Need a little help

I have a 1996 SJ RN with a 62T motor in it. I put a used Riva/Factory pipe on it. I jetted the stock carbs to 142.5 mians and 72.5 piolts. High speeds are at 1/2 turn and low speeds are at 1 full turn. it has Tue-chine (not sure how to spell it) air filters. Here is where the problem comes in the ski ran great for about 3 minutes then loaded up and wont rev. up and run right seems to be bogged down for some reason. I thought there might be somethin wrong with the fuel system so I double checked it it's correct. I also pulled the cars apart they are clean and correct. I pulled the reeds they are good to. Below is how a routed the water. Motor has 155 PSI of compersson on bolth cylinders. can anyone help me?


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So long and thanks for all the fish
Bogged down, like it's hitting a rev limiter or just really smokey/loaded up with gas or cutting out?
really smoky/loaded up with gas. When you turn off the gas and it starts to run out of fuel it runs good but then it runs out of fuel. its jetted a little rich according to FP they reccomend 140 and 70. I would think the slightly higher jet would be ths issue or am I wrong?
fix it right

The mains are supposed to be 135. The high speed mixture screw is supposed to be adjusted to 1 and 1 half turns out and the low speed screw is supposed to be 1 and one quarter turn out. If you put them like that it will run good. I have had several blasters and superjets and they all run good at the settings shown on factory pipe website. You were looking at the numbers for a single carb set up. Also the adjustments are hard to read on the factory pipe site but they actually are as I listed above. Dont fool around with the pop off untill you set it right and try it. It was probably starving for air as the setting you started out with was off. Pilot jet is recommended to be stock I think it is 70.
Not to look un greatful but this is direct off the FP web site:

1996-Up dual carb
Install the Main Jet: 140
Pilot Jet: 75
High speed screw: ½ turn out from closed
Low speed screw: 1 turn out from closed
Needle & Seat: Stock
Spring: Stock

Where you finding your information?

You are reading the info for the wrong pipe or year ski. The factory pipe info for a 96 and up superjet shows 135 main jets and stock pilots. Also look at the setting for the air screws and it is actually 1 and one half not 1half turn. That would make a big difference. Do what you want but call factory pipe and ask them if you still think you are right. The low speed screw is to be set at 1 and one quarter. Not to sound like an expert but check it again.
Sdiddy I called factory pipe and they said that the jetting I put in is correct.

But I ttok your advice and installed you r jetting and it runs exactly the same.

It acts like its on the rev limiter from about 1/4 throttle on even on the hose on the trailer.


So long and thanks for all the fish
You need to check the overheat switch then. It will limit it to 2800rpms if triggered, or if the wires are shorted.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Yep, just disconnect the wires and put some tape on them so they don't touch anything.

As a second check, start the ski and connect the wires to simulate an overheat condition and see if it runs differently.
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