this thing ripped alright, but it sheddered on me. I am wondering what could've caused it, and what's it going to cost me to fix it right.
thank You,
Sheddered?? I do not know what you mean. Be more descriptive and explain the exact problem. Is something broken, is the motor not running right, strange vibration, revs up but won't go, etc??
Oh, pics in the other thread.. That sucks man. You will have to get new couplers if they are cracked or broken. You will also need to get a new rubber dampner and cover. Have someone check the midshaft and the bearing housing for damage also. Pull the pump and have the driveshaft checked for straightness. Bottom line check the entire driveline and replace the broken parts. Make sure the engine is properly shimmed so that the new couplers will be aligned to avoid future problems. A properly aligned driveline should last for years without failure. Hopefully you will only have to replace the relatively cheap couplers & dampner. You can probably find used couplers here on the boards. Post up a thread in the Want To Buy section. Just buy a new dampner from a Yamaha dealer.. Good luck.
Looks consistent with what happens when pump or midshaft locks up from sucking something up like a rope or bearing failure. If the engine is pulling hard enough the coupler will shatter and spit the dampner out sometimes bending the pump driveshaft. It is way more likely to bend than the midshaft because of its length. Reach down and try to turn the midshaft.
Also just curious, did you remove the coupler cover or was there not one or did it get destroyed in the carnage?
If the spark plug wires are broken near the electrical box then you will have to either have the wires replaced in the coil by someone like Jet Ski Solutions or just buy a Kawasaki 750 coil as they are alot cheaper than the Yamaha unit and are the same thing. If the wires are just pulled out of the boots, then just cut off the damaged part and re insert them into the boots if they are ok.
my 1st stand up-it's originally from sjetrider, and this happens!
This just sucks, I am ready to start :shooter3:"some people" not even a 1full day of riding. It took in water like crazy, I was lucky i was close to the shore on lake Michigan.
WOW... how did that sound when it happend? did you suck somthing up? ur tools from the hood drop into it ? i mean wow.. i beat the CRAP out of my ski. if it could cry it would. i have never had that issue before..
I think he might be implying it was the builders fault... I'm sure Brian would not of sold something that was not 100%.
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