Logo Idea!


San ANtonio, TX
looks killer! If I am going to print them, I need the file pretty soon so I have time to get them right. Does anyone have access to some of the poles with the banners on them that all of the homebuilders are using now? The ones with the big blade signs that blow in the wind... I was thinking about printing a couple of banners that would mount on them.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Ronny, awesome design, even with a half-nekkid chick on the design.

I know you fellas aren't going to like what I say, next, but I would not wear that shirt, ever.

I do not wear chicks on my shirts. Thanks, so much for your efforts, Ronny. I really do appreciate your mad skills.

I would prefer something that's completely focused on the ride aspect. I really do like the design, but will not buy, nor ever wear a shirt like that. Can we get a design that everyone, including female riders and kids, could be comfortable wearing?


Your Momma's Lover
Ducky, I was going to say something but you said it better. I wear last years shirt all the time. I would be less inclined to with the new design. With a house full of girls.. may not go over too well. My 11 year old wears her shirt from last year to school. Not being a prude.. y'all know me too well for that. Just pointing out that number of T-shirts sold might decrease for the obvious reasons.

She is hot.. :wink:

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Yeah, it has nothing to do with being a prude. I just don't have a need to see half-dressed women around, I see that plenty, I have a mirror. I think if it was turned around, the guys would see my point better. Let's put a superhot guy on there with unrealistic physical proportions and his board shorts nearly falling off. See how many of you would buy that. Moonie's in, Wavegoddess, me, hm . . . . I think that's about it.

I completely understand I'm in the minority, here, and if that's the logo the majority wants, go for it. I just won't be buying any shirts, stickers, etc and no stickers with that logo will go on any of our stuff.

Guys are always complaining that not enough women ride jetskis - especially standups. But this does not bring more women in, at least not the type that would actually ride.

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Anyway, my 2 cents worth. Now, it's warm, there's a smidge of sun showing through, and I'm going to go out and lay in the sun half-nekkid so I hopefully won't burn to a crisp come March.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I do agree with the opinions too. When I bought my wife a Daytona shirt, I had to make sure it didn't have any women on it---that just doesn't fly, plus we have 2 young girls in the house. Being a parent changes things you do and there's nothing wrong with that.
Great work Ronny...

That chic looks very respectable to me...

he he he...

From experience I think you will sell a lot more w/ that chick on it... I sold 250 shirts w/ women on them in 2007... No one even said anything about it. Lots of women wearing them too...

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Yeah, it has nothing to do with being a prude. I just don't have a need to see half-dressed women around, I see that plenty, I have a mirror. I think if it was turned around, the guys would see my point better. Let's put a superhot guy on there with unrealistic physical proportions and his board shorts nearly falling off. See how many of you would buy that. Moonie's in, Wavegoddess, me, hm . . . . I think that's about it.

I completely understand I'm in the minority, here, and if that's the logo the majority wants, go for it. I just won't be buying any shirts, stickers, etc and no stickers with that logo will go on any of our stuff.

Guys are always complaining that not enough women ride jetskis - especially standups. But this does not bring more women in, at least not the type that would actually ride.
I'm just having fun calling you a party pooper - but you are right.

Nick - I believe it was just a silhouette of a woman, wasn't it?
I would prefer something that's completely focused on the ride aspect. I really do like the design, but will not buy, nor ever wear a shirt like that. Can we get a design that everyone, including female riders and kids, could be comfortable wearing?

I agree. I have the 2007 logo on my ski and my truck.



are you men the police?
San Angelo, TX
current logo looks fine to me- however you can make a bunch with nekkid dudes on them bonzai bob and skinnyman would be all over those. <--ropesuckers


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
That is nice, real nice.

A "2008" tattoo on the chick's waste would be hot.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with being a prude. I just don't have a need to see half-dressed women around, I see that plenty, I have a mirror. I think if it was turned around, the guys would see my point better. Let's put a superhot guy on there with unrealistic physical proportions and his board shorts nearly falling off. See how many of you would buy that. Moonie's in, Wavegoddess, me, hm . . . . I think that's about it.

I completely understand I'm in the minority, here, and if that's the logo the majority wants, go for it. I just won't be buying any shirts, stickers, etc and no stickers with that logo will go on any of our stuff.

Guys are always complaining that not enough women ride jetskis - especially standups. But this does not bring more women in, at least not the type that would actually ride.

But ur boy better not buy this one huh?????? TOO FUNNY!!!! :dunno:
My wife complains about my posters in the garage all the time. I simply tell her that if she would pose on my toys and let me take pics and blow them up poster size I would replace every one of them with hers!!!!!!! QUICK!!!!! DO NOT COMPLETELEY CONFORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just plain me....
Great work Ronny...

That chic looks very respectable to me...

he he he...

From experience I think you will sell a lot more w/ that chick on it... I sold 250 shirts w/ women on them in 2007... No one even said anything about it. Lots of women wearing them too...
yep...I have one from every ride. I'm just a little more selective about where I wear them...as in not to work:fingersx:

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
But ur boy better not buy this one huh?????? TOO FUNNY!!!! :dunno:
My wife complains about my posters in the garage all the time. I simply tell her that if she would pose on my toys and let me take pics and blow them up poster size I would replace every one of them with hers!!!!!!! QUICK!!!!! DO NOT COMPLETELEY CONFORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My "boy's" perfectly welcome to buy whatever he wants. But my money went towards toys, trucks, trailers, toyhauler, etc just as much as his and I don't want pictures of half-nekkid, disproportionate, chicks on my stuff.

If he want's to wear a picture of a half-nekkid man on his chest or back, that's fine with me. It might even make things interesting.

My point is, that guys aren't too inclined to wear a shirt with a half-nekkid dude and I've never understood why a chick would want to wear a picture of a half-nekkid chick unless that's what they like to spend their time looking at (if you know what I mean). I, personally, don't choose to wear half-nekkid chicks.

I would prefer to be able to wear a shirt from the Lone Star Free Ride with pride and also be able to contribute to the LSFR kitty/charity wherever any $$$ goes.

And I find it very interesting that you don't know me AT ALL and feel that you can comment on what I might say about what "my boy" should/should not buy or whether I conform to any thing or not.

I am 45 years old and a female and kickin' it on a standup. Do you REALLY think I might be a conformist? Get a clue, dude. That ain't "my boy" over there doing a nose stab in my avatar. [Not that he can't do a stab, I just wanted my own pic there.]
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current logo looks fine to me- however you can make a bunch with nekkid dudes on them bonzai bob and skinnyman would be all over those. <--ropesuckers

Dont make me BOW up you
I know you will pass out before me:1244::smokin:

Great job Ronnie that is a killer logo
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