You will need to buy a oil pump block off plate. If you look down the front of the engine you will see the little pump. Just unbolt it and put the plate in its place. Make sure you cap the inlet on the intake and you are ready for premix.
Congrats on the buy. Let the fun begin.
Does the ski have any mods? A scoop grate, impeller of choice, and 0* bars would be a great start. Remember to let the ski do all the work. A lot of beginners wear themselves out trying to work to hard. Other than that my only tip is get out there and ride. The more you do the better you get.Thank you.... any tips on these ski's... Seems like you like old school Kaw's stand up's...
Does the ski have any mods? A scoop grate, impeller of choice, and 0* bars would be a great start. Remember to let the ski do all the work. A lot of beginners wear themselves out trying to work to hard. Other than that my only tip is get out there and ride. The more you do the better you get.
Nice ski
I am with Steve on this one. It took a few hours to get used to the finger throttle on my SJ but I can do both now without thinking about it. It is not worth the trouble to change.Oh, you can keep your thumb throttle.