My Groups Emergency Towing Setup


salty nuts
coastal GA
What if you knock the nose off and need to get towed?? You are pretty much F'ed. For that reason, I put a Stainless tow hook on the underside of the hull the last time I had to pull the gas tank out. Works great and was less than $10. It actually helps keep the nose up more when being towed also.
Somebody coughIdokcough has broken one of those expensive aircraft front loops when towing somebody in at 40mph. :rolleyes: :biggrin:
What if you knock the nose off and need to get towed?? You are pretty much F'ed. For that reason, I put a Stainless tow hook on the underside of the hull the last time I had to pull the gas tank out. Works great and was less than $10. It actually helps keep the nose up more when being towed also.
Somebody coughIdokcough has broken one of those expensive aircraft front loops when towing somebody in at 40mph. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

i did, but it was frayed when I got it.......I wanted to put it to the test....:cool2: (it didnt hold up)...good for flatwater, no good for big surf

then scott broke his as well...a few weeks later

butti as well has a SS ring under the nose, I like that idea....just kinda forgot about it when my boat was all tore apart....

loops and ropes should be mandatory....if you dont have them, you put others at, if your just riding around on an empty biggie.....

but in the surf, it could be a life or death situation, or could cause you to lose your boat into rocks/sinkage..whatever.....

not to mention every minute floating you are just BAIT
oh, mark's right as well...there should always be more than 1 rope on the water.....

we have broken a few, I lost one once when I was attempting to lock on and got rolled by a wave....

and carabiners break/bend on occaision...


Creative RE Purchasing
I have always ridden with a rope, but just under the hood. I want it to be more accessible. But I will admit to not even thinking about tow loops before... but thats why I have ordered a set already.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
WR500 support boat works as the tow truck
wrap a tow rope around the handlebar
havent had to use it yet, but it is always around (usually with one of my kids on it!)


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
For the front of the ski I have a piece of 3/8" nylon rope that is about 20" long (doubled up). There are 2 knots, one near the bow eye for towing & trailering and one at the end of the rope for pulling the ski off the beach. It flops around in the air sometimes but saves your back when the tide's gone out.:biggrin:


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
Here's a pic. Note the rope in front; you never notice it when riding.

DON'T use a long rope in back; you can hook your foot in it !


  • BR Daytona 07 Cropped 2.JPG
    BR Daytona 07 Cropped 2.JPG
    434.8 KB · Views: 73


Creative RE Purchasing
Can anyone that has a blowsion or any other companies extinquisher relocation bracket please take/post pictures of it in detail. 'Crocket here on the board said he would be interested in making some for me and my buddies that would be cheaper than the blowsion one.


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
I have on of those tie down eylets you linked to in the first post. Its thick but it is still plastic, I dunno if I would rely on one to tow a ski. My ski came with a small extinguisher in it. So In my fire extinguisher compartment I have
fire extinguisher
tow rope
plug wrench
and registration.

None of the O'siders have tow loops. :bigeyes:

Mabey Idok sould buy a more reliable ski, then you wont need to be towed so much.:biggrin: (ducking and running)

Just a joke, but seriously
What if you knock the nose off and need to get towed?? You are pretty much F'ed. For that reason, I put a Stainless tow hook on the underside of the hull the last time I had to pull the gas tank out. Works great and was less than $10. It actually helps keep the nose up more when being towed also.
Somebody coughIdokcough has broken one of those expensive aircraft front loops when towing somebody in at 40mph. :rolleyes: :biggrin:

I first saw that on butti's ski and thought it was one of the best ideas I have seen. I liked it so much that the custom ski I'm building now doesn't even have the traditional bow eye at all. It's only going to have the SS bow loop setup. It's almost a no brainer mod if you ever have the waterbox out.

cambo au

i play in the surf all the time and i must say a tow rope is a nececity but i dont use a loop i use rope that has a beaner spliced on each end i fold the rope in half push it up through the bow eye and clip the beaner through the loop
when i made this set up all my mates said it was a stupid idea just learn a bow line now they all use the beaner system
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