Surfriding just curious, shark stories???

We see them bout every time we ride. West of the Jetty is very popular for surf and sharks. Normally 4-6 ft sometimes bigger the Spinners are the weirdos small and jump out of water when spooked spinning..
wow....I honestly thought (hoped) you would all come on here and tell me this was a dumb thread because sharks are scared off by all of the commotion. now I'm glad I ride lakes lol


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wow....I honestly thought (hoped) you would all come on here and tell me this was a dumb thread because sharks are scared off by all of the commotion. now I'm glad I ride lakes lol

Meh. You got a much better chance of getting run over by a drunk boater.


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I've seen a dorsal fin moving around and some splashing/slashing in the water and I rode over to it real quick to see and it was always gone when I got there. Tried that about 6 times just to verify they are scared of the engine (was really hoping to see it since it wasn't huge). Later that day my buddies ski lost spark and he was floating for about 20 minutes. He had help from another friend so I kept riding until I saw the silhouette of a huge shark surfing in a big wave. Intimidated the schit out of me and I was done riding. Other than that I've seen a sea turtle, manta rays, sting rays which like to surf in the waves also, and thousands of jelly fish. I'm afraid of sharks. I think if I got bit like JD I'd either quit riding or just never tell my wife since I really don't think I could quit.
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Never had any trouble in our usual ski spots, but there's been a lot of great whites spotted off the coast here in West Aus over the last few months, and a couple of surfers taken from popular beaches too..
Lots of government talk of doing a great white cull now.


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Great whites like colder waters and only come near shore to more shallow water to feed. They are usually just following the fish, it's mistaken identity when they bite people. One bite will inflict more damage than I'm willing to accept. My camo wetsuit keeps me immune to their attacks.


Sionis Industries
While up on a parasail a few years back, spotted a pair of silhouettes, they cruised near the boat. saw the dorsel fins and noticed these guys where swimming side to side.....I said to myself uhh dolphins dont swim like that, I'll stay up here.. we were right along the beach...pretty crazy,
do shark nets work to help keep the big guys away from popular beaches or are do they just provide a false sense of security?

False sense of security im afraid, there is a big debate here at the moment as people getting taken and bit is on the rise. Shark nets catch more dolphins and other fish then they do sharks.

I think sharks are attracted to propellers on boats because they are shiny like a lure, seen a few try and eat them when they are turned off, but impellers are somewhat hidden.


walking on water
I was riding in Oceanside last January, the only thing big I saw were Sea Lions. A few jumped off the docks when you went by, I kept my eyes out to see if they'd surface near me. None did.

I was hoping to ride with some dolphins, the last time I was in Oceanside there were multiple pods all around the Pier.
iv seen plenty of sharks in the line up, mostly just leopards. even saw a 6-7ft white shark, possibly blue shark, on a real glassy morning. he was cruising with his fin tip out the water like jaws hahaha it all you landlocked ppl who are hyping up the sharks... all surfers know they arent alone out there. the chances are so little of any contact, especially if you are on a loud a$$ jetski. if you dont like sharks, stay out of the water. more waves for me!!!
No shark story's but went on a long ski ride to a nice break up the cali coast from our usual ride spot and stopped to clean kelp out of my pump and had a mom and baby whale just about give me a heart attack 10 feet from me, they were super playful and not aggressive but crazy how big they are even the baby was as big as a semi truck, we followed them for a mile or so it was pretty cool, i would hate to be that close to a white shark they are out there.
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