Lone Star Free Ride 2011 Roll call and info:


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
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Granbury, TX
for roll call purposes - pretty sure myself, Bill and Travis will be coming to the ride.

Mini-quads need some work.... hopefully they will be ready.
I'll be there for sure... maybe, so should Chum352 and Nizzit. I'll have to put in for some vacation ASAP!!!!

Port A scares me for some reason. I ride just down the beach at Packery Channel and Bobhall pier. A 9 ft Mako washed up one time at the A&M university on the bay and I don't think he came through Packery, lol. Also it seems like the offshore fish are closer in or something, I don't know, I'm just paranoid about that stuff, although I ride where I successfully shark fish some times... Oh well there is safety/emotional security in numbers... Lets do it!


more links to come

Great red fish hole just North of the North Jetty, croaker skins is what I used to use.
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FREEdumb obtained
I'll be there bluffskier. When I use to do test flights on Blackhawk helicopters we would fly up and down the coastline. The biggest concentration of sharks I would see is just north of the Port A jetties on St. Joe's island. Tons of them there in between the 2nd and 3rd sandbar. We would see them come to the 1st sandbar as well. If you can see them from 300-400ft up that means they're decent sized. There was a huge manta ray that would hang out between the south Port A jetty and the pier. It would scare the chit out of me if I ever saw it while riding.

Port A wasn't too bad, but definitely saw more there than on Mustang Island/Packery area.....also more concentrations of sharks south of Bob Hall Pier.

Lots of fisherman like to hang out in the area that has been chosen for the freeride. But I don't think it will be a problem if we get there first and rope off the area.....esp. if people will be camping there.
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Sharks smarks! They got teeth, we've got 600lbs thrust!

I have dangled my feet out a time or two and wondered. And I have seen a good sized shark out there in flat surf. We'll be fine, just keep those engines brappin' and they'll never get close.
I would like to be there and Nick is starting to ride me about it. Have not skied since the accident last July and the skies have not been touched so I am not even sure what is working right now. By April should be good enough to ski so if everything else lines up we will see you down there.


Looking to make an early morning run to Bob Hall pier south of Port A tomorrow morning. Surf report is good all morning. Anyone interested, let me know ASAP!
Yea the WX don't want to work with you down here. The coldest day is my first day off!
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