my first little taste of pain


My hound dog is so cute!!
with ketsair

Yesterday was my first attemt at a trick. I was trying to do a bulldog. Jonathan says I got really close a couple of times. I am becoming a prop at face plants off the side of my ski. I made it around and on top of the hood a couple of times, then gunned it (later Jonathan told me you just give it a little trottle, not full). The ski shot out from under and behind me. On the way into the water, I caught my leg on the grip or bars (or something) and got a pretty bruise on my leg.


Thats a purdy one! Looks like my foot from January in Daytona after I hyperexteded it on a stab gone wrong at Ponce Inlet. Keep trying :biggthumpup:


Freelance Smartass
Ahhhh yes !. . . . "The Purple badge of honor" . . . .

Proudly worn by none but the bold ! . . . . . Never awarded to the timid and cautious !

Wear it proudly . . . . . . . :beerchug:


ISJWTA Member #1
Ahhhh yes !. . . . "The Purple badge of honor" . . . .

Proudly worn by none but the bold ! . . . . . Never awarded to the timid and cautious !

Wear it proudly . . . . . . . :beerchug:
she is definatly proud of it...:biggrin: she kept trying for like and hour after she did that!! gotta be proud of the efforts:notworthy: :notworthy:


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
It looks like an upside-down Brontosaurus with its head poking toward your shorts. With feet and everything.


Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Dont feal bad...just a bruise....i racked my nuts about 8 times and couting on one tank of gas....I'll either learn 5050s or not ahve or the other


the taco
that sucks......i did the same dang thing about 3 weeks ago. leg pinned the throttle and ski shot out from underneath me. left a nice bruise about 4" around on my right thigh. I am going to have to hook up with you and jonathan to ride sometime. will be in jeff city this next weekend. pm me if you guys want to get together sometime.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Ask BK about throttles and legs - he tore up the back of his knee pretty bad doing something similar.

That looks like a whopping bruise Mrs K! Welcome to freestyle....


Way cooler than Mark44
Union, Missouri
Call me uninformed....whats a bulldog?

Look at my avatar....bacially leaning over the front part of the ski while still giving it gas then turn the bars quickly in one direction causing the ski to whip around you, you should be riding it backwards on the hood. Then I usually go into a fountain. I am sure someone here may be able to describe it better.

Jessie keep trying!! I can't even begin to describe my injuries from trying stuff. I finally have the bulldog down even from starting from on the hood. You definately need to come up and ride with us before the seasons over....

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I tagged both my thighs earlier this year. I felt like such and arse. I was doing a fountain for my nephew and accidently pegged the gas, ski shot down under water clipping both my thighs with the bars............sadly I was walking funny for like 3 day. Hurt like a biotch! :woot: :cheer:
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