Here's a couple things im going to be doing to hopefully shed a little, feel free to critique me or call me stupid.
Cut down hood just enough to fit the head pipe in, i like the looks of a lowered hood and running no liner probably will save a few lbs on top of it. I plan to add breathers in the back like some a/m hoods have done in the past.
I'd like to hear how removing the hood seal will help save weighs a lb and keeps water out.
Front exhaust. I like the sound of a front exhaust [ x2 had one] still running a stock waterbox for now so the sound hopefully won't get unbearable. Also hopefully saveing a few lbs by getting rid of through hull tube and portion of the rubber long exhaust tube.
I like the idea of a front exhaust but have heard pros and cons on both sides.
Aesthetically trimming the tray to look like the sxr. Wider and shaped not so square. Again not for saving weight. Just for cool looks dewds.
Widening the tray and adding holds will improve riding position.
A few more things i want to do is shorten it, add tubbies, bring the pole bracket forward more? wider rails? Foot holds. Rn pole instead of my aluminum pole so that i can shorten. [ just for future reference]
Tubbies add weight especially if you glass them in, but help handling. Get a billet pole bracket, stocker is heavy. As far as the pole is concerned you can have an aluminum pole made at under or near the same price as you could pick up a RN pole for. And wont have to shorten it if that is what you eventually want.
Defoaming and adding a non porous foam. The chances of my foam being wet are more then the chance that its dry lets just say. and imo wet foam = lumbering heavy *** ski.
Just a good idea anyway!
Not saying I am an expert, just things I have noticed and experienced the last few years of riding. Check out some of the recent SN builds...people are doing fantastic things with these hulls for the same reasons you want too.