I am looking to get my first stand-up and will mainly use it on lakes and sometimes the ocean surf. I am a very active guy, ride motorcycles, dirtbikes, quads, etc. and want something to have fun on the water on. Something fast, very manuverable, can jump, do tricks, etc. with. At first I was looking at a sit-down but I hear the stand-ups are so much more fun. I'm located in northern NJ so if anybody is selling something in the 2K range let me know. I don't have a ton of money to spend, 2K or under.
What are more popular? kawasaki sxi's or superjets? which are better in terms of performance, reliability, etc.?
thanks for any help!
What are more popular? kawasaki sxi's or superjets? which are better in terms of performance, reliability, etc.?
thanks for any help!