Logo Idea!

Jeezus! That toon has on more clothes that most comic book characters, and more than any chick at a beach, pool, or lake.
I wont make 2 designs because I already put hours into one. Even if I did make another one, there will be people who bitch about that one too. The colors, the fonts, whatever. I cant make everyone happy, so I make what I think looks cool. If its not good enough.. Find someone else to design one for free. :nana:
Glad most of you like it, and thanks for the props! :beerchug:


are you men the police?
San Angelo, TX
Jeezus! That toon has on more clothes that most comic book characters, and more than any chick at a beach, pool, or lake.
I wont make 2 designs because I already put hours into one. Even if I did make another one, there will be people who bitch about that one too. The colors, the fonts, whatever. I cant make everyone happy, so I make what I think looks cool. If its not good enough.. Find someone else to design one for free. :nana:
Glad most of you like it, and thanks for the props! :beerchug:

looks great to me. thanks for the effort. :notworthy::cool2:

Odd Duck

Jet Vet
Jeezus! That toon has on more clothes that most comic book characters, and more than any chick at a beach, pool, or lake.
I wont make 2 designs because I already put hours into one. Even if I did make another one, there will be people who bitch about that one too. The colors, the fonts, whatever. I cant make everyone happy, so I make what I think looks cool. If its not good enough.. Find someone else to design one for free. :nana:
Glad most of you like it, and thanks for the props! :beerchug:
Ronnie, I have the greatest respect for what you do for freeriders. You have donated tons of time, effort, and artistry to many rides and riders. I really do appreciate your skills and the time and effort it takes to produce that quality of art.

I can certainly appreciate that most guys (and many women) would feel that logo is fantastic and that there is nothing wrong with it. She is certainly covered a great deal compared to some of your other logos and designs. I understand that she is completely to your taste. She is not to mine. Somehow having the scantily clad chick seems to make her a decoration, not a rider. It is obviously guys in the silhouettes doing a stab, why not have a chick doing a stab? Why make her purely decorative? Why not make it a shirt that anyone could wear proudly? I would not wear that anywhere nor put a sticker with that logo on anything I own. This will be the first time that I can't put a Lonestar freeride sticker on my stuff or buy a shirt.

I completely understand that I am in a small minority here, but I wasn't just going to shut up and take it. The logo does not give the same respect to female riders that it does to male riders. It is a small point, but there it is. I have ZERO interest in wearing scantily clad females.

I do NOT wish to denigrate the quality of your work in any way, it is a kickass design, and top notch artwork. But there isn't a chick toon on any other freeride T-shirt design you've done that I know of. I know there was a silhouette on the daytona shirt, I didn't buy one for that very reason. I know there was a photo on the daytona poster, I didn't buy one for that very reason. I expressed my opinion on those threads at the time.

Thank you for your time and expertise, Ronny, and everything else you do for freeriders everywhere. I was very excited to hear that you were designing our logo this year because you are such a talented artist. I'm disappointed that the logo turned out to be something that I don't feel represents what the LSFR is all about - riding. I'm sure the shirts will sell well. They just won't sell to me.

The artwork is fantastic, we would be crazy not to use such fine work. It's just not to my taste. I'm done on this topic.
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Just plain me....
Jeezus! That toon has on more clothes that most comic book characters, and more than any chick at a beach, pool, or lake.
I wont make 2 designs because I already put hours into one. Even if I did make another one, there will be people who bitch about that one too. The colors, the fonts, whatever. I cant make everyone happy, so I make what I think looks cool. If its not good enough.. Find someone else to design one for free. :nana:
Glad most of you like it, and thanks for the props! :beerchug:
Don't sweat the poop, Ronny. You know I just gave you grief because for some reason I'm partial to blondes..lol

And you are right about someone always having something to bitch about. You can't please everyone; you have to do what makes you proud of your work. You have more talent in your little finger than I will ever have in my whole entire life. Carry on :woot:


Ronny, as always you da man. I think the logo is great and I will be proud to wear one without thinking twice. I, like most of us here appreciate your efforts & time that you spend creating all of the sweet logos for years now. Your dedication to this sport through sometimes thankless & unrewarded efforts shows that you have a real passion for what we do. Thanks again and keep doing what you do. :biggthumpup:
Aaron, bring YOUR car!!!!!!!

This one? None of them tow skis very well.


The green MR2 is going under the knife again. The clutch required for 600whp is impossible to drive, so I am dialing it down about 100hp. Can't get traction anyway so I doubt I'll miss that 100hp. ATS_Scott and I are working on a 1000hp project soon too.

I think Scott and I are planning on bringing his toy-hauler and if I have time to clean the carb, my Zuma. It's old, old, old and looks like it was thrown from a moving vehicle, but it runs (and cost under $200).



Just plain me....
This one? None of them tow skis very well.


The green MR2 is going under the knife again. The clutch required for 600whp is impossible to drive, so I am dialing it down about 100hp. Can't get traction anyway so I doubt I'll miss that 100hp. ATS_Scott and I are working on a 1000hp project soon too.

I think Scott and I are planning on bringing his toy-hauler and if I have time to clean the carb, my Zuma. It's old, old, old and looks like it was thrown from a moving vehicle, but it runs (and cost under $200).

Bring THAT car & I will personally babysit it all weekend. Of course, I will need to use it to make beer runs:drive:


This one? None of them tow skis very well.


The green MR2 is going under the knife again. The clutch required for 600whp is impossible to drive, so I am dialing it down about 100hp. Can't get traction anyway so I doubt I'll miss that 100hp. ATS_Scott and I are working on a 1000hp project soon too.

I think Scott and I are planning on bringing his toy-hauler and if I have time to clean the carb, my Zuma. It's old, old, old and looks like it was thrown from a moving vehicle, but it runs (and cost under $200).


no not that car, but the mr2. U running the same aussi clutch as my bro??
Not sure if u heard, Big Bro bought a western wear store:bananajump:, and got married.:smashfreakB:


Awesome work Ronny!!!!!!!!

I'm not a huge fan of the cartoon chick myself either, which is the only thing I dont like about most of daylights work too, but the artistry and work is second to none. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!! Its appreciated more than it may seem.
no not that car, but the mr2. U running the same aussi clutch as my bro??
No, but his sucks too. I have a Clutchmasters FX700 twin disk.

Not sure if u heard, Big Bro bought a western wear store:bananajump:, and got married.:smashfreakB:

Yep, I heard he turned in his testicles. j/k I haven't met her or heard much from him since the wedding. It's been like 2 years right? I've been through this with a couple friends (and my wife). During the dating process the girl basically becomes the guys whole world, the girl thinks this is how it will be for the rest of her life. The guy thinks he can go back to his normal life anytime he wants...wrong. Usually around the 2 year mark there is a fight for personal time/space.



No, but his sucks too. I have a Clutchmasters FX700 twin disk.

Yep, I heard he turned in his testicles. j/k I haven't met her or heard much from him since the wedding. It's been like 2 years right? I've been through this with a couple friends (and my wife). During the dating process the girl basically becomes the guys whole world, the girl thinks this is how it will be for the rest of her life. The guy thinks he can go back to his normal life anytime he wants...wrong. Usually around the 2 year mark there is a fight for personal time/space.


His wife seems ok with the car. I did make the announcement that when she said the car has to go I wanted first dibs. When my oldest brother got married I tried a few different times to get him to call it off. He has been married 22 + years now. BUT..BUT he really dosen't have any motorized hobbies.
I hope u and scott make it to the ride.

Girls should know they cant compete with our toys, THEY need to have a few of their own. :deal:
I like it, what's the problem with it, it looks great! I'll take a xl if they are gonna happen.
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