My own business?

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
But can you complain being rich?:fing02:

I have a lot of interests...but I dont want to take my hobby and turn it into a job, then it is a job...not a hobby.


This statement is very true jet sking was way more fun before I started working on them for a living.:thumbsdown:


The Good Old Days
There is also a big difference between me and a cad guy too. I hold the clients hand, I respond to reviewer comments, I get the job out on time, I answer the contractors questions, I do all the engineering calculations and design work. Hell, I train the young engineers. In a company meeting the director of engineering tells everyone I'm their best designer and to come to me with questions.

All that to make less than a kid in his 20's with a degree.

Ever try talking to your boss about getting a degree with the companys help ?
Could be a win win.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Ever try talking to your boss about getting a degree with the companys help ?
Could be a win win.

I'm working for another company now and just started going to college for the first time this week. I should be working on my history homework right now. :cool:
I was just talking to the owner of the sheet metal shop next to our shop. And his guys get paid out the wazoo... He has 10 employees and the minimum annual salary is 75K. His "fab" guy builds stuff around the shop and makes the same. No degree just OJT. We are working on getting me a job over there :biggrin:

So if you are thinking about working with metal look into the sheet metal industry. Quite a bit of money there for playing with metal. (You can make more, sure but for a construction job that is great.)

But do what you like. Money is not what makes you happy. And if your not living by the principals of Dave Ramsey OR on any kind of financial budget at your age you should look into it. I WISH I would have started living like this 20 years ago. I would be retired now.. :woot::woot:
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