Custom/Hybrid Just Another Freaky Build


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I am very thankful for peeps like this... : )

Heeeheeee.....I just felt it was time to try something new. I still get very 'emotional' seeing your Freak pics. I put a lot of time into building it and I put A LOT of time riding it. It was, by far, my most favorite ski ever.
I hope you get half as much fun & use out of it as I did.
All I can say is Thanks Don.....Woop Woop, the cove will be a blast this year!!! Got a big boat coming this year that will throw a huge wake with extra built in ballast, and this new option called the surf gate.....should be fun!!!
Thanks for the pics, you are the man!


NE Tenn

Still at the body shop. Love how your bud's say "bring that ski over,couple days and chit we will have her painted right up"

So waiting on that to happen and then l can rock on that thing!
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