Legal Oceanside Surf Riding Spot


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
I hear both sides and that is also my concern. Bringing what we do to light yet it is already known. It's been known since the contest in 2004.

And Shaun I think your dreaming if you think no one could have came up to you on that beach. You could have had a lifeguard hastle you, a game warden, or an MP the threatening to call the coast guard. Could have had your ski taken then and there. I've delt with all 3. Others have too. They know we are there.

Oceanside wants money. I think we can bring them revenue at what we do. I would love to have no stress when we ride and be able to rest and actually ride more than 5 gallons and turn a morning deal into an all day affair.
Ask if they could put a offshore reef in a few hundred yards out that could be skied ,surfed or fished depending on swell/time of year .


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Skimour Sorry I came across as a turd. Let me clarify, I'm not against the idea. I'm not against you. I would love to see this become a reality. As a matter of fact, if it did become a reality, I would probably be the guy would benefit the most. I just don't think there's a chance in hell of it happening. Surely you can see that a fellow ally in your cause can bring up obstacles which must be addressed without you thinking they are attacking you. As already stated though, my main concern is that bringing this issue to the forefront of the Cities attention and putting the spot light on us could very well mess up what we already have. My past experience dealing with the powers that be is that they take away, they don't give anything, and BTW, YES we do fly under the radar. Sure they know what we do, it's no secret, but out of sight out of mind goes along ways.

That being said, the biggest obstacle this proposal will encounter is lack of support. I live here in Oceanside and I check the surf EVERY SINGLE DAY, and the 100yrds south of the South Jetty is surfed quite regularly, every single day. The rarest thing I see here in Oceanside is someone riding a standup Jet ski. Even the Tow Surfers out number us 2-1. 90% of the time, the only guys riding skis, show up on the weekends, and even then, it's usually less than 10 guys riding, and 10 to 15 riders is a large crowd. You're going to need a lot more support than that to get the Cities attention. This is why I suggested getting a petition of names of potential users.

And as far as denied contest permits, the party I know was not seeking a pier side location for an event, it was ANY location in all of Oceanside that was denied. If you still think I don't know what I'm talking about then here's a proposal. Why don't you start with some baby steps. First, get the city to approve a special use permit for a one or two day contest event at the very site you are proposing they turn into a permanent ride site. If you can pull that off, that would be a great indicator of the kind of support that this type of event will bring. You will also find out who you're opposition is, as they will come out of the wood work. Believe me if the City would approve this, they will be watching this closely. If it's a success, then next get the City to approve 2 or 3 events per year, and if that's successful then petition to make it a permanent ride site. BTW the way if you want to talk off this forum, you can get my number from Zack.
Well said John ^

I've been riding Oceanside for a long time, I would love to be able to beach my ski and fuel up on the beach as much as you guys, but I honestly don't see it happening. I don't think there are enough of us with needed influence to make that happen. I would be really bummed if this proposal brought negative attention to our spot and created some regulations that banned us from riding there. You guys are right, everyone knows we ride there, but being ocean and in front of a military base creates a "grey area" and luckily agencies just look the other way. Just like Point Loma, we ride at the mouth of the harbor where jurisdiction of harbor police and USCG meet.

John has a good point and plan of gauging interest without endangering our spot. If you guys decide to go this route, count me in for support.
Hey John,

I never knew you were so eloquent with a keyboard. Well said, my friend! I too would like a little spot to pull up on the beach without endangering what we already have. I agree with baby steps, then you guys (not me) can do the "big leaps"!

Ron McKee

Oside surf
Lake Forest, CA
Back in the day when there were racing and freestyle events at the pier, I remember seeing people picketing on the beach. Signs read something about two strokes and unburned gas, emissions, etc. I hope those people don't get involved. But then again, this is Kalifornia.
Vista CA
After talking with john I think talking the baby step method would be the best approach. Instead of asking for a full time or even part time spot, we should ask if they will let us have the spot for 1 day to do a freeride. NOT A COMP, but a friendly freeride. Like john said, if they won't give you one day they sure as shizz won't give us months at a time. If we have a successful freeride then we get on there good side and be in there good graces.

For the record we were Never going to mention, bring up, or even talk about where we currently ride. Not worth the risk of losing Pendleton.
Vista CA
MEETING TIME: for all of those that want to support the idea of getting a freeride one or two day permit from the city, the meeting will be April 24, Thursday at 3:00


walking on water
Site Supporter
Back in the day when there were racing and freestyle events at the pier, I remember seeing people picketing on the beach. Signs read something about two strokes and unburned gas, emissions, etc. I hope those people don't get involved. But then again, this is Kalifornia.

Meanwhile Container ships are burning bunker fuel 15 miles out....Every two stroke jet ski in the world isn't as bad as one ship(Two Stroke Diesels!)


Charlotte, NC
Meanwhile Container ships are burning bunker fuel 15 miles out....Every two stroke jet ski in the world isn't as bad as one ship(Two Stroke Diesels!)

Convince an environmental activist of that. It may be completely accurate, but impassioned pleas and protests seem to be less often grounded in reality than in emotion.

I have no dog in this hunt, but getting permits for single-day events a few times would certainly show the potential for economic impact and would be a lot easier sell. I'd also recommend maybe getting a little bit of time one-on-one with a council member and float the idea. Try to choose the one you think will be most supportive, obviously.

If anyone brings up safety, the helmets are a great response. If you've had a really good run where no one has been hurt, even better. If someone has pulled someone out of harm's way, even better still.

Marker Motorsports

Grip it and Rip it!
Oceanside, CA
After throwing the idea around with some of my Oceanside Harbor Patrol friends, they remember the 2002 XX tour at the pier, i believe that was the year, they said oceanside is trying to clean up all together. They don't think it could happen. Oceanside used to be a hot spot for many different things like the gravity games, they even had a jet ski event back in like 97-99? for games when it was brand new. If someone ruins our riding spot for hopes of a contest, there will be some major issues. I didn't read the whole forum bc I have stuff to do, but if you are trying for a permit, you better be from oceanside, and I hope you know some people that do the events. If you don't, then message me and we can find the right way to go about it.
Vista CA
Well if you took time to read it I wouldn't need to repeat myself. There is no risk of losing the spot. It won't be a contest. As soon as you say contest poop gets weird. It would be a freeride

I'm not sure about your being from Oceanside comment, is that a "locals only" type comment or be from Oceanside would help with the permit.

I do know a few people. Jake bright is very familiar with the Daytona promoter, I'm also talking with hot products who threw the world finals an other local riders have reached out to help, research and reach out to who they know

After throwing the idea around with some of my Oceanside Harbor Patrol friends, they remember the 2002 XX tour at the pier, i believe that was the year, they said oceanside is trying to clean up all together. They don't think it could happen. Oceanside used to be a hot spot for many different things like the gravity games, they even had a jet ski event back in like 97-99? for games when it was brand new. If someone ruins our riding spot for hopes of a contest, there will be some major issues. I didn't read the whole forum bc I have stuff to do, but if you are trying for a permit, you better be from oceanside, and I hope you know some people that do the events. If you don't, then message me and we can find the right way to go about it.

Marker Motorsports

Grip it and Rip it!
Oceanside, CA
I read through all the posts now. My point isn't a local thing. If a handful of the main people trying to get permits and such for a (free ride/contest/really its all the same), aren't from oceanside, the city event planner/ the beach permit organizer/and the head of beach safety, aren't gonna much to the time of day. Oceanside is really starting to commit to its residents finally. My point was knowing who to talk to internally in the city of oceanside, not organizers that put on other events at this point. But you are on the right track. I thinks its a great idea. But there is also a risk of our spot becoming more on the radar. That is a a fact. As of now the harbor patrol knows we are out there, but since there are so few of us, they turn their heads. The city of oceanside hasn't told them to really get after us. Thats what I am worried about. Actually not for me, for the rest of the crew. I am fortunate enough to be close friends with half the harbor patrol. The other half, the Brights have ran into. They know who I am talking about. If the city tells harbor patrol, tow guys and stand ups are starting to be a hassle and cause some problems, no doubt in my mind, cya riding spot. Again, I am here to help. But only gonna help if I think its going about correctly and looks to be a professional presentation that makes sense.
Vista CA
I read through all the posts now. My point isn't a local thing. If a handful of the main people trying to get permits and such for a (free ride/contest/really its all the same), aren't from oceanside, the city event planner/ the beach permit organizer/and the head of beach safety, aren't gonna much to the time of day. Oceanside is really starting to commit to its residents finally. My point was knowing who to talk to internally in the city of oceanside, not organizers that put on other events at this point. But you are on the right track. I thinks its a great idea. But there is also a risk of our spot becoming more on the radar. That is a a fact. As of now the harbor patrol knows we are out there, but since there are so few of us, they turn their heads. The city of oceanside hasn't told them to really get after us. Thats what I am worried about. Actually not for me, for the rest of the crew. I am fortunate enough to be close friends with half the harbor patrol. The other half, the Brights have ran into. They know who I am talking about. If the city tells harbor patrol, tow guys and stand ups are starting to be a hassle and cause some problems, no doubt in my mind, cya riding spot. Again, I am here to help. But only gonna help if I think its going about correctly and looks to be a professional presentation that makes sense.

Well be professional as f@ck. Yeah i don't want to bring up current riding at all. For our "presentation" i just want to show the pismo freeride and Daytona freeride. It sells out hotels and brings people to those cities that wouldn't normally come therefore increasing tourism. Since i replied i have gotten 2 updates and i know the officers your talking about too. the first time i rode with zack, we got stopped. That is one of the things we are trying to do with the freeride, get on good terms and look less like punk kids and more like adults which is funny because there as as many older riders as there is young

1: to start this permit process there is a 6-7 page packet we need to fill out. It will cover how we are going to deal with trash, parking and all that mumbo jumbo. we turn it in and they send it to the concerned parties and they call us in for a meeting.

2: The person in charge of of special events is Terry Goodman, i got his info today from the mayors office. He sounds like an important guy

if anyone knows anyone involved it all its time to start kissing ass now. Im going to print out the permit form and call Mr. goodman to get a better idea of how the entire process works.
i still think this is a stupid as$ idea. oside freeride? most certainly not free. WTH is wrong with what we have now??? you dont like waking up early? what is it? someone got in trouble? how is this any different then when zack n jake had everyone out to ride their new krash skis? everyone rode out of the harbor... convince me why this is a good idea.
and for the record im always stoked on a freeride but the logistics of oside just dont work.
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