My day at the beach


Ride for life
North NJ
Glad you & ths ski are OK :bananapowerslide:
Scupper valve's sink surf boats. :banghead:
Might be alright for flatwater where you know you can swin right to it.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
I love my x metal scupper....never lets in water....with the new material doesn't get a memory bend....a bilge never will stay in place..ive tried every way and every adhesive... Scupper all the way.....sorry about your experiance D......try the x metal flap....waaayyy better

Because a bilge isn't as fast and takes power and on a freestyle flatwater you should be running TL which needs the power...and a bilge breaksdown over time

Some misconceptions here.

1. No one is saying the boat sank because the scupper let water in.
It sank because it let air out.

2. Your conception about TL, bilge pumps and power are seriously flawed. I don't know where to start. Errr....The bilges do not take "power" away from the the TL. The TL takes what it needs from the battery, and that isn't very much. Iit doesn't matter one bit in the power department whether you run bilges on TL or not. Oh, your boat might run ten minutes less because of it. So, you get five hours 50 minutes instead of 6 hours on it.

3. Okay, perhaps bilges break after a year or two. Remove it, put a new one in. So?

But I agree with you otherwise, you need at least two different methods for getting water out.


No Square..No Round..FX-1
Sorry Brent, I still feel bad for dragging you front side, We should have stayed inside the inlet where the break was a little more "ridable". "Out front" there was no real line to the break, just some BIG heaping breaks here and there...close sets. Not enough time between them for swimming antics...LOTS of big whitewater. Things were all good until Brent went "over the falls" with the yellow submarine...then got separated from the boat. Here are some more
"details" of the adventure.

I think 1 minute upside down was a generous estimation before his boat sunk. After the last blast of whitewater (7'-8') covered his ski, it was like 15 seconds, then under. I beached my FX and swam out to help drag in his ski (1/2 mile north of the rock pile/inlet). The water was deep enough to just touch the bottom, but the current was too strong to get it (the ski)to the beach. Between the break and the backwash, we were held in "limbo". Within a few minutes, we drifted to the jetty...then started heading out...offshore.

The current (according to the USCG) was ripping out 3.5 at knots. There was no time for anything, but to get on the jetty. Brent got picked up by a (at least) 6 footer and washed up on the rocks. Thank the lucky stars he's still here...No broken bones. It was NOT fun. The ski continued to drift offshore.

luckily there was a fisherman,fishing the (opposite)inlet side where I ended up on the jetty (Ouch!). He dialed Sea Tow for us and handed me the phone. After talking with the dispatcher, they said the tow boat would leave in a few minutes. (did we mention by this time it was getting LATE and DARK?) We watched from the jetty as Sea Tow putted 1/3 of the way out the inlet then stopped. He looked like he was fishing or something (he called himself a captain...He was scared Sh*t).

The ski (only 12"-18" bobbing out of the water) was out of sight by now...good thing it is painted BRIGHT Yellow.

I got back on my ski and rode up to the Sea Tow guy in the inlet and pointed out offshore to where Brent's ski was. He shook his head (NO) he was not going out "there". I was like...what? Things were looking grim. As a last ditch effort, I rode out to Brent's ski to get a position on where the boat was heading. Got a reference bearing, and headed back in (the ski drifted way off shore).

Once back at the truck, I tried dealing with Sea Tow again...$$$ the sea's are too big...12' to 18' we can't... Then the NJ Marine Police...sorry no one here to help. He said try the USCG. luckily, the Coast Guard guy's came through! They were bored watching the Flyers on tv...(they were losing) and came out to help! I told them approx where it was drifting, and after a few minutes they found it!

It was pitch dark by the time the Coast Guard guys towed the ski back. Only minor cosmetic carnage (see pix).

Some things to consider when surf riding...Or just any riding for that matter.

NEVER ski alone! Things can go bad...quick!

Scuppers will help your boat sink...Fast. (they are good for freestyle routines)

Try not to ever let go of your ski.

The US Coast Guard is there when you really need them. (they really didn't have to go out and rescue Brent's ski).

The BRIGHT YELLOW paint helped in retrieving his ski, if it was a dark color, it would still be adrift.

I'm glad things all worked out for Brent. His boat is up and running...Lucky guy.


Анархия - мать порядка!
So I take it you guys didn't have tow ropes ??

Glad it all worked out for you.
Sometimes you have no time to retrieve the rope... sometimes you have... I've had a swollen shoulder for a couple of weeks after towing my buddy's ski sideways from the jetty and him behind with the rope wrapped around my shoulder. It's still better than would be attending his funeral.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I cant thank you enough gordon and JD. It was defiantly a scary day. Even if I had my rope with me(it was in the truck) We never would have been able to get it is. The white water was everywhere. The wave that took me out flipped me about 5 times under the water. After the 3rd roll I got separated.

I bought a rubber stopper to plug my scupper last night. When the air goes out the water comes in.

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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
you could get one of those new ball valve thingy's that that guy up there is selling and install it where your scupper tube is, that way you can still drain water out............ not sure if you would have the same issue of letting the air out, guess it probably would.

D Slicker

Durham, dont forget it
Pottstown, PA
I looked into that. I like the stopper idea since I can still wash the inside of the ski out after I ride.
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