Other Looks like 15% ethanol is coming soon...

With the way gas prices are going it might be worth converting to race gas. Plus the benefit of running much higher compression would be nice

Converted this year. Love it. I'm a little worried about what 15% ethanol will do to my vehicles. I pay more for ethanol free, but it's getting harder to find. The owner's manual for my 07 Toyota says it's engineered for 10%, but I still avoid it when possible.:skull2:


Lancaster PA
I love it when this topic comes up and everyone always comes up with all these facts out of nowhere as to why ethonal sucks. I have my skis running on E85 with no problems. Its almost a $1 cheaper here in CA and is 105 octane. Mixes great with klotz benol and a few other castor oils. Burns cleaner, cooler, and smells great haha. Everyone always says you cant run it in jet skis because it will suck up water. I use to drain my tank everytime so it would never be sitting in my garage but I dont even do that any more and dont have any probelms with it. I bet you way more water goes down your carb and into your engine that any water mixed in with my E85.
avgas is going to be the way to go.....not race gas

8 bucks a gallon isnt worth it unless you are running a drypipe, TL and everything else to back it up..not to mention, if you dont get i from VP..you have no idea of the quality or octane you are actually receiving!0
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Lancaster PA
Ethanol Burns hotter than Gasoline ruining pistons, cylinder walls, and rings. ruins all engines especially mairne engines and can void warranties with some manufacturers

Got that backwards ethanol does not burn up your pistons, cylinder walls etc. Oh and I took my yamaha superjet to the dealer to see if it would be under warranty but they told me my B pipe, ada head, aftermarket carbs, lightwieght flywheel, waterbox, prop, footholds, and a few other things were already going to void it. Too bad I was really hoping it would be covered.


The Good Old Days
Got that backwards ethanol does not burn up your pistons, cylinder walls etc. Oh and I took my yamaha superjet to the dealer to see if it would be under warranty but they told me my B pipe, ada head, aftermarket carbs, lightwieght flywheel, waterbox, prop, footholds, and a few other things were already going to void it. Too bad I was really hoping it would be covered.

Those bastards.
avgas is going to be the way to go.....not race gas

8 bucks a gallon isnt worth it unless you are running a drypipe, TL and everything else to back it up..not to mention, if you dont get i from VP..you have no idea of the quality or octane you are actually receiving!0

Who's payin 8.00/ gal? 5.99 at the pump I use... at 220 psi 10% ethanol won't cut it. Is AV gas cheaper?
I love it when this topic comes up and everyone always comes up with all these facts out of nowhere as to why ethonal sucks. I have my skis running on E85 with no problems. Its almost a $1 cheaper here in CA and is 105 octane. Mixes great with klotz benol and a few other castor oils. Burns cleaner, cooler, and smells great haha. Everyone always says you cant run it in jet skis because it will suck up water. I use to drain my tank everytime so it would never be sitting in my garage but I dont even do that any more and dont have any probelms with it. I bet you way more water goes down your carb and into your engine that any water mixed in with my E85.

Big difference between E 85 & 90/10 or 85/15 GAS to ethanol mix. Don't believe? Compare mileage with a tankful of ethanol free vs. 10% blend on your daily driver. E 85 can make more power, but mileage is horrible.


Lancaster PA
Big difference between E 85 & 90/10 or 85/15 GAS to ethanol mix. Don't believe? Compare mileage with a tankful of ethanol free vs. 10% blend on your daily driver. E 85 can make more power, but mileage is horrible.
Yes for your setup E10 will not cut it but I belive E85 would work just fine. I dont know all the details of your motor but seems to be in that range to me.
And as far as milage goes for E10 of course its going to go down because all your doing is dumping ethonal into and engine designed around 87 octane gas. If we used ethanol to its potential you gain back that milage your loosing. If you understand a little about tuning this is a great write up http://delphi.com/pdf/techpapers/2010-01-0619.pdf
it's impossible to gain back lost energy from tuning. ethanol can make great power because of how cool it burns and what it breaks down to for octane. but think about it this way. there is a reason people make more power on gas of the same octane. because gas is more explosive. ethanol doesn't have the volatility of gas, that's why you run larger jets or injectors to compensate for it.

also something i've noticed because i generally just love all aspect of motors. my d/d is a stock mustang gt. on 100% gas i can run 87 octane and my car will average 25-27 mpg. with the e10 mix my car only gets 21-22mpg with the exact same drive. also the car detonates on the e10 87 and 89 mix. any explanations for that :)


thanks darin...noswad!
it's impossible to gain back lost energy from tuning. ethanol can make great power because of how cool it burns and what it breaks down to for octane. but think about it this way. there is a reason people make more power on gas of the same octane. because gas is more explosive. ethanol doesn't have the volatility of gas, that's why you run larger jets or injectors to compensate for it.

also something i've noticed because i generally just love all aspect of motors. my d/d is a stock mustang gt. on 100% gas i can run 87 octane and my car will average 25-27 mpg. with the e10 mix my car only gets 21-22mpg with the exact same drive. also the car detonates on the e10 87 and 89 mix. any explanations for that :)
yea, its garbage...


Lancaster PA
it's impossible to gain back lost energy from tuning. ethanol can make great power because of how cool it burns and what it breaks down to for octane. but think about it this way. there is a reason people make more power on gas of the same octane. because gas is more explosive. ethanol doesn't have the volatility of gas, that's why you run larger jets or injectors to compensate for it.

also something i've noticed because i generally just love all aspect of motors. my d/d is a stock mustang gt. on 100% gas i can run 87 octane and my car will average 25-27 mpg. with the e10 mix my car only gets 21-22mpg with the exact same drive. also the car detonates on the e10 87 and 89 mix. any explanations for that :)
Read that artical I just posted about gaining back the milage. As far as you mustang goes gas has a BTU rating of 116,000 while E10 fuel has 112,000 rating. Yes an energy lose of 3.5%. So if you say your mustang is getting 25-27 mpg on 100% gas on e10 it should be gett 24-26mpg on e10. Cant really base anything on the info you posted as it could have been 1000 things. Ethonal rises the octane rating so if you still buying 87 octane e10 they could have cut it with even cheaper fuel and be able to sell it as 87. This could also lead to your detonating. Sorry as much as you want it to be the ethanol its not it.
I run 60% e85 and 40% regular gas in my s10 and my milage drops from 29mpg to around 25mpg. There has also been a lot of tests that show with ethanol mixes in ratios of 20%-30% ethanol to gas it will actualy get better mpg then e10. Has to do with the chemical mixing and allowing the fuel to burn more completely. Sorry to rain on your parade but ethanol is not the devil.


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Jetski9010... I'm so glad to have someone that isn't an ethanol basher on here. Everyone hates it because everyone else hates it and 99% of people hate it because they're too lazy to understand it. The only thing most people know about ethanol is that it gets worse gas mileage on their massively tuned down car by comparison and therefore it sucks. My favorite thing to hear is after someone's ethanol rant, they proceed to state that they like to run premium fuel in their completely stock car designed for regular because it cleans the fuel system and makes everything run better...

For the guy who said ethanol burns hotter...ethanol actually burns cooler. It has a higher octane though so of course it burns slower and your average high compression engine will burn hotter than a normal engine but neither of those are different from normal high compression engines or normal high octane fuels.
Sorry to rain on your parade but ethanol is not the devil.

Poor counties of the world who can't afford the inflated price of corn now, might disagree.... But I digress. I do have limited experience with alcohol fuels. In my younger days, I had Go-Peds some of which were converted to run alcohol (head,carbs, etc) Even after evacuating the "special fuel" out of the ped,(w/conventional gasoline) The effects of the alcohol were devastating. Not only did it rot all the gaskets and fuel lines, it actually heavily pitted or rotted out aluminum engine cases, carb bodies, and piston/rod assemblies. On the upside, they ran crazy fast, and much, much quieter than their gas counter-parts. Note that this was using fuel alcohol.(not E85)


Lancaster PA
Poor counties of the world who can't afford the inflated price of corn now, might disagree.... But I digress. I do have limited experience with alcohol fuels. In my younger days, I had Go-Peds some of which were converted to run alcohol (head,carbs, etc) Even after evacuating the "special fuel" out of the ped,(w/conventional gasoline) The effects of the alcohol were devastating. Not only did it rot all the gaskets and fuel lines, it actually heavily pitted or rotted out aluminum engine cases, carb bodies, and piston/rod assemblies. On the upside, they ran crazy fast, and much, much quieter than their gas counter-parts. Note that this was using fuel alcohol.(not E85)
The US can produce such cheap corn to the extent that it puts other coutries such as mexico out of business because they can't compete with the world price of corn. Farming is also not and indusrtry that is full of billionaire. I got to see the effect about 5 or 6 years ago when ethanol was taking off. I lived in a farming comminity and when the price of corn went up around 3X. You seen a lot of farms being about to replace 50 year old solo's, new tractors, etc. Just saying I like where the money is going. Also corn is just a small part of the picture. The new and upcoming ethonal is cellulosic which is produced from bio waste. Places like florida that import 100% of there fuel would gain the most from systems like this. Florida produces a lot of bio waste from sugar cane waste, to orange peels and such. In a ethanol plant they are building right now they plan on producing 40 million gallons a year from it. There is also algae ethanol that is up and coming now and has a lot of potenial. Algae and reporduce very quickly and produce a lot of ethanol from a very small area. They are building these algae plants in the deserts of nevada and such now and dont even know its fullest outcome yet.
Sorry to go off on a rant, its just that everytime this topic comes up there are some many people that like to chime in but dont have any facts. I have done a lot of research on this subject and believe there is so much potential for america its just so said to see 99% of people bashing it.
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freeride junkie
north palm beach
I love it when this topic comes up and everyone always comes up with all these facts out of nowhere as to why ethonal sucks. I have my skis running on E85 with no problems. Its almost a $1 cheaper here in CA and is 105 octane. Mixes great with klotz benol and a few other castor oils. Burns cleaner, cooler, and smells great haha. Everyone always says you cant run it in jet skis because it will suck up water. I use to drain my tank everytime so it would never be sitting in my garage but I dont even do that any more and dont have any probelms with it. I bet you way more water goes down your carb and into your engine that any water mixed in with my E85.

water is a by-product of the combustion of gasoline. Gasoline does contain hydrogen, and when gasoline is burned, some of that hydrogen combines with the oxygen being used to burn it, producing water
if i could get e85 locally and easily i would be going that route also.


Lancaster PA
water is a by-product of the combustion of gasoline. Gasoline does contain hydrogen, and when gasoline is burned, some of that hydrogen combines with the oxygen being used to burn it, producing water
if i could get e85 locally and easily i would be going that route also.

I am actually moving to your neck of the woods next summer. I am going to be near west palm beach for school. They dont have an e85 in west palm but I found a pump in delray beach which is not too far.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
The US can produce such cheap corn to the extent that it puts other coutries such as mexico out of business because they can't compete with the world price of corn. Farming is also not and indusrtry that is full of billionaire. I got to see the effect about 5 or 6 years ago when ethanol was taking off. I lived in a farming comminity and when the price of corn went up around 3X. You seen a lot of farms being about to replace 50 year old solo's, new tractors, etc. Just saying I like where the money is going. Also corn is just a small part of the picture. The new and upcoming ethonal is cellulosic which is produced from bio waste. Places like florida that import 100% of there fuel would gain the most from systems like this. Florida produces a lot of bio waste from sugar cane waste, to orange peels and such. In a ethanol plant they are building right now they plan on producing 40 million gallons a year from it. There is also algae ethanol that is up and coming now and has a lot of potenial. Algae and reporduce very quickly and produce a lot of ethanol from a very small area. They are building these algae plants in the deserts of nevada and such now and dont even know its fullest outcome yet.
Sorry to go off on a rant, its just that everytime this topic comes up there are some many people that like to chime in but dont have any facts. I have done a lot of research on this subject and believe there is so much potential for america its just so said to see 99% of people bashing it.

Do you happen to have any stats on the cost to produce ethanol? A family friend owns 800 acres of fields, most of which are planted in Canola the last several years and he says the whole ethanol thing is a false economy. He claims that it takes 3 barrels of diesel to produce 4 barrels of ethanol, a similar cost as converting the tarsands to a marketable fuel. Spending 3 to make 4 does not sound environmentally or fiscally sound to me so I have to question the stats and the logic.
Do you happen to have any stats on the cost to produce ethanol? A family friend owns 800 acres of fields, most of which are planted in Canola the last several years and he says the whole ethanol thing is a false economy. He claims that it takes 3 barrels of diesel to produce 4 barrels of ethanol, a similar cost as converting the tarsands to a marketable fuel. Spending 3 to make 4 does not sound environmentally or fiscally sound to me so I have to question the stats and the logic.


What he said.
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