My deal of an SJ

Several weeks ago I found a deal of an SJ on Craigslist. I happened to contact the owner at the perfect time and made the deal. Turned out that although it was a 7 hr drive away from me, he lived 10 mins from my little bro in Charleston. Perfect situation, pick up the ski and hang with my bro for the weekend.

The ski was exactly what I was looking for. A relatively stock ski with only the most essential performance mods. It didn't really matter what it looked like because I could take care of that myself.

Its a 97 SJ in really good condition. It came with Riva Intakes, Worx grate, (forget which) rideplate, Factory b pipe, stiffer pole spring, (forget which) impeller and and few other essentials. Beachjunkey checked in out for me and the grin on his face, as he was looking it over, told the story. I got a bargain. The turf was original and needed to be replaced but I already had plans for that.

The price was $2500 w/ a trailer.

Day of Pickup



Converting to black and white, stripped original decals.


Developed a basic vinyl scheme. I won't be painting until I need to reinforce, possibly Feb/March of 08 if I don't smash it up before then.


Started applying vinyl.


Installed WF footholds and reinforced the tray with lots of help from Mark at Surf-Crack. (pic before reinforcing)


Hopefully I'll have the turf completed in the next few days. Then I'll finish the vinyl and be ready to ride. I'm working on having a truck rack built for the SJ too, it should make things a lot easier.

I've also installed 0 degree bars and a crappy pair of grips. I have a box of parts I'll be installing soon. Including, new stiffer pole spring (the other one is a little worn out), bilge kit with handle bar controls, flush kit, stock ride plate with d cut (may not use full time), black fire extinguisher case and maybe a couple other little things.

All of this in a few weeks, geesh.


Johnstown, NY
sweet dude!

hey do you do graphics? im looking for something kinda retro but new style for my 93" superjet. Also looking for something cool for my SXR. PM me.

Why? Why don't don't deals like that ever find me?

Nice find. Looks good now.

I really lucked out. This ski was one of the ones that "sold" within hours of being posted and was to be traded for a B1 plus money but the B1 owner was dragging his feet. I happened to contact the SJ owner just after he decided he was tired of waiting. I put a deposit on it within a couple hours of first talking to him.


thats a smokin deal!! where did you get the black fire extinguisher holder deal? and the railing on the back that holds the turf? i pretty much doin the same thing and i pretty much bought the same thing 3 weeks ago. check it out (sig)

I got the black fire extinguisher case (and other things) from tomski. He has another one but it needs to be cleaned up, the one I got came off of an 04, mint. I was able to get all of the black parts on X from various people. I will not be using the OEM style railing thing on the back. I'm going to turf all the way to the edge and bolt, like this.


I've been watching your build thread, its funny to see that someone is going through the same things I am on the other side of the country.


its cool to watch the build threads for sure. im definitely goin with that turf setup. im tryin to build on the weekdays and ride on the weekends and im running out of little things to do!!

Running out of little things is a good problem to have. PM tomski and see if he still has the other black cannister, he'll sell it at a very fair price. I've been sick for a week and a half so I haven't had time to finish the turf, I'm ready to get it done.


WaveJunkie PR
Central Illinois
That explains why you called to give me the idea. Damn, I knew the pug puppy was the way to go.
It's never too late to change.:haha: Looks good man, I didn't know the graphics were on when I was over there the other day or I would have gave it a look. You turfing today? If my mats show up today I'll be turfing Tuna's ski.:cheer:
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I only have some of them on, if I had it at my house I would have finished them last night. I have to call beach and see what his plans are, I'd like to turf today.


WaveJunkie PR
Central Illinois
Give me a call if he's up for it. I need to get my 25mm padding anyhow but don't want to bug him if he's not up and about.
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