Looking for a good trim system for a superjet


Well esentially wether you buy wamiltons or you buy ours you will end up with the same perormance since they are virtually identical . Our system you can add the aluminum nozzle if wanted as well for $50 extra putting you at $800 instead of $1000
we run a plastic nozzle for a variety of reasons
1 light weight
2 smoother operation
3 less nozzle flap do to weight
4 sacrifial part if you did bottom out in the surf on the nozzle it breaks and replace for $45
5 cost
I have been running mine for a few years never broke one but i also watch the depths of which i am riding and have only had 2 customers in 3 years call to have theirs replaced as well for over 500 trims systems out there that is pretty good failure rate .
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literally chillin
Fairbanks, AK
I bought the blowsion trim and didn't realize it would take a monkey grip and a half to pull the lever under load. Letting off the throttle for a sec allows full pull, but next time I think I will get a trim setup with at least a pulley...or two! And the gay part is blowsion's trim still has an incoming line for your stock bilge. You would think that someone purchasing a trim kit would already have cheap insurance like say dual rules or something??


Merrick NY
most trim setups u have to let go of throttle for a sec. you get used to it. unless you go with the thrust ez pull system or wammer.

btw. i have a thrust straight pull and i am totally happy with it. comes complete with everything u need. just bolt it on and go.


Orlando, FL
Thrust trim is the :):):):)
got 2 set of strait pull, love mine!

Well esentially wether you buy wamiltons or you buy ours you will end up with the same perormance since they are virtually identical . Our system you can add the aluminum nozzle if wanted as well for $50 extra putting you at $800 instead of $1000
we run a plastic nozzle for a variety of reasons
1 light weight
2 smoother operation
3 less nozzle flap do to weight
4 sacrifial part if you did bottom out in the surf on the nozzle it breaks and replace for $45
5 cost
I have been running mine for a few years never broke one but i also watch the depths of which i am riding and have only had 2 customers in 3 years call to have theirs replaced as well for over 500 trims systems out there that is pretty good failure rate .
are cables interchangable between companys? Now you got me trippin! Somebody out there tell me its gonna be ok..... :crying:

skat makes the blowsion trim blowsion orders there cables from china order one from skat and you wnt have any more cable problems as skat make the cables in house
the blowsion one's cables were snapping due to there old design if you notice blowsion has put up a new tilt nozzle with a pulley system just like thrust's which obviously makes the lever easier to pull and puts les stress on the cable...both are great nozzles i like blowsions more though cause of its longer and bored out nozzle gives it that extra quickness of turns for freestyle. BOTH thrust and blowsion come with metal nozzles thrust is 50 dollars more so price isnt that far apart. I VOTE BLOWSION


lol wut?
South Jersey
Just a side note in case you didn't know, you don't have to go and buy a Waveraider reduction and steering nozzle. The 08+ SJs come with them from the factory.
word of advice on the blowsion trim system..it's a great product sure, but my best friend has one on his 99 rn and is about to rip it off and go to an xmetal setup....ever since he's put it on he get's about 3 or 4 rides on a cable. then it snaps..he's gone through probably 5 cables already

sounds like operator error to me.. is the lever maxed out just from the tension all on the line? i doubt the thrust would be tearing them apart.


Alta Loma, CA
Just looked on Blowsion's website for their Superjet "Tilt" system. Does the cable route on the opposite side (right side of ski) from the Thrust, X metal, CATS, etc. trim systems?
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