My LSFR Recap


Tues night
Will shows up to the house Doesn't take much to talk me in to leaving Wed afternoon
Finish ski and pack

Leave my house at 1pm go run some last min crap
Daniel calls and says he leaving when his wife gets home
Meet Will in Waco
Long story short 1 Head light, 2 Wall Marts,13 hrs later were on the Beach
(usally 8.5 hrs )
Thats were we meet up with THE WIND

The Wind was there to greet us and some blown out 5-6 surf
Daniel shows up Unloads,Levels the Boogie Box. High tide comes tells him to move
I get to hear the infamous I Told you so from his wife.
He gets a call from Deznuts and leaves to go a wreck site about 30 min away Were D's
ski ended up in the back of a car Every-one was Ok .It was some punks fualt.
I will leave you hangin on the details Pics to come im sure.
The one thing Dez says is "air bags do save lives I couldn't drag him out to beat his azz cuz the side curtain air bag had gone off"
Daniel gets back,Dez get there
Surf cleans up enough to have a great couple of sessions (head high on the back set )
The four us tore it up
I of course found out a Rikter will Pearl
Daniel was throwing huge rolls and Backies perfect as always (i hate youth and talent).
Will Threw his first Backy that he has rode out of And going big on the under flip.
Dez was on my red ski Trying to get his feet in my tiny footwells

Our friend the Wind was still there
Surf was brutally blown out ,back set was head high
We still rode all day getting the crap beat out of us
Daniel,Will,Dez were throwing down a ariel attack
All I can say is Land you Chit and run a way or get ready for a beating
Went out for a last little ride Sea Weed decieded to join our party
We got a huge amount in about 30 min it was a trip

Our friend the Wind was there again to greet me in the morning
It was good to see some old friends and make some new ones
Ride some crazy blown out crappy surf that was over head and stacking
It cleaned up a little in the afternoon The back set was really fun and big
I forget the lession about Pearling a few more times But was putting the Rickter in places I would never consider on a RN.I LOVE that ski in the surf
I decieded to throw one last roll of the ride.It was really ugly, ski landed on the face of the wave behind it I landed about 6 feet from it.I saw my ski goig over the fall right at me I ducked dove the best I could with gear on.Luckly the next beast took me to my ski and the expert rescue by Daniel was on.Thanks for saving my ski in that crap.
Got the water out and It lived for another day.
All in all
1 ski in the back of a car
3 skis took a drink of water but lived to ride again
1 broken steering nozzle
1 bbq pit run over by truck
1 trailer door with sprung hinges

I packed up Sat night and drove to San Marcus got a hot shower and a bed
Had great time as always Saw some great rideing and some crazy hard hits
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Azle, Texas
I had a blast, good seeing/meeting everyone from The Austin crew, Houston, SA and even a few from Kansas...great time!

Now time to clean sand out of my A$$!

Well that was certainly interesting for me,being the first time down there, had a great time, but that WIND, and salt spray. It wears you down real quick.
It amazed me how you guys could ride that stuff, I saw right away experience is needed, lol. Those were killer waves on the back set, I saw some that must have been 10 ft. And they sure came quick.
Sure glad Skinny didn't lose the Rickter, that was a nasty get-off. Wish we had it on video. Also saw Daniel do a huge flip, seemed like he was in the air for 5 seconds. I had a good view from the top of the RV.


'03 SJ
Highlights for me:

Watching Will throw some huge back flips Friday at sunset.
Watching Daniel throw nonstop barrel rolls and back flips all weekend. Awesome riding right there.
Meeting everyone.
Eating some of Skinnyman's steak. Thanks again.
Riding on some of the biggest waves I have ever seen.
My girl rode the blaster in the surf for the first time and did great. Now she's hooked which is great for me.
The Gatos all shredding the back set of monster waves.

The Lowlights:

WIND. Effing relentless.
Sea Lice. Solved that problem by going to the surf shop and getting a wetsuit.
Seeing Will's face on Sunday. Glad you are okay bro.


Seeing Will's face on Sunday. Glad you are okay bro.[/QUOTE]

He is not allowed to go the bar with out a helmet
Glad it will all heal with out issues


'03 SJ
I also gotta thank Smoofers, he has helped me sooo much.

We took some pics, waiting for my girl to email them to me and I will upload some.

Best we can figure Will got beat down by some bouncers after they threw him out. By the looks of it one of them punted him in the eye. He had a friend with him that stayed in the bar. Shame on you dude, never leave your wingman.
We saw Will going in as we were coming out Sat nite. Guess it went down after that? He just didn't have a good weekend. Something happened to him when he floated down the beach about a mile? Ski broke down?
I had a great time and a long drive.
Thursday: Got off work and left at 4 in the morning got there at about midnight or so...wind was already blowing..
Friday: Rode for the first time in surf seemed to do ok seems alot harder than it looks. Got burned bad. Wind never stopped.. Pancaked trying a backie and ripped a shoe.
Saturday: rode some more and got beat on the whole day the wind and waves wouldnt stop... Pealed skin on my forhead and couldnt wear the helmet any more but didnt quit riding.
Sunday: Ended up leaving around noonish and headed to new branfels. Road with chris, tim, sid, and acouple others. Had a blast getting out of that wind. Ended up leaving around 530 to 6 and got home around 8 this mornign but took a nap half way back and stopped at the casino....

Over all im ready to move down there or get a job that gets me down there more and ride with alot more people than we have here.. Drive was long but was well worth it..
So did will make it out ok? did he make it home or what?
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