I went with 5200 between the holds and gunwales, rivited them in, 2 layer's of epoxy, scuffed all that up real good, wetted the glass cloth and the surface, and applied. So far it's only one layer, how many layer's should I lay? I still need to order the fiberglass sheet to run from hold to hold across the deck. It's lighter than the stock pole, few issues I have with it are....the welds don't go the whole way around the smaller tubes, you can't use a spring with it, you cant use the stock chinpad, you can't install the piece that keeps the pole up with the little bar. I believe it is shorter than a stock pole also, I didn't measure but the cables look way long now. All in all it seems like an ok pole, but I'll for sure be ordering one from the member who makes them on here or an ac pole. I got the handlebars installed though and I think it's going to look badass with the Blowsion bars and pad.