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cool.... thanks.
Oh yeah...
I rode a 2005 KTM 525EXC yesterday. Holy jebesus... that thing was like a rocketship!!!! made my bike feel like a toy... he he he..
made my bike feel the same way!
Riding was a blast. I still have a lot to learn, that was only my third time on a motorcycle so it was pretty scary at first, especially encountering the sand.
I think the boots will help me out alot as well. Just too bad the weather is getting colder.
Turning is hard I do those wide sweeping turns and I need to work on standing up more but more time out on the bike will help us out.
If you can ride in the deep sand, you can ride ANYWHERE. I learned to ride my DRZ in the sand (1st bike as well) and it was tough at first...Now I actually enjoy riding in the sugar as it keeps you on your toes..
there were times with the dr-z that the front wheel would actually lock up in the sand and start plowing! :shocked:
that 200 will ride like its made for you....6 months from now it will be a whole different ballgame and you will be able to own any condition you encounter
IMO the sand is the BEST place to learn!