Well, no reply back from Tim yet, so I decided to fiddle around some more. After my changes last night, I wonder why I don't have more faith in myself. I went back to my original jetting that I had looooooong before the first air leak was discovered (the pulse fitting). HUGE difference on the trailer. Here's where they were on Saturday when I ran a tank through it, but could hardly start it, and struggled with idle:
Low - 125
High - 115
Seat - 2.3
Spring - 115g (24psi pop off)
Last night I changed to what I had in it back in May (before I fixed 7 seperate air leaks):
Low - 115
High - 100
Seat - 2.3
Spring - 65g (14 psi pop-off)
With that I could set the idle screw around 1-1/2 turns out, and the low speed screws to 1 turn out. With the other settings I was 3 turns on the idle screw and 1-1/2 on the low speeds. I'll have a much better idea on how it runs when I get it wet on Saturday, but it hasn't run this good on the trailer ever! There is a normal amount of smoke when I give it a full throttle blast, and it comes right back down to idle. I let it idle for abour 3 minutes while I put my tools away, then gave it a full throttle blast and it was super crisp - no loading up like it was doing with the previous settings. If this will make it start and idle well in the lake, I'll be extatic!
These are the settings that I ended up at when I tuned these carbs on a limited 701 and they were super clean on that thing. If they work perfectly on my 793 then I may have found the happy spot for the carbs.
So, since it's working properly (on the trailer) that means SuperJETT doesn't have to ship me his 44's for this weekend!