Legal Oceanside Surf Riding Spot

Vista CA
Currently there is no official checking but we do/can get stopped and be asked for all of the stuff and if we don't have it, it's a ticket or impound. Having a zone is well worth more rules and regulations. It would be huge for the sport on the west coast
Do you guys have to deal with any regulations right now? In Daytona you have to get checked by the beach patrol to make sure your ski is all legal and has the right equipment. Just wondering if you go about getting a ride zone will you have to deal with more rules and regulations that you don't have to now?
So, here's my big question: this will be on a stretch of beach owned/regulated by the city of Oceanside, not on Camp Pendleton, right? If so, are you considering north of the O-side pier or south? LOVE the idea, but hate the mandatory helmetage.
But, if we can acquire our own little stretch of "heaven", heck, I'll even wear a cup if it was mandatory!
For what it's worth, over here in Virginia Beach, we're allowed to ride where we want on the beach from mid October to mid May. Otherwise, during the summer, we're not allowed to ride within 100 yards of shore after 10am. So we launch at 8 and ride till 10. We don't need permits, but are still subject to all the rules of any other boat and need to give swimmers and surfers safe distance, obviously.
Good luck though! If by chance I happen to be in San Diego during this meeting, and work allows me the time, I'd attend!
Vista CA
For what it's worth, over here in Virginia Beach, we're allowed to ride where we want on the beach from mid October to mid May. Otherwise, during the summer, we're not allowed to ride within 100 yards of shore after 10am. So we launch at 8 and ride till 10. We don't need permits, but are still subject to all the rules of any other boat and need to give swimmers and surfers safe distance, obviously.
Good luck though! If by chance I happen to be in San Diego during this meeting, and work allows me the time, I'd attend!

is there written rules somewhere for that???? i would Love to read that
Vista CA
So, here's my big question: this will be on a stretch of beach owned/regulated by the city of Oceanside, not on Camp Pendleton, right? If so, are you considering north of the O-side pier or south? LOVE the idea, but hate the mandatory helmetage.
But, if we can acquire our own little stretch of "heaven", heck, I'll even wear a cup if it was mandatory!

the small stretch of land we are proposing is between north pier and south of the jettie. we have a small part in mind that would be perfect
Check out Code Chapter 6: Sec. 6-16.1. Recreational area for swimming and other water activities, part b.

During the period May 1 through October 15 of each year, from 10:00 a.m. until sunset, the area adjacent to the beaches of the Chesapeake Bay, extending one hundred (100) yards seaward from the shoreline, and extending eastward from the eastern boundary of the Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base to the western boundary of Ft. Story, along with the area adjacent to the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, extending one hundred (100) yards seaward from the shoreline, and extending northward from the northern boundary of the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge to the southern boundary of Ft. Story, are hereby designated as recreational areas for swimming, wading, crabbing, fishing and other water activities not involving the use of motorboats; provided, however, that the areas so established shall not be deemed to include the navigable waters of the Lynnhaven Inlet. Within such designated areas, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motorboat except when proceeding to or from the beach or an anchorage, at an angle perpendicular to the shoreline, at the minimum speed required to maintain steerage and headway, and while maintaining a distance of no less than one hundred (100) feet from any person or persons in the water.
Vista CA
Check out Code Chapter 6: Sec. 6-16.1. Recreational area for swimming and other water activities, part b.

During the period May 1 through October 15 of each year, from 10:00 a.m. until sunset, the area adjacent to the beaches of the Chesapeake Bay, extending one hundred (100) yards seaward from the shoreline, and extending eastward from the eastern boundary of the Little Creek Naval Amphibious Base to the western boundary of Ft. Story, along with the area adjacent to the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean, extending one hundred (100) yards seaward from the shoreline, and extending northward from the northern boundary of the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge to the southern boundary of Ft. Story, are hereby designated as recreational areas for swimming, wading, crabbing, fishing and other water activities not involving the use of motorboats; provided, however, that the areas so established shall not be deemed to include the navigable waters of the Lynnhaven Inlet. Within such designated areas, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motorboat except when proceeding to or from the beach or an anchorage, at an angle perpendicular to the shoreline, at the minimum speed required to maintain steerage and headway, and while maintaining a distance of no less than one hundred (100) feet from any person or persons in the water.
awesome i will definently bring that up. i have a strong feeling that during the summer they wont want us to have a zone
We don't have a "zone", except for Wave Daze, just a time. But Wave Daze is always during the "off season" anyways, so technically we could ride anywhere, anytime.
Fort Story, as mentioned, isn't goverened by the city's rules, but it's probably a 9+ mile ride for us to get there from the ramp. Though I did escort us onto the base once this year and we launched with a quad from the beach and the cops tried to bust our balls but realized they couldn't touch us. They were just mad because we were riding 100 yards down the beach on city property an hour earlier and they kicked us off only for us to get back on the water out of their jurisdiction!
We really have a lucky launch spot or 2 here in Va.But its no where near as nice as drive on tona acess. That was the only reason I bought a quad,pushing skis blows.

As far as getting your zone goes,trust me,dont go in there with a buncha young guys it wouldnt matter if you had 100s. Hire a lawyer to look into the current laws and find "loop hole propositions"for you.Always ask for WAY more than you really need. Its much better a lawyer or at least a old suit speaks for you in council. This is how the tona zone was setup. a lawyer with a personal interest got it done. Your odds with a lawyer are thin as it is,without a lawyer and representing a special interest group will be pissing into a hurricane wind.Its important to get the support of the lifesaving crew of the beach you are requesting access.This is where a few riders coming with you is worth your while. Get them to think they will be doing something new and cool and keeping up with the jones.Get their captain in touch with the captain at daytona on the success of the zone. Life guards compete against each other in country wide contests and sometimes have relationships Ask me how I know.... I have been to court many times and visited city councilmen and lifeguard captains on this very issue. Its really time consuming and costly,I got busy with my business and lost interest in it after all of our older riders stopped riding for one reason or another.
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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I have some major concerns for what you guys are trying to do. Sure we would all like our own exclusive, LEGAL riding spot where we can park on the beach and ride, but in reality I don't think you have a chance in hell of pulling that off. I can think of two reasons right off the bat that will derail this effort.

1. In the past, The City of Oceanside used to issue special use permits to have competitive Jet Ski surf riding events. They no longer will do that, we have already asked. There stated reason for denial was; low participation or turn out. In other words, in the past events they did allow, there was not enough turn out in both competitors and spectators to justify closing down a section of public beach, even for a day, in the winter time. How do you think they will react if you are proposing a private, exclusive riding area that less than 5 guys will use regularly?

2. The entire Oceanside beach front, including the Harbor, is already developed by multimillion dollar beach front homes, condos or Hotels, and is the most coveted and sought after real estate in all of Oceanside. The only exception is the 100 yard stretch of beach just south of the South Harbor Jetty where the San Luis Rey river empties into the Ocean. This must be the AREA that you're thinking of, and yes that would be a perfect area for us, the only problem is that this is a highly popular surfing spot, and if you think you're going to get that area shut down for surfing you're clearly not thinking straight. The surfing community would absolutely lose their mind over this, and they DO have a lot of pull. Remember when they stopped the Toll road extension to Trestles?

That brings me to my biggest concern. We have a really good thing going here in Oceanside. There is NOTHING WRONG with what we ALREADY have. For the last 20 yrs, flying low under the radar has worked perfectly. We don't have to follow any regulations or answer to any type of law or enforcement agency. If you're efforts to bring a legal riding spot puts us on the radar so the powers that be decide to actually enforce the No riding on Camp Pendleton the you would be responsible for Phucking up a really good thing, all just because you think riding a mile is too much of a hassle. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THAT?

Sorry my thoughts may be coming across as negative, they aren't meant to be, I'm just trying to be realistic. Before you put at risk what we already have, you really need to do a lot more home work on your proposal. How about starting by getting signatures for how many people will actually use the riding area if it were opened, I can guarantee the city is going to want to see that data.
Vista CA
I have some major concerns for what you guys are trying to do. Sure we would all like our own exclusive, LEGAL riding spot where we can park on the beach and ride, but in reality I don't think you have a chance in hell of pulling that off. I can think of two reasons right off the bat that will derail this effort.

1. In the past, The City of Oceanside used to issue special use permits to have competitive Jet Ski surf riding events. They no longer will do that, we have already asked. There stated reason for denial was; low participation or turn out. In other words, in the past events they did allow, there was not enough turn out in both competitors and spectators to justify closing down a section of public beach, even for a day, in the winter time. How do you think they will react if you are proposing a private, exclusive riding area that less than 5 guys will use regularly?

2. The entire Oceanside beach front, including the Harbor, is already developed by multimillion dollar beach front homes, condos or Hotels, and is the most coveted and sought after real estate in all of Oceanside. The only exception is the 100 yard stretch of beach just south of the South Harbor Jetty where the San Luis Rey river empties into the Ocean. This must be the AREA that you're thinking of, and yes that would be a perfect area for us, the only problem is that this is a highly popular surfing spot, and if you think you're going to get that area shut down for surfing you're clearly not thinking straight. The surfing community would absolutely lose their mind over this, and they DO have a lot of pull. Remember when they stopped the Toll road extension to Trestles?

That brings me to my biggest concern. We have a really good thing going here in Oceanside. There is NOTHING WRONG with what we ALREADY have. For the last 20 yrs, flying low under the radar has worked perfectly. We don't have to follow any regulations or answer to any type of law or enforcement agency. If you're efforts to bring a legal riding spot puts us on the radar so the powers that be decide to actually enforce the No riding on Camp Pendleton the you would be responsible for Phucking up a really good thing, all just because you think riding a mile is too much of a hassle. HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THAT?

Sorry my thoughts may be coming across as negative, they aren't meant to be, I'm just trying to be realistic. Before you put at risk what we already have, you really need to do a lot more home work on your proposal. How about starting by getting signatures for how many people will actually use the riding area if it were opened, I can guarantee the city is going to want to see that data.

you nailed the spot on the head. i think your overestimating the popularity as the south side of the jettie is horse poop compared to the north side which is why it regularly has no surfers. the beach is constantly washed out so its not popular for tourist and there using it for emergency access and nothing more. I know you think your flying under the radar but the harbor master along with everyone in the law enforcement knows what we do, it is not a secret. sorry special agent 227, you arnt that stealth. Let me first say this just wasn't my idea, im just the one posting it. We talked to randy, zack, jake, and other riders and everyone liked the idea, you would be the first one not on board. I am quite aware of the homework i need to do, the entire point of this thread was to gauge interest and get the ball rolling, obviously we are doing research and more than counting who would be interested. we also are NOT saying where we ride now in the proposal.

the reason there hasn't been a competition is because the permits people have tried to pull have been at the pier. you cant compare a washed out river mouth and the famous Oceanside pier. I would also say freeride is more popular now than it was in say 2004 when the last o side competition was.

And let me move to the part about "too much of a hassle." Creating a legal ride spot is about much much more than riding distance, HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THAT? its about growing the sport. the fact that we could host freeride events like the pismo and daytona freeride, bring new people, and ACTUALLY GETTING US IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. Riders like zack bright who will go shred on a weekly basis and guess who sees it??? us, the guys who already know it exist. You don't think it would be awesome for the sport if random spectators could see that and get interested????

sorry if my comments come off as rude, but you kind of were a turd.
100% agree with john. I was gonna reply to this thread sooner but i wanted to see how it played out. This proposal is risking what we already have for something thats not much better. Our spot is prime. No surfers, no life guards, no tourist. Its for enthuist only. So what you want more recognition for your sweet jetski riding in the surf? Forget it. No body cares. Its old news. Take it for what it is and enjoy it while you can. This is coming from an oside frequent who spent an hour on the beach saturday getting my ski going after i sank. I knew no one was coming to save me and i couldnt just run to my truck n grab my gear. Im ok with that. Keeps all the goons away. Have you been to a motocross track on the weekend? Total poop show!
Vista CA
I hear ya Shaun I do like how big of an area is now. I don't care about my sweet riding I just think it would be good for the sport, and I do think people care, it is exploding in Australia

Me zack and jake have been thinking of every way possible to not mention where we ride now and to not even bring it up so it won't be risked. But honestly I care most about the opinions of you regulars and 227 since we would be the ones dealing with it every weekend. We might need an Oceanside little get together
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