Surfriding Looking to the future

With aftermarket hulls, motors etc becoming more and more common and interest in freeride jetskiing, I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on some of the other hardware that goes into a ski.

Parts suck as poles, pumps, trim systems, exhausts, waterbox, manifolds, cases, covers, intakes, steering and anything else!!

What would you like to see on a freeride ski? What's missing? What could be better? Have you got an innovative idea with potential? What can be lighter, stronger, faster or have more functions?

Have a think and brainstorm below!


i would love to see AM hulls have water heating in the holds and tray. one of the things im meaning to add to my next hull.


Buy a Superjet
Hopefully the pwc manufactures take a hint from the Spark and drop prices significantly and make jet skiing fun and popular again. More riders, means more money and innovation.


that would be nice. 1K poles and 5K for a glass hull is a bit extreme. id love a team scream 1200, but for 10K i can buy alot of superjets!

im excited to see prices drop, and more used parts to come into the market. hopefully next time this year ill be able to afford a AM hull.


oh maybe there. im usually in michigan. last time i was down, i was buying 30 cases of miller highlife for $13.95. dam, even 20 is dirty cheap.


Manager of Gnar Shredding activities
I would like to see TPE do well over the next 5 years and become very established! I would like to see an AM racing hull do well.
I wish Mark Cuban would invest in out sport (cause he's influential as :):):):) when it comes to money) just some random thoughts
I keep hearing "lower prices" brought up. Why one of you that keep bringing it up dont take it upon yourselves to tool up and do it baffles me. Think of all the money you could make. Y'all dont even like used pricing that is sometimes 40-50% off retail.


Buy a Superjet
I keep hearing "lower prices" brought up. Why one of you that keep bringing it up dont take it upon yourselves to tool up and do it baffles me. Think of all the money you could make. Y'all dont even like used pricing that is sometimes 40-50% off retail.

Problem is stand ups are meant for the 18-25 demographic and are priced for the 30+ demographic. So either 18-25 year old's need to make more money, or they will need to lower the prices. Marketing would probably help too.
Like I said, buck up and make it cheaper if ya can. All the talk about high prices is old. I also beleive your demographic numbers to be incorrect. Edit: standups are not made for a certain age group they are made as a recreational device for people that find them fun regardless of age.
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I would like to see Speedwerx come back to the watercraft industry, Yamaha to change the material they use for their bottom deck from SMC to bi-axial fiberglass and a solid layer of gel coat. Also for them to either put a lot more effort into sealing the two decks together so there is no more soaked foam or use a flotation method that will not absorb water, and for tricks to come much more naturally and quickly than they do...some of these maneuvers are just hurry up and wait to get it figured out type of creatures.

I really like CRJ's thoughts about the heated locations, footholds for sure, some handgrips would be good too, or how about a system where a wetsuit has a small flat port around the belt buckle with a quick disconnect hose so you don't hang yourself when you spill, it would pop off as easily as a start/stop lanyard, and charge your wetsuit with warm water? I hate that my ride season has to end in mid September mainly because my hands and feet are frozen numb after 2 hours of being out.

Like the lightweight hull.

A hull that makes it easy to adjust set up. Foothold/footstrap style and placement via a bolt on tray system and adjustable pivot points. Adjustable pole placement instead of changing or cutting poles.

Adjustable ride plates and intake grates that don't require swapping out so you can set up for the water conditions at the ramps easily.
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