Surfriding Krashing into a 50 Cal... Stage 2!

Are you still loving the 50Cal?
The hull yes.. everything else no lol

Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

Care to elaborate?
Deeeep breath... I've had several problems with the pump. Stripped threads, broken vanes, turn nozzle bolts pulled out, and the stock prop it comes with is pretty trash. I also have a few issues with the handlepole, first it's heavy AF, it chewed through pole bushings within 5 months, the spring cant keep it up. The design of how the spring mounts causes it to dig into and chew out the pole bracket/pole. The pole makes a constant squeek every time it moves, the grips that come with the handlebars might as well be taped on. Everything is so sharp by the turnplate that the cables and wires will instantly get torn up, unless you cover the sharp edges in tape or wrap your wires. And the clearcoat is garbage.

Other than that.. the hull rides amazing. It's super flickable in the surf. It can carve hard when you want it and it's an all around blast. Not sure if I had an early "prototype" version or not. But it's still a solid hull...

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All the billet and cast aluminum are total crap (its like they didn't want to make the last few passes on the mill to finish the parts well) All the hull inserts were aluminum, so also total crap. The pump is cast alum, and has super thick powdercoat on it so its also crap. The breather tubes get cut by the sharp billet parts, and will cause leaking into the hull. And the Anodizing also sucks.

This is all experience from Cams build lol

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Party in a can!
Tidewater, VA
I cannot see any tool marks from machining on my on my billet pieces. But then I only picked mine up in January if it matters. I pulled the body apart I did not remove the engine. I'll try to remember to take some macro shots and post some pics when I get home.

I know that several people have had issues with the pump. I haven't yet. I did talk to Brian @ torrentz this weekend to establish a solid backup plan. @chixwithtrix led the way on that front so when the time comes I'm not breaking any new ground there just following her lead ...


I cannot see any tool marks from machining on my on my billet pieces. But then I only picked mine up in January if it matters. I pulled the body apart I did not remove the engine. I'll try to remember to take some macro shots and post some pics when I get home.

I know that several people have had issues with the pump. I haven't yet. I did talk to Brian @ torrentz this weekend to establish a solid backup plan. @chixwithtrix led the way on that front so when the time comes I'm not breaking any new ground there just following her lead ...
The Torrent pump is muy bueno! Beautifully made and works amazing. No issues with mine so far.
I just want to say great info!
Looking to do almost this exact same build in a year or two, it will be my first. (only used to building kawi's and superjets)

After reading a bunch of these I still had a few questions I was wondering if you all could help with?
1. Pump or motor in first? (if pump, how would you align it)
2. How do you tell when the motor is in the correct position in the hull? Both the angle from front to back and the height off the bottom. I know it has to line up with the driveshaft, but there's got to be some wiggle room that has to be worked out.
3. Do you have to cut the driveshaft down at all (if using stock superjet one)? if so how do you tell that length it needs to be cut to.

I know some of these might sound dumb to you experienced guys but just trying to get some info, anything helps.
(if it helps, looking to run a 62t/61x 701 and either a 144mm or 148mm pump)


Buy a Superjet
I just want to say great info!
Looking to do almost this exact same build in a year or two, it will be my first. (only used to building kawi's and superjets)

After reading a bunch of these I still had a few questions I was wondering if you all could help with?
1. Pump or motor in first? (if pump, how would you align it)
2. How do you tell when the motor is in the correct position in the hull? Both the angle from front to back and the height off the bottom. I know it has to line up with the driveshaft, but there's got to be some wiggle room that has to be worked out.
3. Do you have to cut the driveshaft down at all (if using stock superjet one)? if so how do you tell that length it needs to be cut to.

I know some of these might sound dumb to you experienced guys but just trying to get some info, anything helps.
(if it helps, looking to run a 62t/61x 701 and either a 144mm or 148mm pump)

Watch all of these build a bob videos


NE Tenn
Watch all of these build a bob videos
As Quinc said,there is a ton of information available online.Its best to google your questions and for the most part it will direct you back here.
1.Pump in first and align it.Everything generates from this alignment! Google is your friend and STAY off FB for advise.
2.Midshaft and then engine goes in.
There are shims with different thicknesses that will raise the engine to properly align it.Aftermarket hulls can vary greatly in what you will use as far as motor mounts go.A/M hulls are all different,which will answer your third question.

3.Some hulls the driveshaft has to be cut down,and it’s possible of being able to just use a spacer behind the midshaft.
Lots of variations on any a/m hull.But for the most part,people who own these hulls have started threads covering these differences.

I really have only touched the surface on any of the questions you have asked,but plenty of reference material available on line. Good luck!
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