My First Barrel Roll!!


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
I did it! My first roll today - and the conditions were perfect. You have to picture this: hot, sunny day, warm water, cruisers running. One comes by with a GREAT wake, which Jesse and I jump, and the guy driving gestures for me to jump right behind the boat where the wake is HUGE! So, I've got three guys up on the bridge egging me on, and three gorgeous MILFs in bikinis at the stern, drinking cocktails and watching me. So what's a guy to do? If you don't throw caution to the wind and go for it in a situation like that then you may as well go buy a 3D.

It was great :biggrin: BIG air, and I watched the world spin over my head as I went round. Now, I'm not saying it was perfect, but I didn't get my hair wet, I landed tail-in first, and I rode away :Banane01: :Banane01:

OK, then I had to go back and see what was up with Jesse who wiped out and may have broken his leg - I dare say we'll hear all about that later.

But I frikkin' rolled!! That was one big wake, and those were teeny bikinis.... :biggthumpup:


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Woo Hoo, What a guy will do when there is "aquatic Wildlife" around.
What ever the motovation. congrats!!! :thewave:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
I didnt see it....but he was WAY to ********ing psyched not to be telling the truth!

I'm walking around on it, justa little sore. I'm hoping for a small crack or just strained or something...little weak, but i can walk fine
Congrats:Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01:
Someday I shall be a member of such an elite club. :hail: :hail:
Was this at McFarland or Wheeler?
I think I found a common denominator in all this leg carnage....Jesse. He was there when you broke yours, he was there when Charles broke his ankle, and of course he was there when he f'd his own up. :sneaky:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
GDFL said:
Congrats:Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01:
Someday I shall be a member of such an elite club. :hail: :hail:
Was this at McFarland or Wheeler?
I think I found a common denominator in all this leg carnage....Jesse. He was there when you broke yours, he was there when Charles broke his ankle, and of course he was there when he f'd his own up. :sneaky:

We were on Wilson Lake hitting cruisers....i plan on going back as soon as im better for BRs...gotta catch up with brit on my aerials:starwars:

Brit was def riding strong today. Cant get over how pumped he got and just threw a roll down.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Well. Went out in Demopolis yesturday with Jason, Casey and Chris....... The SJ lasted all of 3 minutes......... yup......... the black cloud still follows....... Stripped out the driveline again........ Brand new short shaft and drive shaft toast....... New Bearings in Intermediate housing must have seized up causing the splines to strip.........

Well, to make a bad day worse....... I rode the SXR while the crew got 2 boats to throw a double up wake.......... hit it about 3 times and said this is for the birds......... made a decision........ If the SJ is not working, only time I am gonna ride is on the race course, Most likely be August before I can swing the 400.00 for a new drive line....... unless a miricle happens ( or August comes first, bonus time at work)............. And why would I do this........ after seeing Chris throw 3 Backy's I realized that it is just too much to bear!!!!!!!! I headed to the boat ramp and loaded up......... So........

Congrats Adriane and Chris, you both had stellar weekends.........


Congrats on the roll man :hail: :cheer2: You must be stoked, you broke through the wall that opened up a whole new level to your riding. :biggthumpup: Congrats Again!!


So long and thanks for all the fish
Video, we need video, didn't happen unless....

Great job Adrian, I want to see a flatwater backy next!!!


Congrats fellas.... that is one hell of a good feeling when it all comes together...
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

On a side note... I rolled my first fixed steering ski... (24/7 H-X2O conversion) Buttis ski... Landed about 10-15 clean rolls.. It was very easy too... I was gonna roll his B1, but I broke the steering cable warming up and that ended the session sunday...I'm so stoked on rolling a B1 now... It's only a matter time...

the opportunity will arise very soon again...:sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky: :sneaky:
any volunteers?????


Congrats Brit. that is awesome. I will never forget the first one I threw.
:biggthumpup: :thewave:
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