My ski's were stolen.

Guy_A is getting my chinpad back to me. He seems like an ok dude that got caught in the middle more and more. This other guy is a total thief though. I hope the prosecutor decides to press charges. I'll probably dox his business out of spite too. Maybe. I'm trying to be a better person but I keep getting screwed. First my truck got stolen then the skis. At least I got them back this time
Keep in mind if he's a business owner and a thief, he's probably doing half a$$ed work and screwing the customer over. I hate shady business practices. I told a guy off once because he thought he could sell a ski that he had me try to repair. It belonged to his son, his son bought it and asked me to try and repair it. When I eventually found the air leak I said I have a complete gasket set I'm willing to donate along with my time because he was just a young lad that clearly got hosed on the deal. He said at this point go ahead, if it still doesn't work out then it is what it is. His dad comes down to see me pulling the motor and finding everything possible on the ski was a junk job, muffed up beyond repair. He says you know we could have put it at the end of the driveway and sold it. I said not with my hands in it you're not. I'm not going to let you tell people I worked on it then they try to repair it and find what I am. I said you have a business yeah? The name is posted at the end of your you want that reputation of being shady and selling known junk to people for personal gain? He relented and said yeah, we're not that kind of family. I said good, I'll still help him recover some money by parting out what's salvageable and send him the money. He spent $3,500 on it, between the trailer and everything I could sell he recovered about $2,000. While still at a loss his son was really appreciative that he got most of his loss back. If his dad were to say put it back together and we're selling it as is, I would have totally made sure people knew about it because it would have destroyed my reputation too and I have a good one with the local Yamaha dealer. They call me in when they get 2 stroke jobs because they know they can rely on me to represent them well. That guy you're dealing with is a criminal and a fraud if he promoted himself as an honest business. He needs to be exposed and stop screwing over people that already have a hard time making ends meet. If his business tanks as a result, that's the price he gets to pay for being a criminal.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Shady people do shady stuff , I had a guy bring me a Seadoo to program the key up on, I did , it had no spark , he declined to fix it , a few months later I get a call from someone else, it's the same ski, he bought it at an auction without a key , so they took the key out so it wouldn't start and sold it as just needing a key , the guy they sold it to worked at the auction and he took action against the first guy , not sure how that panned out.
I couldn't live with myself if I sold known junk as good. I don't know how people like that can look themselves in the mirror. The mind tricks you'd have to play on yourself would eat me alive. I can be a total ass and I'm not perfect by any means, but I could never f* someone over by selling trash or stealing their stuff out right.


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Sacramento Delta
Jesus did not come to Earth to die on the cross to redeem our sins because people are "basically good."

The core belief of Christianity is that people are basically bad.

I.e., are "sinners."

No one deserves the "benefit of the doubt." Make sure the people in your life "earn your respect."

Understand that Righteousness is a rare commodity.

Avoid those who do not have it.

Actively look for righteousness in the people you meet.

And throughout your life, recognize it and honor it when you see it.
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Ebay is littered with parts that are complete junk, stuff that I throw away so I guess there is a market for junk somewhere, you know what they say there is one born every minute .

I sent two out the door last week , the guy traded a good running ATV for two skis that you know just need batteries and the carbs cleaned , both engines were stuck , both had severe damage on one piston , one had a locked up jet pump , the other a swollen pump liner, corrosion all over the place and a Flawed Duh plate on a nasty galvanized trailer and who knows what else .

I don't work for free anymore and try as I might to talk him out of it he insisted that I tear into them further , so I did , I charged him $200.00 for my time and he left with two very broken disassembled skis.

Bottom line so people will do you really dirty if you are stupid enough to let them.
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Ebay is littered with parts that are complete junk, stuff that I throw away so I guess there is a market for junk somewhere, you know what they say there is one born every minute .

I sent two out the door last week , the guy traded a good running ATV for two skis that you know just need batteries and the carbs cleaned , both engines were stuck , both had severe damage on one piston , one had a locked up jet pump , the other a swollen pump liner, corrosion all over the place and a Flawed Duh plate on a nasty galvanized trailer and who knows what else .

I don't work for free anymore and try as I might to talk him out of it he insisted that I tear into them further , so I did , I charged him $200.00 for my time and he left with two very broken disassembled skis.

Bottom line so people will do you really dirty if you are stupid enough to let them.
Reminds me of my first superjet, me, a dumb as hell 15 year old know it all.. All stock 650 squarenose, back when you could get those for $1000. Ski starts up cold in the driveway, no apparent issues. Buy it, take it to the water and have major issues getting it to run under load. Lo and behold, 30 PSI in the front cylinder, piston and cylinder are trashed, because I trusted the guy and didn't even think about a compression test. I contact the seller, he willingly gives me money for a shortblock basically not questioning what happened at all. After all that was said and done, I hear through the grapevine from a local powersports mechanic that knew the ski, that the seller knew all along it was trashed despite seemingly running fine on the trailer. Got lucky big time here that the guy felt guilty he sold a junk ski to a kid when he could have told me to pound sand or blocked my number. I was working at DQ at the time man lmao, I didn't have money for this. He ended up doing the right thing in the end, but does he deserve benefit of the doubt? He knew what he was doing.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I go out of my way to make everything right before I sell a ski, I invite them to meet up and water test it before they buy it , if something like the gas gauge or speedometer does not work I make sure they know before I sell it , I don't think I have ever had one come back after I sold it.

That being said I don't take checks on used skis ever , there are people out there that are just plain stupid and will run a ski out of oil or sink it then stop payment on you.

I loaned out two skis to customers while theirs were in for repair , one came back with a damaged top end because they ran it out of oil, the other came back with the rod out the side of the block, both were Waverunner lll's , both 701's , I don't lend out skis anymore because people are basically stupid and Jet skis tend to bring out the stupidity in people..


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Indiana, USA
Jet skis are easy to licorice up. I sold a ski to a friend, we knew it didn't charge and he pulled the RAD Charging Wheel to replace a stator, in doing so I think he accidentally cracked the fw, didn't notice, and then he was chasing a no spark issue for a week or so. poop sucks and especially when you've just sold the ski to a friend.

He got it fixed tho so all good.
This will probably wrap it up, becauase I got my stuff back and I'm tired of dealing with it. Apperently this might be the fault of the storage place. Its come out that the skis werent in the rental file along with the boat, so an employee's negligence in failing to update the file may very well have caused all this.

What I do know is guy_A ended up being a decent guy. I do feel bad for him because guy_B is still shady. (He has ghosted guy_A and wont give him his money back so he essentially stole 1k from guy_A.

As far as the storage unit goes goes going after them would require a lawayer and i just dont think Its worth bothering at this point.


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I couldn't live with myself if I sold known junk as good. I don't know how people like that can look themselves in the mirror. The mind tricks you'd have to play on yourself would eat me alive. I can be a total ass and I'm not perfect by any means, but I could never f* someone over by selling trash or stealing their stuff out right.
I watched a kid, in my own licoriceing shop try to sell a Tahoe lm7 with a blown head gasket and lifter tick. He told this dude it was manifold leak blah blah. I had literally just got back from a long day, this kid was like a friend of a friend and just hung around the shop. He was a moron, I never paid attention to him. The DAD who almost bought the truck went to use the bathroom and the kid selling the truck pointed at the bathroom and mouthed something like “the guys an idiot” then made money hand signs. I actually almost put a hole through my roof and it wasn’t an uncagged tire. I couldn’t and still can’t fathom that this kid thought lying was part of the deal process. Dude was informed not to purchase the truck.

That very scene caused me to ban hanging out or drinking / bsing at my shop after hours. No home projects either, I went scorched earth. That was almost a decade ago and I’m glad I made that choice. Just remembering that makes me mad

People suck
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