- Location
- Birmingham, Alabama, United States
I have a 1996 SJ RN with a 62T motor in it. I put a used Riva/Factory pipe on it. I jetted the stock carbs to 142.5 mians and 72.5 piolts. High speeds are at 1/2 turn and low speeds are at 1 full turn. it has Tue-chine (not sure how to spell it) air filters. Here is where the problem comes in the ski ran great for about 3 minutes then loaded up and wont rev. up and run right seems to be bogged down for some reason. I thought there might be somethin wrong with the fuel system so I double checked it it's correct. I also pulled the cars apart they are clean and correct. I pulled the reeds they are good to. Below is how a routed the water. Motor has 155 PSI of compersson on bolth cylinders. can anyone help me?