Need help with chasing down an air leak


Grand Rapids, MI
Where is the idle adjuster? Sorry, how many turns out is the low speed screw?

The low speed screw is 1-1/2 turns out.
The idle screw is uncomfortably high. It has to be that way to keep it running in the water. It's NOT where I want it to be on the trailer. I would say the idle screw is about 3 turns in from contact with the throttle shaft plate.

I'm thinking that it won't start well because the plates aren't closed far enough to allow the tiny little bit of suction the engine is producing to pull fuel through the low speed hole.

I e-mailed Tim at NOVI about that this morning.


Grand Rapids, MI
Well, no reply back from Tim yet, so I decided to fiddle around some more. After my changes last night, I wonder why I don't have more faith in myself. I went back to my original jetting that I had looooooong before the first air leak was discovered (the pulse fitting). HUGE difference on the trailer. Here's where they were on Saturday when I ran a tank through it, but could hardly start it, and struggled with idle:
Low - 125
High - 115
Seat - 2.3
Spring - 115g (24psi pop off)

Last night I changed to what I had in it back in May (before I fixed 7 seperate air leaks):
Low - 115
High - 100
Seat - 2.3
Spring - 65g (14 psi pop-off)

With that I could set the idle screw around 1-1/2 turns out, and the low speed screws to 1 turn out. With the other settings I was 3 turns on the idle screw and 1-1/2 on the low speeds. I'll have a much better idea on how it runs when I get it wet on Saturday, but it hasn't run this good on the trailer ever! There is a normal amount of smoke when I give it a full throttle blast, and it comes right back down to idle. I let it idle for abour 3 minutes while I put my tools away, then gave it a full throttle blast and it was super crisp - no loading up like it was doing with the previous settings. If this will make it start and idle well in the lake, I'll be extatic!

These are the settings that I ended up at when I tuned these carbs on a limited 701 and they were super clean on that thing. If they work perfectly on my 793 then I may have found the happy spot for the carbs.

So, since it's working properly (on the trailer) that means SuperJETT doesn't have to ship me his 44's for this weekend!


Grand Rapids, MI
I ran a tank through it on Saturday. This thing is soooo freaking crisp and clean! The power is exactly what I want. I was able to try a bunch of backflips, and I'm convinced the boat can do it, but I need to get my technique nailed. Now, even though it runs great, it will NOT idle for more than 20 seconds. Once it dies, it won't start unless your leaned over on the exhaust side, and feathering the throttle a little. My frustration is at an all time high. I'm hoping to try a set of 44's on it next weekend (or whenever SuperJETT can fire them off to me).

The jetting ended up at:
Low - 110
High - 100
Seat - 2.3
Spring - 65g (yielding 14 psi)

So, now what do I do?


Grand Rapids, MI
any updates?

Nothing has changed. I’m just riding it and dealing with the hard starting/bad idle. I found that if I lean it to the exhaust side, and get the exhaust outlet above water, It starts up instantly. I’ve just been doing that and riding it. I’ll be riding flat water this weekend, so I might re-jet the low jet and see what difference that makes. I’m still fouling plugs. I’ve fouled three (3) BR8-EV plugs in the last 5 tanks of fuel. It sure as heck doesn’t feel rich, but the piston crowns and plugs are dry black – not a nice golden brown.

I also just put on a stock length ride plate, so I’m curious as to how that will help the handling. With the shortened plate, the nose just felt way too light for me, and it took a lot of forward leaning to get on plane.

The lakes are starting to get icy around here, so I’m not sure I have too many weekends left to fiddle with this monster.
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