power ski," not the white supremacy ski. :stooges:

Oh, also...in those pics, the water looks dirty as heck. It was only that way in the creek where the boat ramp was. The river was nice and clean!
i rode some friends skis that theyre getting ready to sell sunday, its definately not summer time yet. oh, and no suit.


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
You Fools missed a nice ride in Orange Beach this weekend 70 degree Weather. 5-8 ft Surf Saturday, hazy 2-3 ft Sunday and Sunny.

It takes a man to sport purple.:Banane09: If it had pink Gil would be all over it.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
You Fools missed a nice ride in Orange Beach this weekend 70 degree Weather. 5-8 ft Surf Saturday, hazy 2-3 ft Sunday and Sunny.

It takes a man to sport purple.:Banane09: If it had pink Gil would be all over it.

Lets see the OB pics. then GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR thanks for the invite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dunno:


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
You Fools missed a nice ride in Orange Beach this weekend 70 degree Weather. 5-8 ft Surf Saturday, hazy 2-3 ft Sunday and Sunny.

It takes a man to sport purple.:Banane09: If it had pink Gil would be all over it.

You better let me get some more practice in before I go brave surf. My mind says yeah you can do it, you used to kick a$$ on an X2. Then I proceed to go out and get worked over yesterday just riding on the river. Of course a wet suit and life jacket that were too small didn't help. The life jacket is constricting at best. Then I had on a rain suit to help keep the air off me and the jacket filled up with water in the pockets. So I have two options, loose weight or get a bigger life jacket and wait for warmer weather. Option two it is!

If YZ can squeeze into the old kawie Body Glove, so can Gil. Atleast he can blame Sluggy beating him on a too tight wet suit...


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Lets see the OB pics. then GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR thanks for the invite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dunno:
Last Minute... Drove up Saturday Morning, emergency parts delivery. No pic's Saturday a little choppy for me to take photos. Sunday I might have a few will have to get them developed. 8 riders Sat., 6 Sun.
I rode Jame's 08' Wammer, Words can't express how well it handled. I was very impressed. And the RRP he has on it is just plain Sexy.

You better let me get some more practice in before I go brave surf. My mind says yeah you can do it, you used to kick a$$ on an X2. Then I proceed to go out and get worked over yesterday just riding on the river. Of course a wet suit and life jacket that were too small didn't help. The life jacket is constricting at best. Then I had on a rain suit to help keep the air off me and the jacket filled up with water in the pockets. So I have two options, loose weight or get a bigger life jacket and wait for warmer weather. Option two it is!
If YZ can squeeze into the old kawie Body Glove, so can Gil. Atleast he can blame Sluggy beating him on a too tight wet suit...

If a Fat Crippled Old Lady can Brave Surf you can too. :cat37:

Sounds like you boys had fun Mudd Bogging though.:clown:
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Give me a month of riding a few times each week. I will be killing it. I was told by my girl back home that I better pull some rolls this summer. I know it won't happen with a 650 on flat water and I am unsure if I can do one with my 800 on flat water. Give me a wave and I will attempt some.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Give me a month of riding a few times each week. I will be killing it. I was told by my girl back home that I better pull some rolls this summer. I know it won't happen with a 650 on flat water and I am unsure if I can do one with my 800 on flat water. Give me a wave and I will attempt some.

its just the duck pond bro, U can swing it now.
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