lenzi tripple flip



that thing looks like an fx-1.. the nose is totally chopped...

Lenzi is just as good or better than Malone.... Malone is just better under pressure


:haha: I know what ya mean! :biggthumpup:

I don't discount his abilities, he has beaten Malone before...

If I was to pick two riders in flatwater freestyle, it would be them there fellas...

I think I would rather party w/ Lenzi though..

Malone is too, well you know... Malone


Louisville, Ky
he needs to step up his power. Malone has power in excess and can do a flip almost standing still. Lenzi really has to get a run on a roll which makes it less dramatic.


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
It was nice and few people can even attempt it but...

The thing I didn't like was that the video was cut off. It was 2 & 3/4 flips. It probably got ugly afterwards. In 2006 Eric hit the bottom of the lake, hung on and rode it out.

When I went out to dinner at the 2006 WF finals Saturday night we were sitting next to Stoyer's parents. They said they were in Eric's motorhome the night before watching him do 5 in a row. It does seems strange that the video they mentioned isn't out yet. Then again if you can't do it on demand why get people excited.

It is sad Eric was injured and is retiring. It should be nice to see what Lenzi and Watanabe do without being intimidated by Eric's talent.

Does anyone know if Lenzi, Watanabe, etc will be at the 2007 WF? Considering what people are saying about the IJSBA over the years will it be worth attending?
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