LPW Close Up Shop?

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Its true... Alot of people on there pay shops to do work. I am fully capable to be a mechanic and infact I was back during my high school years working on performance boats. I went and got an education so I can enjoy my working on my own ********. Call it a soap box and take the text out of context if you like... Ronny Mac seemed to be pretty proud that he could cut and paste parts of what I said to try to make me look bad... Whatever...

do you rebuild your own cranks and bore your own cylinders?


makin' legs
You're correct that the members "have spoken"...........For people who are so sick of it, you sure keep bringing it back to the top............ Like I've said in several of these threads. If the people who "are so sick of it" would stop posting in them they'd fall off the front page and would die rather quickly. You can't resist posting in these threads either............So it's really you who keeps them alive. Way to go......again....:loser:

You know what Chuck, this is an internet forum/message board......... where people post their views, ideas, opinions...... It looks like you do not understand that, you complain that I keep it going, yet you commented after I did.....

If you actually read what I posted you would easily see that I haven't complained about anything.......YOU said the membership had "spoken" and are sick of it. I don't care if this thread goes on for eternity.....my point in quoting you is that YOU and all the others who keep saying to drop it continue to keep it alive by posting. I have four posts in this thread so far(counting this)..........you have fourteen........sounds like you're not quite sick of it yet.......I wonder what your total count will be before you are actually through helping keep this at the top of the page.........like I said before...........way to go!:loser:

Oh, yeah, I am very opinionated, I like to debate things, But I think most people here will tell you that. If you really have that much problem with it. Well, that is your problem not mine. I guess it is just the Marine Mentality of yours that you feel that you are above everybody else and that YOU can never be wrong. Here is a hint, we all can be wrong at times.

I'm not sure what the Marine comment is about?????:usa2: You've said some pretty ignorant things over the years, but this is really something special this time....... So now we know you don't like Jetski Solutions, Blowsion, Blackjack carbs, Tubbies,.........and now the United States Marine Corp:usa2:? Dude....get a grip.

Happy Easter.

P.S. You have a Happy Easter too!:wave:
I don't like to talk about dick because I am married and don't get to use mine...

But back on topic.. Can we have an anonymous pole attached to this thread so we can see who had actually heard that he was taking a new job or closing shop?

I heard the same thing as IHOP from a different source so there must be something to it. And wouldn't it be better for Paul to take a few moments to post No I am not closing just taking 3 weeks vacation to the netherlands or something like that instead of letting this turn into a who doesn't like who negative thread. It was just a simple question which needed a one line answer. Not 150 post


makin' legs
I don't like to talk about dick because I am married and don't get to use mine...

But back on topic.. Can we have an anonymous pole attached to this thread so we can see who had actually heard that he was taking a new job or closing shop?

I heard the same thing as IHOP from a different source so there must be something to it. And wouldn't it be better for Paul to take a few moments to post No I am not closing just taking 3 weeks vacation to the netherlands or something like that instead of letting this turn into a who doesn't like who negative thread. It was just a simple question which needed a one line answer. Not 150 post

THAT was a good post........(and by the way, this makes 5:smile:)

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
"I'm not sure what the Marine comment is about????? You've said some pretty ignorant things over the years, but this is really something special this time....... So now we know you don't like Jetski Solutions, Blowsion, Blackjack carbs, Tubbies,.........and now the United States Marine Corp? Dude....get a grip. "

The marine comment was towards the attitude that you project, that you are above and better than everybody else, you seem to look down your nose and judge people.

JSS has some innovative ideas, But I do not care for that company. Big Deal. You do not care for LPW. Who gives a shiet.

Yeah, your right, I do not care for Blowsion anymore. I have my own reasons. Does not mean that they do not make some good equipment or that they do not do quality work because they do.

Blackjack carbs, Yeah, at one time I did not care for them, guess what, I have also never used them personally, I may in the future. I have the right to change my mind and opinion of them. You have been one of the reasons that I have thought about using them. But when a close friend has told me that yeah, they can be hard to tune I will believe him.

Tubbies, yeah, they suck to me for flat water riding. You give me a SJ to race or one that will be ridden in the surf, If they are not already installed when i get it, they will be shortley thereafter (And you can go find where I posted that same thing earlier this week).

I have no problems with the Marines, one of my close friends is at boot camp right now. I just hope he does not come back with a complex like other people I know.

So, if you would, please excuse the hell out of me for having an opinion and not being like a sheep.

Oh, if you do not care, then why are you posting in it??? for the same reason as me and anybody else for that matter.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I don't like to talk about dick because I am married and don't get to use mine...

But back on topic.. Can we have an anonymous pole attached to this thread so we can see who had actually heard that he was taking a new job or closing shop?

I heard the same thing as IHOP from a different source so there must be something to it. And wouldn't it be better for Paul to take a few moments to post No I am not closing just taking 3 weeks vacation to the netherlands or something like that instead of letting this turn into a who doesn't like who negative thread. It was just a simple question which needed a one line answer. Not 150 post

I think it has already been answered, go find Kathy's post.

If Paul wants to post a comment, that is his business to do so.......... not mine nor anybody elses.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I have stayed on the 'down low' all I can!!!


Lets pretend YOU own a jet ski performance shop for a minute---

Your shop is near a MAJOR waterway that has NO water
You are a major player in a jetski performance forum
You do business the way business should be done 90% of the time(which I think is going to be pretty good knowing all the variables in owning a business like this).
The 10% of the time things don't go right-YOU get bashed all to hell and back
in your own 'backyard'(on the performance jetski forum)
The national economy is in the toilet as is your personal economy as a result of bad press on the performance jetski forum, no water in local lake and so on
YOU have a family to support and care for both emotionally and financially

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW?????????????????????????????????????????
I would hope that YOU would take whatever means neccessary to provide for your family. YOUR family should always be #1 !!!
It would not surpise me if u said F jet ski's and did something else due to all the problems stated above. IT WOULD BE A SAD DAY FOR THE JET SKI COMMUNITY IF YOU DID DECIDE TO GET OUT OF BUSINESS-yes-we all have options to have work done, buy parts, or whatever-but the plain fact is-it's not like McDonalds-well-service sucks at this one-so let's go to one of the other 1,000,000 McDonalds for a burger. We have a very limited number of places to do business with-we all need all the help we can get. Again-this is not about LPW-it is about YOU!!! What would YOU do???


I want all of YOU to put yourself in this situation-what impact would reading all of these threads have on you and your family???

My point is-grow up-let it go. YOU are not perfect, nor is LPW. The last time I checked, the only perfection any of us will ever find is GOD. So, let's try to remember that this Easter weekend and stop trying to tear each other down.
After all-is the whole point of this forum to bring more people in instead of running more people off???

btw-I am my own person and no one else's-this is NOT a paid political announcement-just my personal opinion!
My point is-grow up-let it go. YOU are not perfect, nor is LPW. The last time I checked, the only perfection any of us will ever find is GOD. So, let's try to remember that this Easter weekend and stop trying to tear each other down.
After all-is the whole point of this forum to bring more people in instead of running more people off?

Who turned it into a negative bash LPW thread. IHOP asked a question. I hadn't be on the computer yet to ask it myself

I heard some rumors that LPW was closing. The owner took another job. Any of them true?

I heard the same thing as IHOP from a different source so there must be something to it. And wouldn't it be better for Paul to take a few moments to post No I am not closing just taking 3 weeks vacation to the netherlands or something like that instead of letting this turn into a who doesn't like who negative thread. It was just a simple question which needed a one line answer.

It seem seems like since some people don't like LPW as soon as his name comes up people start getting defensive. I don't know why people can't just take the question as a question maybe he was just curious.

Sounds like I am taking up for IHOP but I don't know him at all. Just what I read not read into it.
OK, one more post, then I am done with this thread, it is a waste of time, etc. But, here is my hypothetical question.

Disclaimer: I am not using names as to not hurt anyone's feelings..

Let say rider 'uhop' is out riding his thing, jump here, flip there, roll everywhere, basically having a grand old time. Then, boom, the rod shoots out of the side of his motor....He is not a happy camper.....

Everyone on the forum knows that 'uhop' does not get along with this performance shop "plw" Everyone knows that the owner of "plw" Laup. There is plenty of bad blood between the two, and we all have had to see it play out on a public forum....

When ride "uhop" gets home from work on Monday, he opens up the forum and the first post he sees is "I hear a rider in NJ blew his motor sky high this weekend!!???" and it is started by the owner "Plw." Now, is there anyone on this forum who would think, for a second, that the owner started this thread for any other reason than to start $hit???

If this scenario had happend, I would have said the same thing to that shop owner. Grow up, you aren't fooling anyone here the least little bit. If you really think the people on this forum are that dumb, then you for sure not as smart as you THINK you are!

Happy Easter everyone!



aka Kathy
I think it has already been answered, go find Kathy's post.

If Paul wants to post a comment, that is his business to do so.......... not mine nor anybody elses.

I will state what I did about (105) posts ago..... LPW is not closed, the rent is being paid the phone is working fine...... Work is coming in.....If you need anything - I suggest you just call the shop phone.... Now can we pleez close this thread!!!!

BTW..... At this point, Paul has very little free time and the free time he does have is precious.... So that is why I posted #46 that the rumor is FALSE..... Both he and I choose to stay out of the DRAMA and always try keep our posts respectful..... We look forward to this season of racing and seeing everybody at the freerides!!!!:wavey:


JM781 Big Bore
I will state what I did about (105) posts ago..... LPW is not closed, the rent is being paid the phone is working fine...... Work is coming in.....If you need anything - I suggest you just call the shop phone.... Now can we pleez close this thread!!!!

BTW..... At this point, Paul has very little free time and the free time he does have is precious.... So that is why I posted #46 that the rumor is FALSE..... Both he and I choose to stay out of the DRAMA and always try keep our posts respectful..... We look forward to this season of racing and seeing everybody at the freerides!!!!:wavey:

Great to hear.

Happy Easter Kathy, give my best to Paul.


Having a VISION!
I will state what I did about (105) posts ago..... LPW is not closed, the rent is being paid the phone is working fine...... Work is coming in.....If you need anything - I suggest you just call the shop phone.... Now can we pleez close this thread!!!!

I know that LPW is open.I was there picking up my engine at 11am this morning.


The Durty South
I will state what I did about (105) posts ago..... LPW is not closed, the rent is being paid the phone is working fine...... Work is coming in.....If you need anything - I suggest you just call the shop phone.... Now can we pleez close this thread!!!!

I know that LPW is open.I was there picking up my engine at 11am this morning.
I picked up my cooling line last night.

Does anyone remember the days when you could post and most of the key builders would chime in and give great input and help..
Isn't it ironic that those same builders seem to post less and less.
Life is good, also short.
Enough said " Happy Easter Fellow Jet skiers"

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
See Dick join X-H2O
See Dick post crap
See Dick stir the pot
See Dick get warned
See Dick get banned
Don't be a Dick

Feel free to substitute any name for Dick that you feel appropriate,I can think of a few ,most have the same number of letters in their name, strangly the name Dick does seem to fit all of them also.

Happy Easter
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